$100 for Containment Permit
A new law signed by Governor Quinn enacts several new fees for services provided by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. The only fee impacting ag retailers is a new $100 containment permit fee to be paid once every five years when the permit renews or when a new permit is requested. The IDA has mailed out a fee invoice to facilities that have a containment permit renewing this year. IFCA supported the fee increase because of our concerns that without additonal revenue to the IDA, the number of inspectors serving our industry would be reduced due to state budget cuts, making permit renewals and new permits more difficult to obtain and also jeopardizing the integrity of the agrichemical facility inspection program. Keeping a sound state inspection program is critical in order to protect these programs from being turned over to USEPA for inspection and enforcement. Companies who register pesticides for sale in Illinois will also pay an additional $100 for each chemical registered, and the fee for a private applicator pesticide license (for farmers) will increase $10. If you have questions please contact Jean Payne.