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Results273 articles found. |
New IFCA DirectoriesAll dues paying members of the IFCA should receive the new 2013/2014 IFCA membership directory in the coming days. Thanks to all the advertisers who help make this Directory possible! If you have any questions about the Directory, please contact our office. |
$100 for Containment PermitA new law signed by Governor Quinn enacts several new fees for services provided by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. The only fee impacting ag retailers is a new $100 containment permit fee to be paid once every five years when the permit renews or when a new permit is requested. The IDA has mailed out a fee invoice to facilities that have a containment permit renewing this year. IFCA supported the fee increase because of our concerns that without additonal revenue to the IDA, the number of inspectors serving our industry would be reduced due to state ... |
2009 MSDS Books Now AvailableOnce again the Asmark Institute is offering the MSDS books for IFCA members. There are many good sources of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for pesticides, however the unusual or hard-to-get items such as oxygen, acetylene, fuels, fertilizers, welding rods, micronutrients, paints, grain treatments, spray additives and cleaning supplies typically make maintaining a current MSDS file a real chore. The 2009 MSDS manual, published by the Asmark Institute, is designed especially for Ag Retailers and contains 1,880 pages of information for more than 1,025 products. OSHA requires each employer to maintain a current file for the ... |
2010 Ammonia SchoolsThe first anhydrous ammonia school is being offered on January 20th at the IFCA Convention in Peoria. The schedule for other classes throughout the state is posted on the IFCA homepage at Watch for a registration flyer later this month and call Kevin Runkle if you have any questions about the requirements for ammonia training. |
2010 Online MAGIE Registration Open FridayDon’t forget to mark your calendars for the 2010 MAGIE show. MAGIE is the largest outdoor equipment show in the country that offers the latest in state of the art equipment and technology designed specifically for ag retailers. The 2010 MAGIE show is August 18 and 19 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, IL. Online registration for MAGIE will be available Friday, July 2. Cost of registration for MAGIE is $12 prior to August 3, after that the fee to attend is $15. IFCA members should have already received the MAGIE brochure and registration form in the mail. If you ... + 12 more file |
2011 IFCA ConventionPlease mark your calendards for January 18-20, 2011 for the IFCA Convention in Peoria, IL. The Convention Committee and IFCA staff is working on the program and potential exhibitors will receive a packet in the next few weeks. Mark your calendar for this can't miss industry event! |
2011 IFCA Convention and Trade ShowIFCA would like to thank all the members and exhibitors for attending the 2011 Annual Convention and Trade Show. We had great attendance and positive feedback from members regarding this week’s show. We will be posting some of the presentations to the website for anyone interested in reviewing some of the presentations from the show. |
2011 IFCA Golf OutingsThis year, IFCA will be hosting three golf outings. Thursday, July 28 at the WIU Golf Course in Macomb, IL is the first outing followed by Oak Ridge Golf Course in Seneca, IL on Thursday, August 4 and Scovill Golf Course in Decatur, IL on Thursday August 11. You should have received the registration brochure by now but if you have not, please contact Leslie Forrest at the IFCA office. |
2013 Yield Challenge Registration OpenThe Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) invites soybean growers across Illinois to take part in the 2013 Yield Challenge. The ISA Yield Challenge provides growers a platform to test innovative crop management strategies and technologies that could help boost yields. Results from the past three years have consistently generated valuable data and provided growers with the opportunities to share information. Click here to register for the 2013 Yield Challenge. The fee to register is $25 |
41 Years Without a Lost Time AccidentCongratulations to the employees of CF Industries' Ammonia Terminal in Seneca, Illinois. They just celebrated 15,000 days without a lost time injury. Get out your calculator--that's 41 years! Wow. CF celebrated this milestone with a recognition lunch for the current and past employees of the facililty on August 26 in Morris. On behalf of the entire fertilizer industry, thank you for all you do to keep ammonia a viable, efficient and safe source of nitrogen for Illinois farmers. |
4R Field Day on Oct 23 & New MRTN GuideOn Tuesday, October 23 IFCA is hosting a 4R Field Day in Auburn, Illinois. The agenda includes the latest nutrient research outcomes from the 2018 season, an update from the City of Springfield on the health of Lake Springfield and water quality, and an in-field demonstration of fall fertility and tillage recommendations. There is no cost to attend the event thanks to the sponsors, who are listed on the agenda here. To RSVP, please email or call our office at 309.827.2774. The event runs from 8:30 to 2:00 pm with lunch included, and CEU credits in nutrient management ... |
80,000 Highway Access in Jan 2010Illinois agriculture achieved a victory when Gov Quinn signed legislation allowing 80,000 lbs highway access on most state roads. The Illinois Farm Bureau has prepared an excellent fact sheet on the new law which is posted at Please note that while access is improved, the fines for being overweight after January 1, 2010 will DOUBLE. |
80,000 lbs Access Coming SoonThe capitol bill that Governor Quinn signed a few days ago contains a provision to grant 80,000 lbs access to all Illinois roads. The exceptions are structures like bridges or culverts that are not rated or inspected for those weights. Township officials can also still post roads for freeze or thaw. The 80,000 lbs provision goes into effect January 1, 2010. This is a provision that the agriculture lobby has been working to secure for about as long as we can remember. |
80,000 Pound Access Almost a RealityThe capital plan to fund infrastructure projects in Illinois is sitting on Governor Quinn's desk. It contains a provision to provide 80,000 lbs access on Illinois roads. Yes, it's true! It also contains language to make our interstates a uniform 65 mph speed limit for cars and trucks. The trade-offs include hikes in liquor taxes and increases in various vehicle licensing, title and registration fees. The fines for running overweight (over 80,000 lbs) would also double. The Governor has not yet signed the bill as he continues to urge the General Assembly ... |
A Can't Miss ConventionThe IFCA Convention is Jan 18-20, 2011 at the Peoria Civic Center. The registration brochures will go out in about a week. We have 10 hours of CCA credits available during the convention and a thought-provoking general session on the nutrient management challenges facing Illinois. If you sell fertilizer, you need to be there because life as we know it regarding fertilizer use is changing rapidly and the government is looking to our industry to lead the way in nutrient stewardship. Learn about it all at convention! |
A Can't Miss Convention!January 8th is the deadline for pre-registration for the IFCA convention. Just go to and click on Convention to register on-line. Attached is the full convention schedule filled with great speakers on a wide range of timely topics. We have a full house with the trade show and some great hospitality events planned for the night of January 20th. Escape the cold weather and winter doldrums and enjoy the warmth of our industry at the IFCA convention! There are 12 hours of CEU credits available, and if you want to give your office ... |
A Fair Map for IllinoisThere is an important effort underway to ensure that the legislative districts of Illinois are assigned in a manner that is fair and impartial. It's called the "Illinois Fair Map Amendment." This effort is attempting to take the drawing of Illinois' legislative districts away from legislators and put it in the hands of an independent commission that is fair, impartial and the process open to the public. It will take 500,000 signatures of registered voters in Illinois to put a measure on the November 2010 ballot to remove the redistricting process from the legislature and put it ... |
A New Day In IllinoisWe look forward to helping Governor Pat Quinn face the challenges that Illinois has accumulated over the past several years. While serving as Lt. Governor, Mr. Quinn has been a strong advocate for downstate Illinois and supports agriculture and our rural communities. We also look forward to working with IDA Director Tom Jennings to assure the continued cooperation between the Department of Ag and our industry with regard to our regulatory programs and compliance obligations. Our sector of the industry was impacted by several fund sweeps and we now need to address how to recover and ... |
A Successful MAGIE!We'd like to thank all of our exhibitors and those who attended MAGIE last week. The show was a great success with an exceptionally large crowd on Wednesday. Special thanks to the MAGIE committee and IFCA board member volunteers who put in long hours to make the show run so smoothly! The dates for MAGIE 2011 are August 24-25, 2011. |
Advice on Fuel RefundsIf you burn clear, taxable diesel fuel in your floaters or pesticide applicators, you must clearly state on the refund form the description of these vehicles. The IL Dept of Revenue has recently rejected several refunds because the refund forms only described the equipment with the model number or simply as a "sprayer." The exemption that IFCA fought to secure for our industry back in 2001 only applies to self-propelled implements of husbandry equipped with flotation tires. Recently IDOR rejected several claims for pesticide applicators arguing that the tires are not "flotation." IFCA has met with ... |
Aerial Application - 2008You cannot afford to miss the session on Wednesday, January 23 at the IFCA convention on aerial application issues. The IL Dept of Ag is changing the licensing requirements for out of state aerial applicators to ensure that they are linked to an existing, Illinois permitted aerial containment facility. In addition, more changes might be in store for 2009. To learn first-hand about this new requirement and to get your questions answered, sign up for the IFCA convention! If you also want to learn first-hand from the major manufacturers what to expect with regard to fertilizer price, supply and logistics issues that ... |
After the Ammonia ReleaseIFCA would like to thank our members who handed out the emergency response cards to farmers and helped to train them on the procedures to follow if a reportable release of ammonia occurs. There were several incidents this year in which farmers did make the phone calls to IEMA, the National Response Center and the LEPC because it occurred when he was in control of the product. In some cases, the Illinois EPA is now following up with these farmers, sending them an "Incident Inquiry Letter" in order to gather more information on the incident.&... |
Ag Retailers: A Responsible IndustryThe Fertilizer Institute (TFI) prepared a very professional, short video that illustrates the commitment that ag retailers have toward safety, security, emergency response and regulatory compliance. IFCA member Chad Lau of Burroughs Ag, also a volunteer firefighter, is featured in the video. We recommend that you provide a link to this video on your company website and help spread the word that our industry is committed to stewardship and compliance in all aspects of what we do. Click to access the video or go to |
Ag Safety Head Start ProgramIFCA, in partnership with the Asmark Institute is offering a training curriculum for Illinois community college students enrolled in agriculture programs. The Head Start Program helps prepare them for work at agricultural retail facilities. “One thing missing in the agricultural workforce is a variety of young, talented and properly trained individuals prepared to enter the ag retail industry” stated Allen Summers, President of the Asmark Institute. “If we can assist by offering agricultural students basic safety training, then we help the industry by preparing the next generation for a career in the ag retail ... |
Ammonia and Propane, Wallet CardsUnless you are very careful and follow all protocols, IFCA recommends against converting nurse tanks from ammonia to propane service and then back to ammonia. Ammonia and nitrogen stabilizers have a tendency to react to any foreign materials, including propane and water that can be present in the tank. Given the difficulty in repairing nurse tanks and the scarcity of R stamp welders who are the only ones certified to repair tanks, it makes sense to keep the tanks dedicated to one product only. For a list of R stamp welders in Illinois, go to www.ifca.... |
Ammonia Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams Required by PSMAs the October 1, 2016 compliance deadline for the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) rules nears, one of the things that you must have in place is a Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) of your ammonia storage system. The P&ID as well as a block flow diagram of your installation benefits your employees as well as contractors in understanding your ammonia process. The Asmark Institute offers a service that can create P&IDs as well as a block flow diagram for your specific ammonia location. The process starts by you taking detailed pictures of ... |
Ammonia Release? Person in Possession Must Make the ReportIf a farmer customer is in possession of anhydrous ammonia and a reportable release of 18 gallons or 100 pounds occurs, it is the farmer's responsibility to immediately notify the proper emergency personnel. Although your customers may not want to make the calls, it is also their responsibility per federal and state regulations to contact these agencies as well if the release occurs while they are in possession of the ammonia. Both IEMA and USEPA have made this very clear. A written follow-up report is also required and must be sent to IEMA and the LEPC as ... |
Ammonia SchoolsThe IFCA and the IL Department of Agriculture are holding 9 anhydrous ammonia schools this winter/spring. The first one is January 21 at the IFCA Convention in Peoria, and you can register for that on-line at the IFCA website under "convention." You should have received a registration brochure regarding the other dates and locations. This too is posted on the IFCA homepage, so if you haven't been to ammonia training in over 3 years, now is the time to get registered in order to comply with the competent attendant requirements in the regulations. |
Ammonia Storage On the Farm |
Ammonia Video LinkIf you wish to embed the IFCA and IL Dept of Ag ammonia safety video on your website, use the link below or just link to The important thing is to help us get this video on to as many sites as possible where farmers can access it. Thank you. |
Another Attack on PesticidesAs if the President's Report on Cancer wasn't bad enough, claiming among other things that fertilizer causes cancer, the latest attack on agriculture was released today claiming that exposure to pesticides is a possible cause of attention deficit hyperactive disorder. All you will hear in the mainstream media is the attention grabbing headline, but if anyone cares to read the actual report it contains no evidence, only a casual association of the possible link. It doesn't even discuss the fact that use of organophosphate pesticide use has dropped significantly in the last ... |
Another Successful MAGIEWe'd like to thank all of the MAGIE exhibitors, IFCA members and many folks from out-of-state who attended the show last week and made it such a success. The dates for MAGIE 2009 are August 19-20, 2009 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. The National Agronomic Healthy and Safety School attracted over 100 attendees this year, and will also return to partner with MAGIE on August 18-19, 2009 also at the Interstate Center. |
ARA Asks for Help on Hours of ServiceThe exemption from the Hours of Service regulations is under attack once again. As Congress begins work to reauthorize the 2010 highway bill, safety groups want the HOS exemption removed. IFCA will be working hand in hand with our national organizations to support this reasonable and safe exemption. To help provide needed information to Congress and the USDOT, the Ag Retailers Association has prepared a short survey regarding how the HOS is being used by our industry. Please go to |
Awesome Crowd at IFCA ConventionIFCA Program Manager Leslie Forrest said it best this week when someone asked her at the convention, "What's the attendance like?" She replied "awesome!" She's right; we had approximately 1,400 attendees, up several hundred from last year. We'd like to thank our members, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and university representatives who all worked with us to make the 2010 convention such a success. Our "Rebound in 2010" theme seems appropriate and we hope that all of our members can carry this momentum into the 2010 crop year. On behalf of the IFCA staff, convention committee ... |
Be Diligent and SafeThis week an accident occurred between an ag retail vehicle and a private vehicle that took the lives of two men in the private vehicle and severely injured a third. These lives and the lives of those who love the people involved changed in a heartbeat. Please remind all of your employees to BE SAFE and BE IN CONTROL at all times. We all recognize the stresses put on our industry by a late planting season. When you feel hurried, stop and remember what is really important--your safety and the safety of those ... |
Bulk Fertilizer & Stewardship IssuesWe have received many calls in the past week at the office from our members expressing concern about bulk fertilizers being dumped in the fields. While Illinois' on-farm containment regulations allow over 50,000 lbs of bulk dry fertilizer or 5,000 gallons or more of liquid to be stored for up to 45 days by farmers, certainly from a stewardship standpoint it is not recommended. Even when under the 45 days, the product can only be stored at the farm (or in the field of application) by the farmer who owns it and not as a transfer point. IFCA is working ... |
Cap & Trade RallyThe Sept 1 Rally in Springfield was a great success with between 700-800 people attending. IFCA's Jean Payne spoke at the rally describing the impact of this legislation on the fertilizer industry. Thanks to the following IFCA members who attended to support your Association and express concern about the Waxman/Markey Bill: Rosen's, Hardy Fertilizer, The Andersons, Rentech Energy, Evergreen FS, Klean Wash, Bunker Hill Supply, Helena, Illinois Valley Supply and GROWMARK. IFCA will be in D.C. next week visiting again with the offices of Senator Durbin and Burris about our concerns ... |
Cap & Trade Rally Sept 1IFCA is part of an active coalition opposing the federal cap and trade legislation which has already passed the House of Representatives. On September 1, 2009 the coalition which includes IFCA, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Manufacturers Association, Illinois Petroleum Council, Midwest Truckers, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Retail Merchants, Illinois Petroleum Marketers, the Federation of Independent Businesses, GROWMARK and others will host a rally in Springfield, IL to express our reasons for opposing cap and trade. To see how cap and trade impacts the fertilizer industry, go to and click on the TFI & IFCA issue ... |
CCA exam will go on despite snowThe Illinois CCA Exam will go on as scheduled tomorrow despite the weather forecast. Both Illinois and Ohio are full speed ahead while Indiana has canceled and will reschedule for a week or two from now. Illinois plans to hold the CCA exams in Effingham and Peoria regardless of weather. If the exam proctors cannot get to the testing locations then the exam for that location will be cancelled and moved to a date within the next 3 weeks. If the proctors are present, the exams will be given and those not able to arrive will be rescheduled for the August ... |
CCA of the Year Nominations DueEach year the Illinois Farm Bureau recognizes an outstanding Certified Crop Advisor at their annual meeting in December. The deadline to submit the nomination has been extended to June 23, 2009. A farm bureau member or an employer of the CCA may submit nominations to Illinois Farm Bureau. The explanation of the program and nomination form is attached. It must include 3 letters of recommendation and must also be signed by the local County Farm Bureau manager. The Illinois winner is also automatically submitted for the International CCA of the Year award. If you know someone ... |
CCA Prep Course AvailableThe University of Illinois is offering an on-line "Basics in Applied Agronomy" course designed to provide participants with a comprehensive background in soil and water management, nutrient management, pest management and crop management. This course is designed around the four basic agronomic categories defined by the CCA program, so it makes for a great prep course if you plan to take the CCA exam on Friday, February 5, 2010. The on-line course begins on Thursday, October 29 (online orientation session) and runs every Monday night from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm beginning on November 2nd. The cost is $350. If you ... |
CCA Session Schedule at ConventionThe CCA Session on Monday January 21 offers 6 CEU hours in NM, SW and CM. It will be in Room 400 of the Peoria Civic Center...IT IS NOT AT THE HOLIDAY INN. Here's the schedule: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm, Lunch Provided Managing Continuous Corn, Dr. Emerson Nafziger What Have we Learned from Grid Sampling?, Dr. Dave Franzen Tile Drainage in S IL Soils, Dr. Steve Ebelhar Soil & Plant Factors Regulating P & K Availability, Dr. Fabian Fernandez Genetics & Biotech; Improving N Use in Corn, Dr. Fred Below N Forms; Timing for Wheat and Corn, Dr. Steve Ebelhar You can ... |
CCA SESSIONS AVAILABLEDon't miss the CCA Session at the IFCA Convention on January 21, 2008 in Room 400 at the Peoria Civic Center. The speakers and titles are: 9:00 am Managing Continuous Corn, Emerson Nafziger UI (1 hour CM) 10:00 am What Have We Learned from Grid Sampling?, Dave Franzen NDSU (1 hour SWM) 11:00 am Tile Drainage in Southern Illinois Soils, Steve Ebelhar UI (1 hour SWM) Lunch at Noon Provided 1:00 pm Soil and Plant Factors Regulating P and K Availability, Fabián G. Fernández UI (1 hour NM) 2:00 pm Genetics and Biotechnology in Improving Nitrogen Use in Corn, Fred Below UI (1 hour CM) 3:00 pm Nitrogen Forms ... |
CCA SESSIONS AVAILABLE 2Don't miss the CCA Session at the IFCA Convention on January 21, 2008 in Room 400 at the Peoria Civic Center. The speakers and titles are: 9:00 am Managing Continuous Corn, Emerson Nafziger UI (1 hour CM) 10:00 am What Have We Learned from Grid Sampling?, Dave Franzen NDSU (1 hour SWM) 11:00 am Tile Drainage in Southern Illinois Soils, Steve Ebelhar UI (1 hour SWM) Lunch at Noon Provided 1:00 pm Soil and Plant Factors Regulating P and K Availability, Fabián G. Fernández UI (1 hour NM) 2:00 pm Genetics and Biotechnology in Improving Nitrogen Use in Corn, Fred Below UI (1 hour CM) 3:00 pm Nitrogen Forms ... |
CCA SESSIONS AVAILABLE 4Don't miss the CCA Session at the IFCA Convention on January 21, 2008 in Room 400 at the Peoria Civic Center. The speakers and titles are: 9:00 am Managing Continuous Corn, Emerson Nafziger UI (1 hour CM) 10:00 am What Have We Learned from Grid Sampling?, Dave Franzen NDSU (1 hour SWM) 11:00 am Tile Drainage in Southern Illinois Soils, Steve Ebelhar UI (1 hour SWM) Lunch at Noon Provided 1:00 pm Soil and Plant Factors Regulating P and K Availability, Fabián G. Fernández UI (1 hour NM) 2:00 pm Genetics and Biotechnology in Improving Nitrogen Use in Corn, Fred Below UI (1 hour CM) 3:00 pm Nitrogen Forms ... |
CDLS Hold Steady in ILThe Illinois Secretary of State reports to us that the number of drivers holding CDLs in Illinois has remained fairly consistent despite the increased standards for training, testing and a focus on enforcement. In 2004, Illinois had 462,830 CDL drivers. In 2009, the number was 459,841. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released statistics recently that shows that in 2009, fatalities involving large trucks decreased by 20%. In Illinois, the decrease in fatalities was even more dramatic, with only 88 fatalities in 2009 compared to 146 in 2008 and 191 in 2005. This equates to a 54% decrease from 2005 to 2009. In 2008 the Illinois Secretary of State required ... |
CEU Credits at IFCA ConventionThe speakers and topics for agronomy and business courses at the IFCA convention have been approved by the CCA Board. We have 12 hours available; to see the breakdown, go to, click on "Convention" and then the link to "Topics and Approved CEU Credits for IFCA Convention." You can pre-register for the convention before January 8 to assure the rate of only $65.00. Where can you get so many credits, two meals, lots of hospitality and the chance to see all of your peers? The IFCA Convention January 19-21, 2010 in Peoria. See ... |
Challenges AboundWe have many challenges facing our industry right now, starting with the USEPA's intent to require pesticide applicators to obtain a federal permit to apply pesticides. The USEPA is also making it clear that they want to move forward again with regulating particulate matter, and Congress has started laying the groundwork on climate change legislation which will have a major impact on the Midwest and industries that utilize fossil fuels. Oh yea, and don't forget the "card check" labor issue and the fight we will face to retain our hours of service exemption for ... |
Chem Site Security Passes US HouseWe'd like to thank all the IFCA members who contacted their US representative to oppose HR 2868, the Chemical Site Security legislation, which contains provisions on "inherently safer technology" and poses a serious concern to products like anhydrous ammonia and some pesticides. The bill passed the US House by a vote of 230-193. All the Republicans voted NO and 21 Democrats (including Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson and Congressman Phil Hare) also voted NO citing concerns regarding the impact on agriculture and specifically fertilizer and pesticide facilities. If you are represented by these two Democratic Congresspeople or a Republican ... |
Claiming the Security Tax CreditThe Ag Retailers Association has provided a guidance document, written by tax attorneys, to help you properly claim the federal security tax credit for items like locks and security cameras installed at your agrichemical facility. Go to and under the "Agribusiness Security Tax Credit" heading there is a document called "Tax Guide on How to Claim Exemption" that your company accountant should find helpful. The industry worked very hard to secure this tax credit so please take advantage of it. |
Clear Fuel in Floaters & SprayersIFCA has always recommended that you burn dyed fuel in your unlicensed application equipment. However, we also recognize that sometimes it isn't practical given the limitations on fuel storage and the management of keeping dyed fuel and clear fuel separated in your fleet. In 2000, IFCA help pass legislation that provides that these implements can obtain a refund of the 21.5 cent tax for clear fuel used in this equipment. Recently the IL Dept of Revenue has declined some of these refund applications due to a debate on the underlying statutory language of what a "flotation" tire is.&... |
Come Jan 1, is it 55 mph or 65 mph in Illinois?Effective January 1, 2010, Illinois is adopting a uniform speed limit on Interstate Highways of 65 mph. The means that commercial motor vehicles will be able to travel 65 mph instead of 55 mph. BUT: until the state gets all the speed limit signs replaced, the posted speed limit applies so be careful. The Illinois State Police asked us to remind everyone that the posted speed limit is the law. They are optimistic that the signs will be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. Also, 80,000 lb highway access is also coming to Illinois on January 1, 2010. But, the ... |
Comments Due March 5 to USEPAThanks to the many IFCA members who have penned a letter to USEPA expressing your opposition to their proposed pesticide drift labeling language. We cannot stress enough that this proposal is equally serious to the proposal USEPA made years ago suggesting putting a 10 mph wind restriction on the pesticide label. USEPA is proposing a precautionary principle standard that you may not apply pesticides if they "could cause adverse effects." This would set the stage for frivolous lawsuits and arbitrary penalties against pesticide use rather than basing penalties from drift on proven damages. ... |
Committee Rejects Off-Shore DrillinigToday, in an attempt to lower the price at the pump and bring stability to the economy, Congressman John E. Peterson (R-PA), offered an amendment to the Interior Department spending bill that would increase domestic production of oil and natural gas offshore. The amendment, which would have lifted the Congressional Moratorium on offshore energy production between 50 and 200 miles, was defeated along a party line vote with six Republicans supporting American made energy and nine Democrats voting to keep American resources locked up. Congressmen Peterson vowed to bring the amendment up again at the earliest opportunity, stating "All is not ... |
Communicating in Turbulent TimesWe know our members have been dealing with a lot of stress regarding the volatile changes in our marketplace. IFCA is working with several media outlets to let the agricultural community know how the economic downturn has impacted their local ag retailer. With so much being printed about the wholesale prices of fertilizer, it's important to remind everyone of the value that the ag retail sector brings to the marketplace and express our thoughts on the challenges we may face this spring with demand for product. IFCA's perspective on the situation was printed in ... |
Compliance PostersIFCA has mailed all of our retail, transporter and distributor members a set of 2010 compliance posters listing the USDOT shipping descriptions, USEPA pesticide registration numbers and Worker Protection Standard requirements for agrichemicals used in production agriculture. Each facility receives one set of posters free, but if you would like to order additional sets you can do so by calling our office. These posters are made possible by IFCA's partnership with the Asmark Institute. |
Compliance Posters 2We have some extra sets of the 2010 compliance posters that feature USEPA registration numbers for pesticides, USDOT shipping descriptions and the Worker Protection Standard requirements for the agrichemicals used in midwest agriculture. If you would like any of these posters, just give us a call. |
Compliance Posters 3IFCA Retail Members should have received your 2009 compliance posters with USEPA Product Numbers, WPS and USDOT Shipping Descriptions. If you need additional sets of posters, please send in the order form that accompanied the posters or give us a call at the office. |
Congresswoman Halvorson Visits LeRoy FertilizerOn Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Congresswoman Deborah Halvorson was at LeRoy Fertilizer in LeRoy, IL visiting with industry constituents. IFCA staff along with Ervin Caselton of Evergreen FS, John Eckley of Linco Equipment, Inc., Rich Fairfield of HG&N-Harbrand, Inc. along with Bob Spratt and Phil Lawless of LeRoy Fertilizer attending the meeting to voice concerns of issues impacting our industry. IFCA would like to thank LeRoy Fertilizer for hosting this event as well as all the IFCA members who attending. Congresswoman Halvorson is a member of the House Ag Committee and very receptive of issues impacting our ... |
Contact Congress on Off Shore DrillingPresident George W. Bush has removed the ban on offshore domestic energy development in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). His father, President George H.W. Bush, had put this ban in place in 1990. While this announcement ends the moratorium on drilling, it has no effect until Congress acts to remove a ban that prohibits the Dept of the Interior from using agency funds to lease areas in the OCS. We urge you to submit letters to your Congressman asking for them to act to remove this moratorium. The Fertilizer Institute has made it easy for you ... |
Contact IFCA Regarding Cap & Trade RallyOn September 1, 2009 there will be a Cap & Trade Bill rally at the Crown Plaza Hotel located at 3000 South Dirksen Parkway in Springfield, Illinois beginnig at 11:30 a.m. The rally will begin at 11:45 and lunch will be provided. More details regarding the rally are available on the IFCA website. Just click on the "Cap & Trade Rally" link. Numerous groups are involved in this effort including the IFCA, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Manufacturers Association, GROWMARK, Illinois Coal Association, Retail Merchants, Midwest Truckers, National Federation of Independent Business and many more. Attached is a flyer ... |
Contact Senators To Support SB 1434A bill to fully repeal the Commercial Distribution Fee (CDF) is scheduled to be heard this Thursday afternoon in the Senate Revenue Committee. SB 1434 will fully repeal the truck registration surcharge that was put in place by the legislature and former Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2003. The CDF was originally a thirty-six percent surcharge on the registration of any Illinois license plate over 8,000 pounds. Legislatio in 2004 reduced the CDF to 14.35% but it was never fully repealed. SB 1434 will repeal the entire CDF amount saving truckers as much as $400 per truck per year. The bill is scheduled ... |
Convention PresentationsSeveral have asked for the presentation that Dr. Abner Womack of the U-MO provided on the economic outlook for agriculture in 2009. We also have a handout provided during the presentation on contract law. If you would like to have this information, send Leslie Forrest an email at and we'll send them to you. Thanks to everyone who made the 2009 IFCA convention a success with over 1,100 attending. |
Country Music CorrectionAn alert IFCA member corrected us last week when we compared the state budget crisis to the song lyric "another day older and deeper in debt" which we credited to Johnny Cash. Wrong! Tennessee Ernie Ford was responsible for those lyrics. We stand corrected. But, not missing a lick, our member suggested we could have easily compared the budget crisis to the lyrics in the Johnny Cash tune "Ring of Fire." You can always count on IFCA members to find humor even in difficult situations like our state budget crisis. ... |
Court Case Could Lead to Permits for Pesticide ApplicationA federal court has issued a ruling that could lead to a requirement that persons applying pesticides would need to get a NPDES discharge permit from USEPA. It is quite complicated but the essence of the court's ruling is this: if pesticides are applied to land or air and if "excess" pesticides could be in any way be deposited into U.S. waters, or if pesticides or chemical waste residues remain following the application and could enter any water, then the applicator would need an EPA permit to "discharge" these pesticides. This ... |
Court Grants Stay on Pesticide PermitsThe Sixth Circuit Court of the US today granted the USEPA's motion for a 2 year stay on the ruling that will require all pesticide applicators to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) under the Clean Water Act in order to apply pesticides. After the USEPA refused to appeal the original court ruling that extended the NPDES permit to pesticide applicators, USEPA asked the court to give them 2 years in order to figure out how they are going to manage the permit program. USEPA estimated that the permits will apply to around 350,000 applicators, but the industry ... |
Crossing State LinesWould it surprise you to know that for 20+ years, implements of husbandry that cross a state line must adhere to the safety regulations in the federal motor carrier safety regulations? That means brakes, lights, pintle hooks, etc. That's because whil the states exempt implements of husbandry from most regulations, the federal regulations have no such exemption. These regulations apply for both farm supply companies and farmers that are crossing state lines. Recently there has been concern about enforcement on this issue. Last week IFCA and other ag groups met with numerous ... |
Custom Farming Raises Licensing QuestionsFarms are getting larger and financial institutions are becoming more involved in the input decision making process. This has resulted in an interesting new development that IFCA members should be aware of. Recently, some farm management groups have hired private applicators (farmers) to apply herbicides and insecticides to farmground in which the private applicator has no interest in the crop. Most likely, these farmers are neighbors to the land being farmed or are involved themselves with the farm management group. However, a private applicator cannot take monetary payment to apply pesticides. To ... |
Detailed Convention ProgramThe IFCA Convention & Trade show begins on Tuesday, January 20th at the Peoria Civic Center. We have plenty of continuing education opportunities plus a trade show with 100+ exhibitors. Please see the attached file for a detailed look at the educational sessions being offered and the list of exhibitors. If you want a perspective on the economic outlook for our industry, a program on contracts for pre-pay, a look at the different generations in our workplace and some good comic relief just before the trade show starts on January 21 and you don't want to ... |
Don't Forget Follow Up ReportsIf you had a reportable ammonia release this spring and called IEMA, NRC and your LEPC you must also, as soon as possible, send a written follow up report to IEMA and your LEPC. The information that must be contained in the report is listed on the IEMA Emergency Response Notification Fact Sheet posted on the IFCA website. Go to "Regulations" then "Emergency Release Info" and then the headline "Emergency Response Reporting Instructions." If you need assistance with your written report IFCA is happy to help. Failure to send in a written report can result in ... |
DOT AuditsThe Illinois DOT has been busy conducting audits. These are normal compliance reviews for shippers and carriers and the officers are the same guys that you see in the IDOT booth at MAGIE and the IFCA Convention. Usually they will give you a few days notice so that you can get your paperwork together. On our website, there is a document from IDOT that lists the items they will ask you for during a hazmat audit. Go to, click on "Regulations" then on "DOT." Give us a call if you need help!&... |
Employee Free Choice ActUS Congressmen Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and George Miller (D-California) have introduced the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) also known as "Card Check." Under this proposed legislation, once union organizers had obtained the signatures of a majority of a proposed bargaining unit, they could organize it and eliminate the employee's right to a secret ballot on whether to unionize. Current law says that once 30% of a bargaining unit signs cards, a federally supervised election can be held, but with a secret ballot. Under this proposal, workers would lose the ability to cast secret ballots which ... |
EPA Updates SPCC Plan........AgainOn June 11, 2009 USEPA again extended the compliance date for the Spill Prevention & Control Countermeasure (SPCC) rules for petroleum storage facilities to November 10, 2010. Facilities must amend or prepare and implement SPCC plans by the compliance date in accordance with the revisions to the rule. Farms must also amend or prepare their SPCC plans and implement them by that date. A final rule is expected to be published prior to the previous compliance date of July 1, 2009. |
Fall Best Management PracticesIf you haven't already, please take a few minutes to read the Best Management Practices for Fall Fertilizer posted on the IFCA website at Everyone is anxious for harvest to finish and fall fertilizer season to commence. Please watch your local soil temperatures, also posted daily on the IFCA home page, and make the right stewardship decisions regarding the application of fall nitrogen. We thank everyone for your efforts. |
Fall Nitrogen Surveys Still NeededIf you haven't replied to the Illinois State University/IFCA survey asking about how your business would change if the fall application of nitrogen were restricted or eliminated, please do so as soon as possible. So far we have a 30% response rate from our retail members. Even if you do not sell anhydrous, it is still important to get your feedback on how you think your business would have to change to compete in a spring-only marketplace for nitrogen. The overall economic impact to Illinois if fall N were eliminated will become the foundation ... |
Fall Nitrogen; Rumors, Responsibility and RegulationWe want to thank the many IFCA members who continue to hold back on applying nitrogen until the soil temperatures reach and will most likely stay at 50 degrees or below. The newly updated agronomy handbook no longer recommends applying ammonia above 50 degrees even when a stabilizer is used. The old saying of "stabilize at 60 or wait until 50" no longer applies, and while we understand that it takes a while for this new message of "wait until 50" to permeate in the country, we all need to stand by this new recommendation for agronomic and water quality protection. We ... |
Father of Asmark Co-Founder Suddenly PassesA.C. Summers, the father of the Asmark Institute Co-Founder Allen Summers passed away suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday near his Kentucy home. Any correspondence can be sent to the attention of: Allen & Susan Summers 4941 Goetz Drive Owensboro, Kentucky 42301-9602 |
FCA Mourns the loss of Jason "JR" Ray of Mid-State TankIt is with deep regret we inform you of the unexpected passing of Jason “JR” Ray, General Manager of Mid-State Tank Co., Inc. Jason passed away 6:40 PM, October 10, 2010 at Springfield Memorial Hospital in Springfield, Illinois due to unknown health complications. Jason was respected around the community and very active with the Arthur School District and the Vine Street Christian Church in Arthur. He was dedicated to his family and leaves behind his wife Jama, his daughters Madelin, age 7, Lauren, age 5 and his son Vincent, age 18 months. Visitation for Jason (JR) Ray will be at Vine Street Christian Church, ... |
Fertilizer Storage IssuesThe volatility in the fertilizer marketplace has generated a great deal of interest in storage. Ag retailers and farmers are adding additional anhydrous ammonia storage, and IFCA is also fielding phone calls about the rules for dry and liquid fertilizer storage. For ammonia, the storage requirements are the same for everyone except that farmers using ammonia exclusively for their own farm do not have to file an RMP. When we get calls from farmers about liquid or dry storage, we direct them to the On-Farm Storage regulations administered by the IL Dept of Ag.&... + 1 more file |
Fire Prevention Plan Saves MoneyIFCA in conjunction with the Asmark Institute recently developed a fire prevention plan for members free of charge. The plan came about due to a need for IFCA members to work with their local fire departments to communicate and plan in the event of a pesticide fire. To date, nearly ninety companies have used the plan in which they have reported monetary savings with their insurance provider. The fire prevention plan is an excercise which outlines potential ignition sources and highlights what can be done to prevent a fire at a facility and what information should be ... |
Flood Preparedness Guide for Ag RetailersPurdue Extension has prepared an excellent guide called "Plan Today for Tomorrow's Flood." It is a full color booklet featuring photos of how floods have impacted ag retail sites, and providing detailed guidance on how to plan and respond if flood waters threaten. IFCA has secured copies of this booklet for our members, free of charge. If you would like copies for any of your facilities, give us a call. Several IFCA members contributed to the booklet, having experienced floods themselves. |
Fluid Fertilizer Journal Now OnlineThe Fluid Fertilizer Foundation's "Fluid Journal" is now an on-line publication only. The electronic version of the journal highlights research projects and articles pertinent to the industry and crop producers. The move to an electronic version will make this information more timely than the previous quarterly publications. The cost for the journal is only $25 per year. To subscribe go to or call 785.776.0273. |
FMCSA Issues HOS ProposalThis week the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a proposed rule pertaining to the ag hours of service exception for the transportation of ag supplies. This past spring our industry had been operating under a 90 day special waiver to use the HOS exception for ammonia transportation between the terminals and the retail sites. The waiver expired in late June, leaving us again in limbo as the fall season approaches. After more industry meetings with FMCSA, the Agency issued this proposal which is to provide a 2 year waiver from HOS for these movements, but just for ... |
FREC Not ThreatenedWhen we spoke in last week's Items of Interest about the ag funds being swept again, including the Fertilizer Control Fund, several members called to ask if the Fertilizer Research & Education Fund would be swept as well. According to the Director of Agriculture, the answer is no. The fund sweeps allow the Comptroller to sweep "unused" funds at that moment in time, with the provision that the Department can request the money back when disbursements must be made. FREC funds would not be part of the fertilizer control funds subject to sweeps. The industry ... |
Gene ThomasWe were saddened to learn that Gene Thomas, who worked for Twomey Company in Smithshire, IL for more than 50 years, passed away Thursday, Jan 21 at the age of 83. In his long and dedicated career, Gene had served as the Chairman of the IFCA Board, was a Navy veteran and dedicated his life to serving agriculture and the community of Smithshire. Services are scheduled for 2 pm on Monday, January 25 at Corman Memorial Home in Roseville, with visitation from 2 to 4 pm on Sunday, January 24. Please go to for more information on services and memorial contributions.&... |
Golf Outings and Trap ShootIFCA is once again sponsoring two golf outings and a trap shoot this year. If you have not registered for the golf outings or trap shoot, please contact the IFCA office. The dates and location for the golf outings and trap shoot are: Thursday, July 25, 2013--Seneca's Oak Ridge Golf Club--LaSalle, IL Thursday, August 2, 2013--Scovill Golf Course--Decatur, IL Thursday, September 19, 2013--Brittany Shooting Park--Bunker Hill, IL The cost to register for the golf outings is $100 per person. The cost for the trap shoot is $70 per person. |
Governor Approves Fund Sweeps - Ag is ImpactedLast week Governor Blagojevich signed SB 790 into law. This law created the "Budget Relief Fund" and requires the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer to transfer money from over 100 special funds into the Budget Relief Fund. Several agricultural funds were swept including $250,000 from the Fertilizer Control Fund and $500,000 from the Pesticide Control Fund. Inspection fees paid by our industry contribute to the money in these two funds, which helps pay for the administration of the fertilizer and pesticide inspection programs. IFCA appreciates the efforts of legislators like Senator Frank Watson (R-Greenville) whose office made ... |
GOVERNOR'S BUDGET ADDRESS LEAVES MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONSThe Governor's recent budget address was probably the shortest one in history summing up the future of our state finances in less than thirty minutes. In this short amount of time, Governor Blagojevich proposed a payroll tax, more fund sweeps, possible fee increases a three percent cut in agency budgets and a tax cut. Not to mention the governor proposed to hand out $300 per child in households whose incomes are under $75,000 per year. This alone would cost the state of Illinois roughly $300 to $400 million, by using money we don't yet have from tobacco company ... |
HOS Comments due Aug 13PLEASE send in comments to FMCSA on the agricultural exemption from the Hours of Service regulations. We have posted sample comments at to help you prepare your letter. We must make the case to FMCSA that the exemption should apply for all deliveries from the terminals to the retail sites, including not only ammonia but also liquid and dry fertilizer. Comments are due this Friday, August 13. Please take the time to petition your government for common sense relief from the Hours of Service regulations. Thank you! |
HOS Decision Coming SoonYesterday, Illinois Congressmen Aaron Schock, Tim Johnson and John Shimkus joined with several other Midwestern Congressman to send a letter to Dept of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood urging him to support the agricultural hours of service exception and the use of the exception for all distribution segments within a 100 mile radius. Congressman Jerry Costello's office is also weighing in to support this endeavor. IFCA thanks our elected officials for recognizing how vital this exception is for the movement of ag inputs from the terminals to the retail plants as well as from retail to farm and between ... |
HOS WaiverIf you are transporting ammonia from the terminals to the retail sites, please print off the federal Hours of Service waiver that is posted at and carry it in your truck. Most state and federal law enforcement officers should be aware of the HOS waiver for ammonia transport within a 100 mile radius of the distribution point, but if you run across one that isn't, having proof on hand might get you back on the road quicker. The HOS waiver for movements between terminals and warehouses to the retail point only applies for anhydrous ammonia, ... |
Hours of Service Has Some LimitationsThis summer IFCA will be working hard along with many other ag groups to continue to secure the hours of service exemption for farm supplies being transported from terminals/warehouses to the ag retail sites. This year FMCSA granted a special 90 day waiver only for the movement of anhydrous ammonia from the terminals to the retail sites. FMCAS did not exempt movements of other products, such as 28%, from the terminal to the retail site, or the movement of agrichemicals from a warehouse to a retail site. We have always contended that "distribution point" should ... |
Hours of Service RulesClick below for the rules governing the Hours of Service exemption for the transportation of agricultural inputs. + 1 more file |
Hours of Service UpdateThe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has granted an Hours of Service exemption for ammonia distribution for a period of two years. IFCA sent a note to FMCSA informing them that ammonia application may begin by the 2nd week of October in northern Illinois, and that a very timely decision would be most helpful. The rule is for a 2 year exception for anhydrous ammonia transportation from all points of distribution within a 100 air mile radius. This exemption only covers anhydrous ammonia shipments and Hours of Service regulations will apply to liquid and ... |
IDA Dicamba Postcards and IFCA Label SummaryThis week, the Illinois Department of Agriculture is mailing a postcard to every licensed private and commercial applicator, and every licensed pesticide dealer, to officially inform them of the new label requirements for using Xtendimax, Engenia and FeXapan on soybean in Illinois in 2019. A violation of these new label provisions, including the June 30, 2019 application cut-off date, will be considered a violation of the Illinois Pesticide Act with serious repercussions that may include monetary penalty or revocation of the applicator's license. IFCA has created a summary document that lists the new label provisions, details on application ... |
IDA FundingThis year, IFCA supported moderate fee increases upon our industry to ensure the continued operation of the Bureau of Environmental Programs at the Illinois Dept of Agriculture. HB 4866 has passed both Houses and awaits the Governor's signature. The unfortunate reality of our state budget situation is this: the state was not going to fund at a sustainable level the regulatory programs vital to our industry including pesticide licensing, containment, misuse investigations, container recycling, pesticide product registrations, etc. Many of these regulations are mandated by USEPA and we rely on the oversight of the IDA inspectors ... |
IDA Policy on Aerial ContainmentOver the past 2 years, IFCA has been communicating the position of the IL Dept of Agriculture regarding the containment requirements for aerial application. The Part 255 containment regulations require containment and load-out pads at a site if more than 300 gallons of pesticide is mixed, repackaged or transferred within a 30 day period. There is an exemption from this requirement for "temporary" loading sites for aerial application, but the issue today is the question, "what is temporary?" If a site is used year after year, for planned and scheduled applications, the IDA does not consider it temporary. The increased ... |
IEPA and IDA Release IL Nutrient Loss Reduction StrategyThe Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Agriculture have released the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy for a 60 day public comment period. A policy group that included agriculture groups (including IFCA), environmental groups, wastewater treatment representatives and universities all worked together to create this document. There are significant opportunities for the agricultural industry to reduce nutrient losses and they are defined in the document. The IFCA Agronomy Committee and the IFCA Board of Directors will review the document and prepare comments on behalf of our industry and we will provide suggestions for IFCA members ... |
IFCA 2014 Convention DatesPlease mark your calendar for January 20-22, 2014 for the IFCA Annual Convention and Trade Show in Peoria, IL. January 20 will feature a full day of CCA credits and a welcome reception. The 21st also features educational sessions followed by our outstanding trade show. We will send out the schedule and registration information in late November. |
IFCA Annual Convention and Trade ShowT he Annual IFCA Convention and Trade Show is January 17 – 19th and Friday, Jan 6th is the deadline for the pre-registration price of $65. Go to and click on convention to register on-line and see the schedule of events. Avoid the lines in Peoria by registering early and save $15 on your registration fee. Hope to see you there. |
IFCA Busy in DC Last WeekIFCA President Jean Payne testified last week before the Surface Transportation Board in Washington D.C. on the railroad's petition to require the fertilizer industry to foot the bill for their liability insurance for carrying anhydrous ammonia. The railroads have experienced three derailments in the past 10 years involving poison by inhalation materials (ammonia and chlorine). In all three cases, the USDOT and the NTSB ruled that the cause of the accidents were error on the part of the railroad involving worker fatigue, improper track maintenance and switching errors. The Fertilizer Institute, Ag Retailers Association and ... |
IFCA ConventionThe IFCA Winter Convention & Trade Show is January 19-21, 2010 at the Peoria Civic Center. Registration information will be mailed in early December but please mark your calendars. The meeting starts with a CCA session on Tuesday, Jan 19th; the IFCA annual meeting is at 4:30 pm on the 19th, followed by some great speakers and a great trade show on Jan 20th and 21st. Watch for more information! |
IFCA Convention & Trade Show Fast ApproachingThe annual IFCA Winter Convention and Trade Show kicks off on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 and the deadline for pre-registration is Friday, January 7, 2011. Online registration is available by going to and clicking on "Convention" then "Registration". There will be 100 exhibitors offering various types of products and services for your business. There are also CEU credits offered throughout the course of the trade show. If you have any questions about the Convention and Trade Show, please contact the IFCA office. |
IFCA Convention DatesThe IFCA Convention begins on Tuesday, January 20th at the Peoria Civic Center with the CCA Session followed by the IFCA annual meeting at the Hotel Pere Marquette. The trade show begins at noon on January 21 and ends at noon on the 22nd. Please mark your calendars! |
IFCA Convention Details - Please Take a Look!Attached with this email is the detailed schedule for the IFCA convention including a description of the many topics and speakers we have for you this year. Your Convention Committee really has a GREAT line-up to help your business in 2010. Take a minute to check it out, if you cannot open the file it's also posted at Credits for Certified Crop Advisors have been assigned, there are 13 hours available and the cost to register for the convention is only $65, to register for both convention and the CCA Session on Jan 19th it's ... |
IFCA Convention TopicsThe IFCA Convention is January 20-22, 2009 at the Peoria Civic Center. Don't miss presentations from a respected agricultural economist from the Food & Agriculture Policy Institute on what we can expect in terms of credit, world demand, etc. this spring. We also have speakers on agronomy topics, how to deal with "millenial" employees entering the workforce and what to consider when dealing with contracts for purchasing inventory as well as offering pre-pay programs. You should have received your convention registration program. If not contact IFCA or register on-line at and ... |
IFCA CONVENTION TRADE SHOW ONLY THREE WEEKS AWAYThe annual IFCA Winter Convention and Trade Show kicks off on Monday, January 21, 2008 and the deadline for pre-registration is Friday, January 11, 2008. Online registration is available by going to and clicking on "Convention" then "Register Now". There will be 100 exhibitors offering various types of products and services for your business. There are also 12 hours of CEU credits offered throughout the course of the trade show. If you have any questions about the Convention and Trade Show, please contact the IFCA office. |
IFCA Dicamba Stewardship PosterIFCA is taking a proactive approach to stewardship on the use of dicamba on soybeans in 2017. At the IFCA Convention, we will have several sessions on this topic and we will distribute a new poster that we've developed for our members to raise awareness of the "do's and don'ts" to successfully manage this new technology. To access the poster click here. IFCA worked with BASF, Monsanto, the University of Illinois and the Illinois Dept of Ag on the development of this stewardship poster. We will also develop this in a flyer format if ... |
IFCA Directory UpdatesIf you haven't already done so, please return the directory update information to IFCA by the end of April. If you've had changes in personnel, company name, email, etc. it's vital for us to know so that you directory listing is accurate and you also continue to get your mail and email updates from IFCA. Thank you! |
IFCA EventsMark your calendars to attend one or all of the upcoming summer events IFCA will be hosting. The 2014 MAGIE Show will be August 20 & 21 in Bloomington, IL at the McLean County Fairgrounds. On line registration will begin in July. Golf Outings: Thursday, July 24th we will be playing at Senica's Oak Ridge in LaSalle, IL Thursday, July 31st we will be playing at a NEW location - Fox Prairie Golf Course in Windsor, IL Please register soon for the Golf Outings so we can make the appropriate arrangements! If you ... |
IFCA Featured on DTN Webinar on Fertilizer IssuesOn Monday, February 23 at 2:00 pm Central, IFCA's Jean Payne will be part of a panel on a DTN webinar with Ken Johnson, a fertilizer columnist, to discuss the fertilizer situation for Spring 2009. IFCA's comments will focus on the concerns that our industry has with regard to the current situation retailers face, the potential for spring logistical bottlenecks and the long-term changes that may occur in farmer/dealer relationships with regard to farmers making input commitments in the future. This webinar is free. Go to |
IFCA Golf OutingsWe still have space at the IFCA Golf outings. The outing in LaSalle, IL is on July 29 and August 5 in Decatur. Proceeds from the outing go toward the IFCA scholarship fund. Please support students who want to work in our industry with a fun day on the golf course. To register, please contact IFCA at 309.827.2774. |
IFCA Golf Outings 2We have set the date for the 2009 IFCA Summer Golf Outings. They are: July 30 @ Oak Ridge Golf Course in Seneca August 6 @ Scoville Golf Course in Decatur Mark your calendar and watch for registration information from IFCA. |
IFCA Golf OutingsJuly 29 and August 5The 2010 IFCA golf outings will be held on Thursday, July 29 at Seneca’s Oak Ridge Golf Club in LaSalle and Thursday, August 5 at Scovill Golf Course in Decatur. If you are interested in attending the IFCA golf outing, please contact the IFCA office to register. IFCA member participation and donations make it possible for IFCA to award five $750 scholarships annually to students studying agriculture who may become future members of our industry. |
IFCA Holiday HoursThe IFCA office will be closed from Friday, December 23 through Monday, December 26 in observance of Christmas and Friday, December 31 in observance of New Year's Day. If you have an emergency, please feel free to contact Kevin Runkle at 309.826.1318. |
IFCA Member Environmental Respect WinnerCongratulations to the management and employees of Wabash Valley Service Company. Their Browns, IL facility was recently named as a regional winner of the Environmental Respect Award sponsored by CropLife, DuPont and Farm Chemicals International. This program recognizes ag retail businesses who are preserving and protecting the environmental and operating their business in an environmentally sound manner to the benefit of their customers, employees and community. An awards ceremony will take place in Washington D.C. in July where Wabash Valley will compete against retailers in ID, OK, TX, NC and KY for the title ... |
IFCA Member PassesJames (Rob) Lancaster, 55 of Miner, IL, was fatally injured in a utility vehicle accident on Sunday, January 16, 2011 near Minier, IL. Rob was an employee of Peine, Inc. since 1976. Mr. Lancaster was a floater operator and manager of Peine, Inc.’s equipment fleet for 29 years prior to his passing. He was very well known by those in the agricultural community and volunteered much of his personal time to helping others. Mr. Lancaster was a very dependable employee of Peine, Inc. and could always be counted on to complete any task. Rob is survived by his son ... |
IFCA Member PassesJames (Rob) Lancaster, 55 of Miner, IL, was fatally injured in a utility vehicle accident on Sunday, January 16, 2011 near Minier, IL. Rob was an employee of Peine, Inc. since 1976. Mr. Lancaster was a floater operator and manager of Peine, Inc.’s equipment fleet for 29 years prior to his passing. He was very well known by those in the agricultural community and volunteered much of his personal time to helping others. Mr. Lancaster was a very dependable employee of Peine, Inc. and could always be counted on to complete any task. Rob is survived by his son ... |
IFCA Member PassesAndrew Bauer, 90, of Cissna Park passed away on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at Heartland Health Care in Paxton. Andy was a member of Christian Bible Church in Cissna Park, lifetime member of Cissna Park American Legion and Hoopeston VFW. Andrew served as an officer of the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association and was a longtime member of the association. He was owner/operator of Bauer Farm Service along with two of his brothers for 50 years. Andrew's funeral will be at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at Christian Bible Church, Cissna Park. Burial will ... |
IFCA Motorcycle RideThere will be a 2009 IFCA Motorcycle Ride on September 15-16. Those interested will depart from Peoria on the 15th for a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. Watch for a flyer from IFCA but we have also posted preliminary information on the IFCA home page at Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible if you are interested. Thanks to John Kladstrup of Dow AgroSciences for organizing the trip this year...its sure to be a great time and you IFCA bikers deserve it after a long and difficult summer. |
IFCA Mourns the loss of Jason "JR" Ray of Mid-State TankIt is with deep regret we inform you of the unexpected passing of Jason “JR” Ray, General Manager of Mid-State Tank Co., Inc. Jason passed away 6:40 PM, October 10, 2010 at Springfield Memorial Hospital in Springfield, Illinois due to unknown health complications. Jason was respected around the community and very active with the Arthur School District and the Vine Street Christian Church in Arthur. He was dedicated to his family and leaves behind his wife Jama, his daughters Madelin, age 7, Lauren, age 5 and his son Vincent, age 18 months. Visitation for Jason (JR) Ray will be at Vine Street Christian Church, ... |
IFCA Office ClosedThe IFCA office will be closed Friday, April 6, 2012 in observance of Good Friday. If you have an emergency please contact Kevin Runkle at 309.826.1318. Happy Easter!! |
IFCA Office Closed In Observance of Independence DayThe IFCA office will be closed Friday, July 2, 2010 through Monday, July 5, 2010 in observance of Independence Day. We will be back in the office on Tuesday, July 6, 2010. If you need immediate assistance or have an emergency, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Runkle at 309.826.1318. |
IFCA Summer EventsAlthough MAGIE (August 22-23, 2012) may be the highlight for IFCA Summer events, we are organizing other events for IFCA members to participate. IFCA golf outings are scheduled for July 26 at Seneca's Oak Ridge Golf Course and August 2 at Decatur's Scovill Golf Course. If you are not a golfer then grab your shotgun and participate in the first annual IFCA trap shoot. The first trap shoot will be held on September 13 at the Downer's Grove Sportsmen's Club in Morris, IL. The second trap shoot will be held on September 20 at the Brittany Shooting Park in Bunker Hill, ... |
IFCA Welcomes New Board MembersTwo new IFCA members have been elected to serve on the IFCA Board Of Directors. Carl Kessler, Sales Manager for Syngenta was elected to represent the seed industry in his role on the IFCA Board. Carl resides in Auburn, IL. Also elected to the IFCA Board of Directors is John Musser of Stephenson Service Company. John is the Senior Sales Leader for Stephenson Service facility in Stockton, IL and will represent retailers in District #1. Let's give both new IFCA Board of Directors a warm welcome and congratulate them in their upcoming ... |
IFCA Winter ConventionThe dates for the IFCA Winter Convention are January 19-21, 2010 at the Peoria Civic Center. The convention starts on a Tuesday with a CCA session and the trade show is the 20th and 21st. Exhibitor packets will be sent out shortly! |
IFCA Winter Convention & TradeshowMark your calendars for the 2014 IFCA Winter Convention and Tradeshow. The dates of the show are January 20-22, 2014 at the Peoria Convention Center. The Pere Marquette hotel has completed renovations thereby making the hotel available for the convention. |
IL Dept of Ag FundingWe all know the state's financial situation. Dire is an understatement. The impact on the IDA and the regulatory programs they provide for our industry can not be sustained without securing funding outside of the state general revenue fund. This year IFCA supported reasonable fee increases for the IDA regulatory programs to ensure that IDA can continue to retain personnel to issue pesticide licenses, approve new or modified containment permits, conduct pesticide misuse investigations, inspect ag retail facilities, help with container recycling, register pesticides for use in Illinois and many other programs we ... |
IL Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy - Key Points for IFCA MembersThis week, we are anticipating the release of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy. Illinois EPA and the Illinois Dept of Ag worked closely with a policy group representing all stakeholders in developing the strategy document. IFCA was a member of the policy work group along with representatives from farm organizations, municipal wastewater treatment, environmental groups and universities. We expect a lot of attention in the press when the document is released, and there will be a 60 day public comment period. IFCA has prepared a one page summary of key points for our members. ... |
Illinois CBMP Hosts Nitrogen Webinar This FridayThe Illinois Council on Best Management Practices (CBMP) will hold a webinar on Friday, October 11 at 8:00 am central time to update ag retailers and CCAs on critical nutrient stewardship and management issues that will help our industry minimize environmental impact, optimize harvest yield and maximize input utilization (MOM). The topics covered on the webinar will include: 1. Guidelines for fall nitrogen applications: timing, stabilization, rates 2. Results of the N WATCH soil nitrate testing program from fall 2012 and spring 2013 sites 3. New incentives to promote on-farm N rate trials 4. Showing the value of an N management ... |
Illinois Communities Joining Atrazine LawsuitIn 2004, the Holiday Shores Sanitary District in Madison County filed a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers of atrazine. The suit makes claim that detections of atrazine at any level poses a health risk. Now we are learning that the trial lawyers who are pursuing this case are encouraging other water districts in Illinois to join the lawsuit. So far, the city of Fairfield, IL and now Hillsboro have agreed to join. It appears the plaintiffs are "selling" the suit as a way for local water districts to potentially benefit from a victory (i.e. money ... |
Illinois House Votes to ImpeachToday the Illinois House of Representatives voted to impeach Governor Blagojevich. The vote was 114 to 1. The only no vote was from Representative Patterson, who is from Cook County. The Illinois Senate will likely begin an impeachment trial the last week of January. The Governor's office issued a statement that said "When the case moves to the Senate, an actual judge will preside over the hearings, and the Governor believes the outcome will be much different," the statement concluded. IFCA encourages you to contact your state Senator and let them know you opinion ... |
Illinois Legislature Winds DownKJ Johnson has been actively representing IFCA at the state capitol this spring. As the session winds down with possible adjournment this weekend, most of the discussion has been centered around the state budget and the debate over making the temporary income and corporate tax increase permanent. At this point, it appears that a vote on the tax issue will be delayed until the fall Veto session. The state budget includes $1 billion in spending for roads and bridges. With regard to issues that directly impact IFCA members, IFCA had a successful year at the Captiol. &... |
Illinois Nutrient SummitThe Illinois EPA has organized a 2 day nutrient summit on September 13-14 in Springfield. Stakeholders who are invited include agriculture, municipal water treatment systems, environmental groups, academic, scientists, etc. The goal is to have an overall discussion of how we can reduce nutrient losses to rivers and streams, with participation toward these goals from all segments of society. Members of the IFCA staff and IFCA Agronomy Committee will participate and our industry will be well represented. There is concern that USEPA may be moving forward with problematic nutrient standards and federal regulations ... |
Illinois Senate and House Passes HB 2273Yesterday afternoon the Illinois Senate passed HB 2273 on a 52-0 vote. Earlier in the session, the Illinois House passed the same bill on a 109-0 vote. HB 2273 clarifies the original Weights & Measures Act which has been interpreted at different IFCA member locations throughout the state. IFCA expects this bill will better clarify the act which has been a top priority for IFCA in Springfield this session. Major changes in the bill include: The word “new” is deleted so all scales are required to meet Handbook 44 performance requirements for the scale &... |
Illinois: Assets For Sale, Dedicated Funds Swept Clean?The Illinois House of Representatives returns to Springfield this week to debate the funding of capital projects...our state has not had a capital improvement budget for infrastructure improvements for six years and we are dangerously close to losing billions in matching federal funds for infrastructure. After the Governor's recent veto of funding for many agricultural programs as well as human service programs and shutting down state parks, the legislature appears ready to do something. But, that something is selling the state lottery, one of Illinois' most valuable assets. Each year revenues from the lottery ... |
Impeachment Process BeginsHouse Speaker Michael Madigan said today "I have allowed Governor Blagojevich six days to resign his office. It would appear this morning that he has declined to do so." Therefore, Speaker Madigan has formed an impeachment committee and will proceed "with all deliberate" speed. The committe will be composed of 12 democrats and 9 republicans. The committee will meet daily except for holidays. Their evidence could be presented and addressed by the next General Assembly when they convene on January 14, 2009. IFCA always encourages our members to let your state Representatives and Senators know of your ... |
Important IFCA DatesGolf Outings: July 31 in Decatur; August 7 in Seneca Motorcycle Ride: July 23-24; Location TBD; call for information Safety School: August 19-20, Bloomington MAGIE: August 20-21, Bloomington IL (watch for the brochure in the mail) |
Indicators of Suspicious Purchasing Behavior - Report to IFCANew customer who is not from local area. Refusing to provide address where fertilizer will be used or delivered. Acting nervous or impatient. Possessing little knowledge of crops, soil composition, field size, application methods, or fertilizers. Purchasing large quantity of pesticides, combustibles, or fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate out of season or with cash. Appearing to be interested only in ammonium nitrate; displaying no interest in alternative fertilizers or fertilizer combinations. Seeking chemicals with weight in excess of fertilizer distributor capacity. Making suspicious inquiries regarding equipment (e.g., tank size, spray range). Asking about acquiring vehicles equipped for spraying ... |
Is It Time To Update Your Emergency Sign?IDA regulations require an emergency sign with letters of a minimum height of two inches including the name and phone number of the owner, manager or agent of the anhydrous ammonia storage location. The sign must be located at the entrance to the site property or apart from the storage tanks. The Asmark Institute emergency sign program goes above and beyond compliance with this regulation. Signs are 39.5" long by 24" wide, are made of wind and weather resistant material and come printed with your company information for just $120 each. Cick on the ... |
IST Not Mandated in Chem Site Security BillThanks to all the IFCA members who contacted our US Senators to express opposition to efforts to include mandatory Inherently Safer Technology (IST) provisions in HR 2868. The Senate Homeland Security Committee (of which Senator Burris is a member) amended the bill to only include a provision that authorizes a grant program within the Dept of Homeland Security for companies that want to explore the possibility of voluntarily utilizing IST. |
Items of Interest Remembering Ollie MyersIFCA is saddened to learn of the passing of Ollie B. Myers. Ollie, 83, was a pioneer of the Illinois fertilizer industry. Ollie was a WW II veteran and a graduate of the University of Illinois. He began his career in agriculture in 1951 as a vo-ag instructor at Lexington High School. In 1955 the Glenn Kemp family gave Ollie an opportunity in the fertilizer business, and he founded Myers Inc. in Lexington. Throughout his life Ollie gave back to agriculture and his community, serving on the Lexington School Board, Commerce Bank Board, McLean County Zoning Board of Appeals, ... |
Jack EberspacherIFCA was very saddened to learn this morning that Jack Eberspacher, President and CEO of the Ag Retailers Association in Washington, D.C. died on Sunday July 5. Jack had been ill for the past few months. Jack was very involved in the ag industry his entire career, having also worked for the National Grain Sorghum Association and the National Association of Wheat Growers before joining ARA in 2001. Jack did a great job revitalizing and growing the membership of the ARA. His passing is a great loss to the ag retail industry that he stridently supported and ... |
Johnny CashJohnny Cash once sang "another day older and deeper in debt." He was talking about working in the coal mines, but the same can be said for the budget of the State of Illinois. With the legislature still at an impasse on whether to raise the income tax, sources say Governor Quinn may be forced to lay off 8,000 state workers. To make matters worse, the bill the legislators passed weeks ago to fund capital projects is hung up in procedural errors and the House of Representatives may have to vote on it again. This is ... |
Large Fertilizer Tank PermitsIf you have a large fertilizer storage tank with a capacity of 100,000 gallons or more you should be aware that the new API 653 tank inspection standards are resulting in some tanks be de-rated to a new, lower fill level. If your large tank is up for a permit renewal, you will have to demonstrate a process or system to ensure that you do not fill the tanks above the new fill level. IFCA staff and several IFCA members met with the IL Dept of Ag during the MAGIE show to discuss possible methods to demonstrate ... |
Last Chance for IFCA Bikers!The IFCA Motorcycle ride is September 15-16 departing from the Peoria area and heading to the Wisconsin Dells. There is still time to participate! If you are interested please contact the ride coordinator, John Kladstrup at 217.617.2515 for details. |
Legislative Fix for NPDES PermitsThis week US Senators Blanche Lincoln from Arkansas and Senator Saxby Chambliss from Georgia introduced a bill that clarifies that if pesticides are applied according to the label, that the new NPDES permit requirements do not apply. The legislation, S 3735, states that pesticide applications are not subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act. We thank our national association, Crop Life America, for leading the efforts to secure strong support from the Senate Ag Committee on this legislation. We will be asking our Illinois Senators Durbin and Burris for their support. |
Legislative Hearing on AtrazineThe Illinois House of Representatives Environmental Health Committee has scheduled a hearing on February 23 to give an audience to a professor from the University of California Berkeley who wishes to share his opinions about atrazine. Dr. Tyrone Hayes has frequently given speeches on how he believes atrazine causes homosexuality, chemical castration, feminization and various cancers. His work has been disputed and discounted by numerous credible scientific panels and organizations including USEPA. IFCA is working with the Chemical Industry Council of Illinois, Syngenta, Farm Bureau, Corn Growers and legislators on the committee ... |
Legislative UpdateAs usual, thousands of pieces of legislation are being introduced in the Illinois General Assembly. Given the current $9 billion dollar budget deficit, funding for state agencies and state programs will be a high priority. IFCA is working with the agencies that oversee our industry to discuss the long-term stability of our regulatory programs. After years of fund sweeps, there is a great need and desire to re-establish trust with regard to how potential fee increases will be handled; will they be appropriated to the programs they are intended to fund or diverted elsewhere? Stay tuned for ... |
Legislative UpdatePlease click here to view the latest legislation being tracked by IFCA that impacts the industry. |
Legislative Update 2The Illinois legislature returns July 14th to try to resolve the state budget crisis. No one knows what to expect but state agencies including the Dept of Ag could be in for major budget cuts if something is not accomplished. At the federal level, it appears that debate in the US Senate on the cap and trade climate bill will be delayed until this fall. The ag input industry is opposed to the cap and trade legislation due to its detrimental impact on fertilizer manufacturing and increased costs to producers for ag inputs. The Fertilizer ... |
Legislative Updates 3To keep track of the legislation IFCA is working on this year, go to, click on legislation, then "legislative updates." There are two bills seeking to regulate the use of fertilizer on turf and fee increases for Tier 2 reports. The IL Dept of Ag is also seeking some fee increases to help keep the Bureau of Environmental Programs afloat. There is a proposed fee of $100 for an agrichemical facility permit to be paid at time of application or renewal, an increase in pesticide product registration fees and a slight increase in scale inspection fees.&... |
License Plates on Nurse WagonsSNAFU. You know what that stands for right? We learned this month that some "clean up" changes made in the Illinois Vehicle Code last year accidentally eliminated several important things for agriculture. One of them is the ability to obtain a title for nurse wagons, which you need in order to get them registered and the license plates which are required by law. The other makes it illegal to cross the road with an ATV even if you are just going from one field to another. Farm Bureau is working on legislation to fix the ... |
Licensing Fertilizer WagonsA few weeks ago we told you about a problem in the IL Vehicle Code that is making it difficult to obtain a title and thus license plates for fertilizer wagons. IFCA worked with the IL Sec of State officers to ensure you can still get license plates for your fertilizer wagons until we can fix this problem with legislation. If you don't have a title or certificate of origin for the trailer from the manufacturer, you will need to present the Sec of State with a unique identification number on the trailer (not the tank)&... |
MAGIEExhibitors are excited about the MAGIE show August 18-19 and are really preparing some special events at their booths. You should have received your MAGIE registration brochure in the mail. You can also register on-line by going to and clicking on MAGIE. Exhibitors and the layout are listed on the site as well as hotels. We are looking forward to seeing everyone next month! |
MAGIEDon't forget to mark your calendar for MAGIE 2013. The dates for MAGIE this year are August 21-22, 2013 held once again at the McLean County Fairgrounds in Bloomington, IL. Registration forms will go out after the Fourth of July with online registration availble July 1, 2013. |
MAGIE & IFCA Winter Convention and TradeshowYou can register on-line for the MAGIE show by clicking here to be directed to the registration page. MAGIE will be held on August 21-22, 2013 at the McLean County Fairgrounds in Bloomington, IL. We can also take registrations by mail or fax. MAGIE pre-registration price is $12 per person and ends August 6, 2013. After August 6 the cost to register for MAGIE is $15 per person. Also, please mark your calendars for the 2014 IFCA Annual Winter Convention & Tradeshow. The dates for the winter convention are January 20-22, 2014 in Peoria, IL. This year our headquarters hotel will ... |
MAGIE 2Don't forget to pre-register for the MAGIE show and save money...the pre-registration date ends August 1st. You can register on-line by going to and click on MAGIE. You can also register at the show which is August 19-20 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. Go to the MAGIE link on the IFCA website to see the exhibitors and schedule of events. MAGIE remains the premier ag equipment show for our industry and it's right in your backyard! We appreciate your support and attendance to keep it going strong.&... |
MAGIE 2013It is hard to believe but MAGIE is literally right around the corner. MAGIE will be held on August 21-22, 2013 at the McLean County Fairgrounds in Bloomington, IL. There are over 100 exhibitors showcasing the latest and greatest technology in the industry. On-line registration is available by clicking here or you can register by contacting the IFCA office. The registration fee is $15 per person to attend the two day show. |
MAGIE 3Please get registered for MAGIE by August 4th to save money; it's only $12 per person but goes up to $15 after August 4. The MAGIE show is August 20-21 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington and it's generating a lot of excitement with new lines of equipment being showcased by our exhibitors. And don't forget IFCA and IDA are offering Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Training on August 20 at 1:30 p.m. during MAGIE. For $50 you can attend the training and get into the MAGIE show too. Go to and click on the ... |
MAGIE Aug 18-19Don't miss out on MAGIE 2010, which is August 18-19 at the McLean County Fairgrounds (formerly known as the Interstate Center). We have some new exhibitors this year and the returning exhibitors are bringing a lot of equipment and planning some special demonstrations and booth attractions. You may register at the door or contact IFCA to get your badge done ahead of time so that you don't have to wait in line. Don't miss out on this national industry event right here in Illinois! Go to and click on MAGIE for ... |
MAGIE DatesMAGIE is scheduled for August 19-20, 2009 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. To see the layout of exhibitors, go to and click on MAGIE. We will send out registration forms in mid July. Mark your calendars! |
MAGIE is August 19-20Pre-registration for the 2009 MAGIE show at The Interstate Centerin Bloomington, IL is higher than in previous years, with nearly 1,500 already registered to attend from across the Midwest. Even if you missed pre-registration, you can register at the door for $15.00. The show hours are 8-5 on Wednesday the 19th and from 8-2 on Thursday the 20th. The exhibitors are bringing some great new equipment and have lots of features and showcase events planned, plus there's the IFCA hospitality hour on Wednesday where we reward attendees with refreshments and prizes. Don't miss MAGIE, the ... |
MAGIE RegistrationWe've had tremendous response from exhibitors and attendees for the 2010 MAGIE show, with this year's show featuring even more exhibitors than in the past and many new companies attending. This is the last week to pre-register for MAGIE to avoid long lines at the show. On-line registration is closed but you can fax your registration form to us at 309.827.2779 or contact the IFCA office at 309.827.2774. MAGIE is August 18-19 at the same site as previous year, the McLean County Fairgrounds in Bloomington, IL (formerly called the Interstate Center). The Interstate Center building was ... |
MAGIE Registration DeadlinePlease register for MAGIE prior to August 3 to get the reduced registration rate of $12. After August 5 the price goes to $15 per person. The number of MAGIE exhibitors this year exceeds the previous years and indications are that the exhibitors are planning some terrific displays and events at the show. MAGIE is the premier equipment show for the ag input industry, so you don't want to miss it. MAGIE will be held Aug 18-19 in Bloomington. Go to and click on MAGIE for details. The leap year calendar resulted in ... |
MAGIE Turnout & IFCA Convention DatesOver 2,200 people from 36 states attended MAGIE. That number is up by over 200 from last year. Thanks to exhibitors and attendees who made the show a success and for the work of the MAGIE committee and dedicated IFCA board members who pitched in to make the setup and show operations work smoothly. MAGIE 2009 will be August 19-20 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. The 2009 IFCA Convention is January 20-22 at the Peoria Civic Center. Please note Note the IFCA convention begins on Tuesday this year (Jan 20) with the CCA Sessions and IFCA annual meeting and the ... |
MAGIE's Looking GreatThe IFCA staff is impressed with the level of enthusiasm and interest in the MAGIE show this year from the exhibitors and the retail members! As we count down to the show dates of Aug 19-20, please make it a priority to attend because we know you will be impressed with the special events and features that the exhibitors have planned. IFCA will also be hosting a hospitality event on the afternoon of the 19th where we reward participants with some great prizes, snacks, music and cool refreshments. You can still contact IFCA to register or ... |
March 1 DeadlinesDon't forget to submit your Tier 2 reports and your Pesticide Producing Establishment Reports by March 1. |
Minibulk Changes ComingNew USEPA regulations that become effective in 2011 will require changes in the way our industry utilizes portable refillable containers (PRCs) otherwise known as minibulks. You may have received a poster from Crop Life America illustrating the major changes, and there are many fine points as well. IFCA has posted an industry overview of the changes on our website at It's not too early to start planning how you will incorporate these changes at your facility. IFCA is also organizing a minibulk collection this September. IFCA retail members should watch for a ... |
Minibulk IssuesDid you know that by August 2011, new USEPA regulations will require that all pesticide minibulks be equipped with a one-way valve or tamper evident device? They also must meet UN PG III DOT standards regardless of whether the pesticide in the tanks are DOT regulated products. You are also going to have to pressure test your minibulks every 2.5 years and keep records. IFCA recognizes that we currently have many minibulks that need to be recycled and this new regulation will only add to those numbers. We are working on a project for a statewide recycling ... |
MiniBulk Recycling UpdateWe have gotten tremendous response from our members on the minibulk recycling program. In late August and early September we will be getting in touch with everyone who has sent us a registration form to let you know how the schedule for collection will work. Thanks for participating in this stewardship effort to recycle tanks that are no longer safe for use and need to be cleared out of your warehouses. |
Minibulk SurveyIFCA is organizing a minibulk collection program for September 2009. We need your input regarding the number of tanks you may want to recycle in this program. It only takes a minute and provides us valuable information as we plan this program. Please go to |
Monday Feb 15The IFCA office observes President's Day and our office will be closed on Monday, February 15th. |
Money in Farm Bill for Nurse Tank LocksThe recently passed U.S. Farm Bill contains a section that provides up to $15 million in grants for dealers to purchase locks for ammonia nurse tanks. The program will provide up to $60 per tank for the locks. We don't know yet how the program will be administered, but stay tuned. |
More Good News (Not) From SpringfieldLast week the Governor’s staff called a conference with agriculture and environmental groups to inform us that we face budget cuts yet again. They are threatening more cuts to 4-H, Soil & Water Conservation Districts, C-FAR and the operating budgets at the Dept of Ag, EPA and DNR if we don’t voice support for the Governor’s proposal to sweep all the state’s special funds, sell the lottery and issue more bonding (borrowing) authority. There are serious cuts to education, transportation and social service programs as well. IFCA does not ... |
More Interest in On Farm StorageBoth IFCA and the Dept of Ag have received phone calls recently inquiring about the on-farm storage of fertilizer. Price, supply and the inability to get product applied this spring in some parts of the state seem to be causing the interest in storing product on the farm. The Illinois Pesticide Act requires that storage of more 50,000 lbs of dry fertilizer or 5,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer be in a permitted containment facility. It is a violation of the Pesticide Act with fines of $500 per day for farmers to store these amounts on the farm for more than 45 ... |
More Nurse Tank Testing on the HorizonThe USDOT intends to propose rulemaking to require that all ammonia nurse tanks be tested once every five years. The tests would be similar to those already being performed on tanks that are missing their data plates. It would likely involve an external visual inspection, thickness test and pressure test. Any welding must be performed by an R stamp welder (this is already the case) and a pressure test must follow any welded repair. The reason for USDOT's insistence on nurse tank testing is that several tanks around the country have failed and most of ... |
More on Fall NWe appreciate hearing from our members regarding Fall N best management practices. Many of you shared with us that you and your customers were not aware that there were major changes made with regard to the timing of fall N applications, mainly waiting until the soil reaches 50 degrees. We have posted an excerpt from the new Illinois agronomy handbook at the IFCA home page at In concert with the handbook, IFCA recommends that fall N not be applied until the soil temps reach and will stay below 50 degrees, and we also recommend the use ... |
Motorcycle RideThere will be a 2009 IFCA Motorcycle Ride on September 15-16. Those interested will depart from Peoria on the 15th for a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. Watch for a flyer from IFCA but we have also posted preliminary information on the IFCA home page at Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible if you are interested. Thanks to John Kladstrup of Dow AgroSciences for organizing the trip this year...its sure to be a great time and you IFCA bikers deserve it after a long and difficult summer. |
Much Beloved Dr. Kapusta Leaves UsThe ag input industry is very saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. George Kapusta on March 31. Dr. Kapusta was a much loved and respected agricultural professor and researcher at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale who retired not long ago. He was 75. We don't have many details but you can visit the website of The Southern Illinoisan for updates. Our thoughts are with his family; he certainly left a positive footprint on our industry and his influence and love for agriculture will always be remembered by the IFCA members. |
NASCAR Ticket WinnersPrecision Tank & Equipment Company and Brand Consolidated, Inc. have announced the winners of the Nationwide ticket drawing at the IFCA Convention & Trade Show in Peoria. Ticket winners will attend the Nationwide race in Indianapolis, IN on July 28, 2012 and get to meet the Brandt Consolidated #31 driver Justin Allgaier. Each of the following winners will receive two tickets. Congratulations!! Neil Eimer Evergreen FS Anchor, IL Don Bradley Bader Ag Meredosia, IL John Plogger Wagner Seed & Supply Rockbridge, IL Craig Oest Hintzsche Fertilizer, Inc. Fairbury, IL Chris Vaughn Van Horn, ... |
New Form for Licensing Nurse Tanks; Crossing State LinesWe have been telling you recently about IFCA working with the IL Sec of State to resolve the issue of titles and license plates for nurse tanks. Some recent clean-up changes in the Vehicle Code eliminated the ability of our industry to obtain titles for nurse tank trailers, and thus eliminated the ease in getting license plates, which are required by law for nurse tank fertilizer trailers. We are happy to report that this has now been resolved. In consultation with IFCA, the IL SOS has developed a process by which you can obtain license plates ... |
New Hope for Locks and DamsThe US House approved legislation this week (H.R. 3080) on a 417-3 vote to re-authorize the US Army Corps of Engineers to develop, maintain and support the nation's vital ports and waterways infrastructure needs, as well as support flood protection and environmental restoration needs. The US ag industry uses close to 70 million tons of fertilizer each year, much of which travels through the US ports and the inland river system. The US Senate passed similar legislation back in May; the Senate and House will now go to conference committee in the coming weeks to resolve any differences ... |
New UI Bulletin on Nitrogen Management Results of 2016; Thoughts on 2017Dr. Emerson Nafziger of the University of Illinois has provided an update on nitrogen uptake and yield response for the 2016 crop. This bulletin discusses Dr. Nafziger's analysis of on-farm nitrogen rate trials conducted throughout Illinois and made possible by funding from the Nutrient Research & Education Council (NREC). Dan Schaefer of IFCA provides support for this research, working in concert with many IFCA ag retail members and their farmer customers. In this bulletin are observations on the performance of nitrogen timings, including fall 2015 N applications and applications made in-season in 2016. The bulletin also features considerations ... |
New USEPA Rules for Pesticide Containment & ContainersThe USEPA has enacted new regulations that require containment for the storage of bulk pesticides. While states like Illinois and many in the Midwest already have state containment regulations, many states do not and therefore this will require many dealers in the country to construct containment and load-out facilities that meet USEPA standards. New requirements for the filling and storage of Portable Refillable Containers or mini-bulks is also included in the rule. Again, Illinois is in good shape regarding compliance with this new federal law, but there will be some changes in the coming ... |
Nitrogen Recommendations for 2010 CropDr. Fabian Fernandez of the University of Illinois Dept of Crop Sciences has provided a guidance document on nitrogen issues and recommendations for the 2010 crop as well as best management practices for the fall application of fertilizer. Please go to to download the document and to also see the daily 4 inch soil temperatures. On a related note, IFCA continues to attend meetings regarding hypoxia and nutrient losses from tile drained soils. Discussions continue on how to best mitigate nutrient losses, but the most realistic approach remains strict adherence to best management practices. The ... |
Nitrogen Webinar on Thursday - 1 CEU NMThis Thursday, March 27 at 8:00 am CDT join a webinar entitled "Nitrogen Management in 2014 and Beyond." Receive 1 CEU in Nutrient Management as Dr. Emerson Nafziger from UI and Dan Schaefer from CBMP provide information about nitrogen management for the 2014 corn crop. Dr. Nafziger will provide insight about the fate of fall applied N and what kind of impact the continued cold weather may have on nitrogen availability. He will also review new research projects funded by the Nutrient Research & Education Council (NREC) and how you can participate in these on-farm research projects. Dan will provide ... |
No IDA Fee Increases*In the version of the budget that the Illinois legislators sent to Governor Blagojevich a few weeks ago, there were no proposed fee increases for Department of Agriculture programs. Earlier in the year, IFCA was aware of several fee increase proposals including pesticide product registration fees and scale fees. While the budget is far from being finalized (the Governor is still waiting to act on it), at this point in time the IDA fee increases are absent. The * in the title of this article means we don't take our eye off the legislative process, as things ... |
Node 328IFCA is saddened to learn that Gordon Jenner, founder of Jenner Sales in Harristown, IL died on Sunday, January 4 2009. He was 87 and had been battling colon cancer. The industry lost a leader, mentor and true class of gentleman with Gordon's passing. He stayed engaged in the industry until the very end and we will miss his presence, smile and his perspective and experiences he was always willing to share while attending events such as MAGIE and the IFCA Winter Trade Show. He was truly an icon and established a lasting legacy in the ... |
Node 334The deadline for facilities ranked as Tier 4 by the Dept of Homeland Security is January 12, 2009. Sorry for the mistake. Please contact IFCA immediately if you are a Tier 4 facililty and have not completed your vulnerability assessment as required by DHS. |
Node 337We look forward to seeing you at the IFCA Convention & Trade Show next week. Please note the times and dates for the following events, which have been adjusted since the original convention registration brochure was mailed 2 months ago: The Regulatory Compliance Workshop on RMP Updates is from 1-3 pm on Tuesday, Jan 20 in the Cheminee Room at the Hotel Pere Marquette The CCA/FREC Session is from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm on January 20 in Room 400 of the Peoria Civic Center You can view the entire program and exhibitors by going to and clicking on ... |
Node 659It is with a heavy heart that we share with IFCA members and friends the news that Mark Stivers passed away suddenly yesterday afternoon (Aug 30) from an apparent heart attack. Mark was with the Helena Chemical team and was serving in his eighth year on the IFCA Board of Directors as a member of the Executive Committee and as our Finance Officer. We are so shocked and saddened at the unexpected loss of such a committed member of our industry and a friend to so many. Mark was a leader in the agrichemical distribution ... |
Node 660The visitation and funeral for Mark Stivers, IFCA Board Member and employee of Helena Chemical Company will be on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at Calvert Funeral Home in Clinton, IL located at 201 S. Center Street. The visitation will be from 9:30 am to 11:00 a.m with the funeral at 11:00 a.m. You may check the Calvert website at for details regarding the services and memorials. Mark's obituary will also be posted on the website. Expressions of sympathy to Mark's wife Davida, his son CJ and daughter Dareth may be sent to 12771 Janvrin Road, ... |
Nov 2We know that you may be busy next Tuesday, but please take time to vote and encourage your employees to vote as well. So much is at stake! Our volunteer army puts their lives at stake in other countries to secure this right for others, so we must not take it for granted here at home. Too many have sacrificed and died in our country's history for us to not take the time to go to the polls and exercise our right to choose our leaders. Please vote for the future of ... |
NTIP AddendumsWe know that everyone is busy but want to remind you that if you have ammonia nurse tanks enrolled in the Nurse Tank Inspection Program, you have until February 2011 to file the addendum to the NTIP inspection report that you keep on file for these nurse tanks. Please review the information on the IFCA website regarding the addendum. The addendum is required by USDOT and failure to comply by February 2011 with this requirement could result in monetary penalty. |
NTIP AddendumsReminder: Do you have your NTIP addendums completed and on file for every nurse tank in the NTIP program? You must do this before February 2011. Instructions for completing this requirement are posted at or call us for help. |
Nurse Tank Accident BrochuresIFCA has developed a full size color brochure that takes a hard look at actual accidents that occurred in the spring of 2010 with ammonia transportation and application. The brochure describes numerous incidents, the county in which they occurred, has color photos, and for each incident makes specific recommendation on how they could have been prevented. We are distributing the brochure at the fall ammonia safety schools and the brochure is also posted on the IFCA website. If you would like copies of the brochure to share with your employees and your customers, please call us at 309.827.2774 ... |
Nurse Tanks Need License PlatesThere has been some enforcement activity recently in which warnings and tickets are being given if license plates are not on ammonia nurse tanks. The Illinois Vehicle Code section 5/3-809(a) outlines the registration requirements. The plates are can be renewed every two years for a fee of $13.00. This section is available at just click on "Regulations" then "DOT." The section goes on to also require fertilizer floaters that are laden with load to be licensed for a fee of $250 per year. If you have questions please contact IFCA. |
Nurse Tanks That Cross State LinesIFCA was alerted recently that the USDOT is looking at taking enforcement action against ammonia nurse tanks and other farm wagons that cross state lines (interstate commerce). Because the federal rules do not have a definition or specific exclusion for an implement of husbandry, the requirements for lights, brakes and other safety features apply when these vehicles are engaged in interstate commerce. This has all come about after the passage of the Uniform Carrier Registration, which is also requiring many farm vehicles to register as USDOT vehicles if they deliver grain to an elevator that then introduces ... |
Nutrient IssuesThe Illinois EPA recently held a Nutrient Summit bringing together state agencies, universities, municipalities, agriculture and environmental activists. USEPA is forcing states to set water quality standards for nitrogen and phosphorus in streams that will severely challenge agriculture, municipalities and other industries. Most of these developments have been driven by lawsuits filed by environmental groups, similar to the lawsuits that resulted in the NPDES permit for pesticides. IFCA is involved along with other ag organizations in helping to develop a statewide strategy on reducing nutrient losses. This does not necessarily mean reducing ... |
On-Line Ammonia Training for Late HiresNow that the spring ammonia classes are over, if you hire an employee to help with spring ammonia season and they didn't attend the training you can have them complete the IFCA and IDA on-line training program which will get them a 90 day temporary training certificate until the employee can attend the fall ammonia classes. The cost for the on-line program is $40. You can access the online training program by clicking on the link on the IFCA homepage. Once the training and test are completed, a certificate will pop-up in pdf format so ... |
OSHA Conducting Audits at Illinois Grain FacilitiesDue to some unfortunate accidents resulting in some deaths at some grain facilities in Illinois, OSHA is taking a proactive approach and conducting audits at some Illinois grain facilities. OSHA will be looking at proper employee training, PPE, confined space entry plans just to name a few. With fall harvest just beginning in some parts of Illinois, please take the time to make sure you are in compliance with OSHA regulations. Fines for non-compliance can reach tens of thousands of dollars. |
Ownership Changes Impact ScalesIFCA recently learned of a policy within the IDA Bureau of Weights and Measures that requires scales to be NTEP approved or meet NTEP conformance standards if a change of ownership takes place. Years ago when IDA adopted the national standards for scales and measuring devices, they grandfathered in existing facilities to prevent the new rule from being overly burdensome on the industry. However, in order to ensure that at some point in time the scales would be brought up to national standards, they require the scale to meet NTEP standards if ownership changes hands. If you ... |
Permits for Pesticide Applicators?Last week IFCA sent a letter to USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder and Solicitor General Elena Kagan asking the administration to appeal a recent federal court ruling that could require all pesticide applicators to obtain a NPDES permit in order to apply pesticides. We are also working with our Congressional delegation to encourage the Administration to appeal to ruling. USEPA has until April 9, 2009 to decide whether to appeal. If they do not appeal, they may proceed with rulemaking to enact this permit requirement for all pesticide applicators. A synopsis of the court ruling ... |
Pesticide Applicator TrainingDr. Robert Wolf teaches an excellent Pesticide Applicator Training class, and through our affiliation with the Asmark Institute, the IFCA can offer up to 3 classes in Illinois this year during August and September 2015, but we must book them soon. IFCA can host one of the classes at the Asmark Agricenter in Bloomington, but if you have a minimum of 30 applicators in your company who desire to take the course, Dr. Wolf can travel to your location and offer the class at your shop or warehouse. Click here for a description of the Pesticide Applicator Training Course. Please ... |
Pesticide Container RecyclingThe IL Dept of Ag has announced the recycling dates and locations for 2.5 gallon pesticide containers. The schedule can be accessed at or by going to the IDA website at We also want everyone to get used to the new term for minibulks. In their new rules governing minibulks, USEPA calls these tanks Portable Refillable Containers or PRCs for short. If you see the term PRC, it is the same thing as a minibulk whether the tank gets refilled or not. We'll start using the ... |
Pesticide Container Recycling 2Please be a good steward and recycle your pesticide jugs. On the IFCA website we've posted the upcoming recycling dates. We also have convenient large plastic bags that you can store your clean, dry, triple-rinsed jugs in as you collect them for recycling. Then just toss the bag in your truck and take them to the nearest recycling location. If you would like some bags for your jugs, give Kevin a call and we'll ship them to you. Remember, the jugs must be triple rinsed, labels removed and dry! |
Pesticide Drift HearingIFCA is busy coordinating our testimony for the September 30 hearing on pesticide drift before the State Senate Ag Committee. The committee is also accepting written comments on this subject matter. Watch for a legislative alert from IFCA later today regarding the points to make in your written comments. Fact: In 2009, drift complaints are actually lower than in previous years, but activism pressure on agriculture is up. |
Pesticide Drift UpdatesIFCA continues to engage with the Illinois State Senate Ag Subcommittee that was created to address concerns with pesticide drift. At the subcommittee meeting on October 28th, Senator Dave Koehler expressed his desire to draft legislation requiring pre-notification for aerial applications. IFCA, the IL Ag Aviation Association and IL Farm Bureau continue to voice our concerns with this approach and will meet again with the Senator and the subcommittee members on the issue. On a related note, USEPA published two notices on Nov 4, 2009 asking for public comment on changes to pesticide labels to address drift and ... |
Please Complete Fall N Equipment FormsIf you are a retailer of anhydrous ammonia, please help IFCA in our efforts to put a price on the importance of the fall fertilizer season. Last week we sent out a spreadsheet prepared by researchers at Illinois State University to help determine the equipment related costs of switching from a fall season to a spring only season. With the wet fields, if you have the time to complete these forms depicting the costs to your business we would greatly appreciate it. Just go to and you will see the spreadsheet and accompanying instructions.&... |
Please Plan to Vote February 2The Illinois primary is February 2, 2010. It is abnormally early and thus is getting very little attention. But, this is your opportunity to cast your vote for your state representatives and all the executive state officers including the candidates for Governor. Please put February 2 on your calendar and make sure you play a part in the future of Illinois. The Chicago Tribune website has a great overview of the candidates, go to to view the candidates profiles. |
Portable Refillable Container UpdateLast week USEPA came to Champaign, IL to put on a seminar on the new container and containment regulations. The IL Dept of Ag was involved in putting on this meeting and IFCA members participated along with state pesticide officials from Illinois and Indiana. IFCA is working on a brochure that we hope will clarify what the new rules will mean for portable refillable pesticide containers (minibulks). The first order of business will be for you to review your 2011 repackaging agreements from the pesticide manufacturers. They will feature the containers that will be acceptable for ... |
Pre-Notification, Atrazine HearingPlease go to to see the updated legislative report on bills were are managing on behalf of our members. We have at this point in time resolved the potential for pesticide application pre-notification legislation by working with Senator Dave Koehler (D-Edwards) on a resolution. The resolution (SJR 105) encourages the IL Dept of Ag to implement a web-based program that allows organic growers, vineyards, bee hives and certain sensitive crops to register their sites and GIS coordinates with the goal to enhance communicate with pesticide applicators to potentially mitigate spray drift concerns with ... |
Propane Haulers Granted Regulatory WaiverDue to the propane shortage created by increased demand for grain drying, the Illinois Department of Transportation has relieved the propane industry with compliance with the Parts 390-399 of the Illinois Motor Carrier Regulations. The emergency relief extends from 12:00 midnight on Monday, October 28, 2013 until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, November 3, 2013 or until the emergency subsides, whichever occurs first. The emergency relief was requested by the Illinois Propane Gas Association. |
Proposed IDOT Move Bad News for IFCA MembersYou may have heard that Governor Blagojevich wants to move 150 Illinois DOT workers from Springfield to Harrisburg, IL, calling it job growth for Southern Illinois. This is a major concern for IFCA members. The employees that the Governor wants to move are in the Division of Traffic Safety. These are the IDOT people that IFCA works with on a weekly basis to determine the impact of federal and state hazardous material and motor carrier safety regulations on our industry. They help us understand how these complex rules impact our members, explain how they will be enforced and work with us ... |
Rally For Jobs and EnergyAttached is flyer for the September 8, 2010 “Rally for Jobs and Energy”. There are currently 31 partnering organizations and a great list of speakers headlined by Mike “Da Coach” Ditka. We are working to build a large crowd for the event and expecting significant media coverage. Please do all you can to encourage your members to attend. Doors will open at 11am with the program beginning at noon. Get there early if you want lunch, as they will cut off food service a few minutes before the program starts. Information is ... |
Recycling Forms Due Aug 14If you plan to participate in the minibulk recycling program, you must have your registration forms in to IFCA by Aug 14. Please pay careful attention to the minibulk cleaning instructions as you prepare your tanks for the collection process. After we receive your registration forms, we will be in touch with you regarding the collection schedule and how it will proceed. If you have questions please contact IFCA. |
Red Flag Rule ExtendedWe have mentioned in several IFCA articles the new Federal Trade Commission regulation that requires all creditors to adopt policies to protect your clients information from identify theft. It's called the Red Flag Rule. If you are in the lending or credit business in any manner and maintain personal information on your customers at your business, this rule impacts you. You must have security procedures in place at your business to detect identity theft attempts or breaches and respond to protect this information. The original compliance date was November 1, 2008 but the FTC ... |
Register for the 2010 IFCA Motorcycle RideThe 2010 IFCA Motorcycle Ride this year features a scenic trip through Northern Illinois to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to visit the Harley Davidson museum. The dates are September 8-10, 2010, with the riders departing from Peoria, IL at 9:30 a.m. on September 8th and returning on the 10th. The details of the motorcycle ride are attached in this email, and also posted at the IFCA website at Many thanks to IFCA member John Kladstrup for organizing the route, lodging and details for the trip. A minimum of six riders must be registered for the trip to ... |
Remembering Mike SegerWe were very sorry to learn that Mike Seger of St. Jacob, IL passed away suddenly last Sunday at the age of 55 from a heart attack. Mike worked many years for Bergmann-Taylor and was recently the marketing manager for Madison Service Co. Our condolences to Mike's family and to his many friends in the ag input industry. |
RemindersThis fall, please be aware that personnel at the ammonia terminals will require drivers to show their HAZMAT safety permit prior to receiving a load of ammonia. Terminals subject to the Lake Michigan US Coast Guard Port Authority will also need to see TWIC cards from truck drivers entering these facilities as of October 31, 2008. If you don't have a TWIC card you can still get loaded, it will just take longer since you will need to be escorted by the facility personnel the entire time you are on the property.&... |
Report Releases ImmediatelyGiven the severity of the penalties recently for failure to report a release on time to IEMA, the NRC and your LEPC, IFCA's advice is that if you become aware of a spill that could be an reportable quantity or a spill of a non RQ that could threaten the waters of the state (i.e. overturning a fertilizer tank in ditch) then you should immediately call IEMA, NRC and LEPC. If the spill ends up being not reportable, you can always follow-up and explain why it wasn't reportable. BUT if it was a reportable release ... |
Reporting Ammonia ReleasesIFCA members continue to get hammered with huge fines from Region 5 USEPA for failing to report ammonia releases of 100 lbs (18 gallons) or more. In most cases the facility is reporting the incident, but not "immediately." If you have any reason at all to believe a reportable release of ammonia has occurred at your facility or while in your possession during transportation or application you must contact the National Response Center at 800.424.8802 and the IL Emergency Mgmt Agency at 800.782.7860 as well as your LEPC. If you are involved in handling the release and feel ... |
Responsible AgPlease be a part of a national stewardship initiative to ensure safety and security at all bulk fertilizer storage facilities by registering your facility in the new Responsible Ag program. Go to to learn more about the program; if you wish to assess your level of regulatory compliance prior to a Responsible Ag auditor vising your location, there is a compliance assessment tool on the website that can help you prepare for a Responsible Ag audit. There are thousands of bulk fertilizer facilities in the United States, and this program demonstrates to the ... |
Sad But Not Shocking News on NPDES PermitsThe Obama Administration filed a brief this week opposing the agricultural industry's petition asking the US Supreme Court to re-hear the case that will require federal NPDES permits for pesticide applications that occur on or near water. Crop Life America (our national crop protection industry association) and The American Farm Bureau Federation filed the appeal with the Supreme Court and The National Association of the State Departments of Agriculture and the American Mosquito Control Association were also signed on in support of the appeal. If you are unhappy about the current situation in government, you can ... |
Safety School & MAGIEWatch for your MAGIE registration brochures. MAGIE will be August 19-20 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. The National Environmental Health & Safety School is also returning to the Interstate Center on Aug 18-19. The agenda this year includes timely sessions on load securement, the forthcoming rule on NPDES permits for pesticide applications, seed treatment safety, a report on large fertilizer tank failures and a hands-on demonstration on how to retest your minibulk containers (in reference to the new rules in the above article). This is just a sampling of the issues that will be covered ... |
Schedule CDL Road Exams Online |
Scholarship Deadline ApproachingIf you have a son, daughter, niece, nephew etc. who is in college and wants to pursue a career in agriculture, please have them complete the IFCA Scholarship Application and send it to our office. The deadline is Dec 18th but we'll extend it a few extra days. The form is available at |
See You at Convention!We have sold out the booth space for the IFCA trade show! Plus it looks like Mother Nature is going to give us a little reprieve from the cold weather as we all head to Peoria for the IFCA Winter Convention. We have a great program with 12 CEU credits and timely updates on spray drift issues, NPDES permits, new minibulk container regulations and a regulatory workshop covering transportation related subjects and reporting releases to USEPA. We also have two great speakers to prepare you for the 2010 year in terms of your business plan and ... |
Senate Climate BillThe U.S. Senate has introduced their version of the Cap & Trade bill. Ford West of The Fertilizer Institute said "The climate change legislation provides government incentives that will encourage a wide range of utilities to switch to natural gas as an alternative for generating energy, as well as incentives for natural gas vehicles. This will undoubtedly increase the demand for and the price of natural gas, for which there is no substitute for in the manufacturing of nitrogen fertilizers. Congress must keep in mind that fertilizer is a crucial food security resource and responsible for 40 ... |
Senator Watson to Retire from LeadershipSenator Frank Watson (R-Greenville), who is currently the Minority Leader in the Illinois Senate, issued a statement that he will retire from the leadership position at the end of the year. Senator Watson suffered a minor stroke recently and while his prognosis is very good, his doctor has advised him to avoid unnecessary stress (like attempting to reason with the Governor, perhaps?) The members of the Illinois Senate will now be electing two new leaders: one Republican to replace Frank Watson and one Democrat to replace Emil Jones. Let's all hope that strong ... |
Send HOS Comments by Aug 13Please see the Regulatory Alert posted at and send in written comments to FMCSA regarding the Hours of Service exemption for agricultural inputs. We are fighting very hard to keep the exemption for all movements of fertilizer from the terminals and warehouses to retail sites. Right now the FMCSA is only proposing to grant a 2 year exemption for anhydrous ammonia. A sample letter is posted on the IFCA website. Your comments are critical to persuade FMCSA to expand the exemption to all forms of fertilizer. If you have questions contact Jean Payne.&... |
SPCC Compliance Deadline November 10, 2010If a facility stores 1,320 US gallons or more of oil, oil products such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil or animal fat in aboveground containers, the deadline to implement a Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is November 10, 2010. The SPCC regulation requires a covered facility to prepare and implement an SPCC Plan which is intended to prevent oil products from reaching navigable waters or shores of the United States. This regulation will require farm operations to also implement the SPCC plan if they meet or exceed ... |
SPCC Rule DelayedUSEPA has delayed the effective date of the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Rules until January 14, 2010. In addition, they have also substantially simplified the SPCC rules for facilities with no individual tank of 5,000 gallons or more and that do not exceed 10,000 gallons of oil products at the facility. The Fertilizer Institute and the Asmark Institute are working directly with USEPA to finalize a web based compliance program for ag retailers, which will be called mySPCC. The goal is to work with USEPA on this tool and gain their approval for its use, similar to the approval USEPA ... |
SPCC, Portable Pesticide Containers, New DOT RegsIf you want to learn more about the new regulations if you store more than 1,320 gallons or oil or fuel (Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure) the details on the rules for portable refillable pesticide containers (PRCs) and the new driver safety rating system that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is unveiling, you can attend the National Agronomic Health & Safety School held August 17-18 at the Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington. Top speakers from USEPA, FMCSA, OSHA and industry will shed light on these new regulatory requirements for ag retailers. To see the agenda and register ... |
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)If you store more than 1,320 gallons of fuel or oil at your facility in containers in excess of 55 gallons, you must complete a SPCC plan. Click the heading to access the Asmark Institute's mySPCC program. The mySPCC program is endorsed by USEPA. Note that if you have more than 10,000 gallons of storage at your facility you will need to have a Professional Engineer review and certify your SPCC. |
Spring 2019 Nitrogen ManagementThe University of Illinois has published a detailed guidance bulletin on spring nitrogen management, available both on FarmDoc and by clicking here. With so many delays this spring, management of N will be very important to ensure agronomic return as well as protection of the environment. Nitrate levels in several of the central Illinois drinking water supply lakes are already above 5 ppm which is concerning; this is the case even though the 2018 fall fertilizer season was only 30% of a "normal" year. This spring, using the Right Rate will be vital to help protect water ... |
Spring NH3 AccidentsThe spring 2010 fertilizer season was two seasons rolled into one, no question. However, based on the calls we received at IFCA we could tell that there appeared to be more accidents with ammonia than usual. Concerned, we asked the IL Dept of Agriculture's Bureau of Ag Products Inspection management team to sit down with IFCA to review the spring season and discuss the types of accidents that occurred this spring, several of which resulted in injuries. We had this meeting yesterday, and learned that in the spring of 2010, IDA investigated 45 accidents involving anhydrous ... |
State to Borrow MoreYesterday the Illinois legislature came to an agreement on the budget. There isn't going to be an income tax increase; instead they are going to borrow nearly $3.5 billion against the state's pension system. There as also a bill this week to raise fees for Dept of Ag and DNR services, but that bill was never voted on. If you want to do some light reading go to and pull up SB 1292 to see how the budget will be funded. If you want to see where the money will be ... |
Still Awaiting Ruling on NH3 by RailThe Fertilizer Institute remains watchful of a ruling from The Surface Transportation Board regarding the railroad's petition to pass along all liability costs to the shippers of ammonia. Rail rates and surcharges on ammonia rail shipments have skyrocketed lately, another apparent move by the railroads to price the movement of ammonia by rail out of the market. For a full story on the situation, go to |
Stressful FallThe staff at IFCA wants you to know that we are here to listen and sympathize regarding the pressure you are under with the late fall and unstable fertilizer prices. We know you are feeling the stress and our office has fielded a fair number of calls from members expressing concern. We also get calls and emails here at the office from farmers and the media inquiring about fertilizer prices and trends. IFCA sends a strong and reasoned message to these types of callers about the value of the retailer and the reality of the marketplace. |
Temporary Ammonia Training CertificateYou can get a temporary ammonia training certificate if you have an employee who missed the regularly scheduled spring and fall ammonia courses. You can access the online training program by clicking the heading above. It will provide a temporary certificate after completing the program. |
The IFCA Office is without powerThe IFCA Office is without power, Monday, December 29th. If you need to reach the office, please call Jean at 309.826.3236 or Kevin at 309.826.1318. Thank you. |
The Significance of StewardshipIt is nice to see the soil temperature site colored green today. Thank you to so many IFCA members who worked with your customers to encourage them to wait until the soil temperatures reached 50 degrees before applying nitrogen, in adherence with the recommendations in the IL Agronomy Handbook (click on this link to see the revised chapter on fall N) Even with the soil temps at 50 degrees, we strongly encourage the use of nitrogen stabilizers for all fall applied nitrogen to better protect the nitrogen until the soils freeze ... |
The State BudgetThere are some things we know about the proposed state budget, and other things we don't. Governor Quinn mentioned sweeping some special funds and closing corporate tax loopholes. So far, we have not seen a list of the fund that might be swept, or many details either on the loophole closures. The Illinois Taxpayers Federation, of which IFCA is a member, has provided an analysis of what we do know and it's posted on the IFCA homepage. Please take a look at it this document and evaluate how this proposal may impact your ... |
Tier 2 Deadline is March 16IEMA has extended the deadline for submitting Tier II reports to Monday, March 16, 2009. All Tier II reports are to be submitted on-line by going to and clicking on "Tier 2 Manager On-Line Submission Program" at the bottom of the page. If the site plan for your facility has changed, you must also submit an electronic copy of your updated site plan along with the Tier II information. If you need assistance, contact IFCA. Another reminder: Pesticide Production Reports are due to USEPA March 1, 2009.&... |
Tier 2 Fee Proposal StoppedOn Wednesday, Jean Payne provided testimony before the IL House Environment & Energy Committee opposing the Tier 2 chemical inventory fees. For the majority of IFCA members, the annual fee would have exceeded the amount you pay in IFCA dues. The majority of legislators on the committee agreed with IFCA's position and voted down the legislation. Thank you to all our members who called the legislators on the committee, it was very helpful in defeating these fees on Illinois businesses. For a review of the other bills IFCA is working on this year, go ... |
Tier 2 reports due March 1The deadline for submitting Tier II information to IEMA is March 1, 2008. You can begin to submit your Tier 2 information at anytime by going to then click on Tier 2 Manager On-Line Submission Program toward the bottom of the page. The username and password to log onto the submission program can be found on your Tier 2 report from last year or by sending and e-mail to and requesting the facility username and password. Please include your facility name and physical address in the request. If you have ... |
Tier 2 Reports Due March 1The deadline for submitting Tier 2 reports to Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is March 1, 2014. Although anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate have always been required to be listed on Tier 2 reports, US EPA is now requiring all fertilizer; such as DAP, MAP, UAN and Potash, to be reported on Tier 2 reports. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Kevin Runkle at the IFCA office. |
Tired of Spinning Your Regulatory Wheels?For the last three years, IFCA has partnered with the Asmark Institute to offer affordable and high quality regulatory compliance assistance for IFCA members. It can be tough enough keeping straight which government agency is in charge of certain regulations. The Asmark Institute can offer piece of mind for you and your company so more time can be focused on what you do best, running your business. Since the partnership began, IFCA has signed up over twenty ag retail facilities with the Asmark Institute, on top of the nearly 100 that were already Asmark clients before the Institute ... |
Tomorrow's Atrazine HearingTomorrow, Feb 23 at 2:00 pm in room 413 of the Stratton Building in Springfield, the House of Representatives Environmental Health Committee will hear the testimony of Dr. Tyrone Hayes of the University of California Berkeley. Dr. Hayes lectures frequently against the use of atrazine despite the fact that his research has been discredited by USEPA. The USEPA is on record stating that Dr. Hayes' "data are insufficient," his work is "scientifically flawed" and "none of Hayes' laboratory studies on atrazine were conducted in accordance with standard protocols." IFCA and other members of the agricultural industry will be present ... |
Tornadoes Hit Two IFCA MembersAg retailers in Eastern Illinois Sustained heavy damage from tornadoes that passed through the area Sunday afternoon. Please keep them in your thoughts as they clean up their facilities and begin to put everything back together. It is a daunting and overwhelming task to pick up the pieces and rebuild a business or community after such a devastating act of nature. Our thoughts are with the communites and members affected this past Sunday. |
Training Opportunities to Improve Safety and ComplianceIFCA's affiliation with the Asmark Institute helps us to offer professional, accessible safety and compliance training. This summer there are plenty of opportunities to attend training in the following areas as outlined below. Click here to see a listing of the dates and locations of the classes. Class space is limited so to ensure a seat you should register as soon as possible. Click here to be directed to the Asmark Training Classes registration site. Professional Applicator Training (1 day): Classes will be held on September 28 and 30 at the Asmark ... |
Troubling News on Pesticide PermitsThis past week we learned that the 6th Federal Court District rejected Crop Life America's appeal to re-hear the case in which the court ruled that pesticide applications will be subject to USEPA pollution discharge permits under the Clean Water Act. We are not surprised that the court declined to re-hear the issue, but this setback does mean that USEPA is proceeding to draft rules that will make many pesticide applicators subject to permits under the Clean Water Act. Initially USEPA intends to focus the permitting process on mosquito applications and aquatic pesticide applications. However ... |
UI Welcomes New Agronomist Dr. Cameron PittelkowIn another strong indication of Illinois agriculture's dedication to our crop production industry, the University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences has hired a new Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Dr. Cameron Pittelkow. His role will include teaching, research and extension responsibilities related to nutrient management, efficient crop production, and helping the industry strike a balance between productive, profitable agriculture and minimizing environmental impacts. Click here for a press release to learn more about Dr. Pittelkow. IFCA welcomes him to Illinois and looks forward to working closely with him on innovative research and educational efforts. ... |
Uniform Speed Limit Has a ChanceFor years the trucking industry has tried to enact uniform speed limit laws in Illinois so that commercial trucks and cars can both travel 65 mph on interstate highways. This year there are two bills, HB 3956 and SB 1467 that are both up for a vote on the House Floor and Senate Floor, possibly as early as the week of March 16. Please contact your state Representative and Senator and urge them to vote YES on these bills. Also ask you Senator to vote YES on SB 1434, which repeals the commercial distribution fee on trucks. To view these ... |
Upcoming IFCA EventsMark your calendars to attend one or all of the upcoming summer events IFCA will be hosting. The 2014 MAGIE Show will be August 20 & 21 in Bloomington, IL at the McLean County Fairgrounds. On line registration will begin in July. Golf Outings: Thursday, July 24th we will be playing at Senica's Oak Ridge in LaSalle, IL Thursday, July 31st we will be playing at a NEW location - Fox Prairie Golf Course in Windsor, IL Registration forms for the golf outings will be mailed next week; proceeds go toward the IFCA scholarship ... |
Updated 2015 NREC BrochureThe Illinois Nutrient Research & Education Council (NREC) has a new tri-fold brochure that explains the purpose and structure of NREC and highlights the 20 projects underway targeted at improving nutrient utilization, increasing crop production and protecting water quality. If you would like to include this brochure in any mailings to your farmer customers with your spring fertilizer invoices, call IFCA at 309.827.2774 and let us know how many copies you need and we will send them to you free of charge as part of NREC's outreach mission. This year, many state funds were swept and if NREC ... |
USDOT Conducting HAZMAT AuditsIFCA received word from one of our members that the USDOT Office of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety (PHMSA) conducted an unannounced visit to their ag retail sites to inspect ammonia nurse tanks. IFCA met with PHMSA staff who are based in Des Plaines, IL last year to discuss ammonia inspection programs and outreach efforts. We are working with PHMSA to ensure that inspections recognize the Dept of Ag regulations pertaining to nurse tanks and for PHMSA officers to focus on major issues rather than nit-picking. If you receive a visit from PHMSA please notify the IFCA.&... |
USEPA Releases NPDES PermitYesterday the USEPA released the draft NPDES permit that will be required for certain pesticide applications. The permit would apply to the following pesticide uses: 1) mosquito or other flying insect control; 2) aquatic weed and algae control; 3) aquatic nuisance animal control; and 4) forest canopy pest control. The permit does not cover terrestrial applications to control pests on agricultural crops or forest floors. The USEPA is taking public comments on the draft permit until July 19th, including whether it should cover additional pesticide uses. We expect there will be strong pressure from activist groups ... |
VOTE FOR YOUR 2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORSEvery IFCA member should have received a ballot for the open slots on the IFCA Board of Directors. If you have not returned your ballot, please do so as soon as possible, voting closes the end of this week. We are electing retail representatives in District 1, District 2 and District 7, and also the Fertilizer Manufacturer and Seed Industry Representative. Your vote is important! |
VOTE FOR YOUR 2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2Every IFCA member should have received a ballot for the open slots on the IFCA Board of Directors. If you have not returned your ballot, please do so as soon as possible, voting closes the end of this week. We are electing retail representatives in District 1, District 2 and District 7, and also the Fertilizer Manufacturer and Seed Industry Representative. Your vote is important! |
VOTE FOR YOUR 2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4Every IFCA member should have received a ballot for the open slots on the IFCA Board of Directors. If you have not returned your ballot, please do so as soon as possible, voting closes the end of this week. We are electing retail representatives in District 1, District 2 and District 7, and also the Fertilizer Manufacturer and Seed Industry Representative. Your vote is important! |
Wabash Valley Services is Environmental Respect WinnerHearty congratulations to the management and employees of Wabash Valley Service Company headquartered in Grayville, IL for winning the National Environmental Respect Award. This is the highest recognition that an ag retailer in the USA can receive for operating their business in an environmentally sound manner for the benefit of their customers, employees and the community. Mike Wilson, manager of the Wabash Valley facility in Browns, IL accepted the award on July 9 in Washington, D.C. and said "The message that we carry is one of environmental stewardship. If we are to continue to feed ... |
Watch for NREC InvoicesWithin the next few weeks, the Illinois Department of Agriculture will send invoices to fertilizer distributors listing the amount owed to the Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC) for the spring fertilizer tons sold in Illinois. The NREC assessment remains at 75 cents per ton. Please do not send anything to NREC until you receive an invoice from IDA and use the return envelope provided. The Illinois Fertilizer Act also requires fertilizer distributors to remit an additional 25 cents per ton directly to the Illinois Department of Agriculture based on your tonnage reports. This amount ensure that IDA ... |
Way to Go TFIThe Fertilizer Institute (TFI) in Washington D.C. secured a victory for the industry this week when they were able to convince legislative leaders to remove a proposed tax on fertilizers from federal legislation that seeks to create a Clean Water Trust Fund. Originally the legislation aimed to tax fertilizer to the tune of $500 million per year to support federal investments in drinking water infrastructures. This is why it is so important to be a member of your state and national associations. Congratulations TFI staff! |
Welcome New IFCA Board MembersYour IFCA Board of Directors is happy to announce that Jim McNelly of Two Rivers FS in Pittsfield and Travis Weaver of UAP in Blandinsville have been elected to the IFCA Board of Directors to replace Ervin Caselton of Evergreen FS and Mark Tarter of Tarter Feed & Fertilizer, who have both served two full terms on the Board. Bill Romshek of Heritage FS in Gilman and Terry Habrock of Terayne Ag Specialties in Venedy was also re-elected to a second term. Thanks to all of the IFCA members who voted and thanks also to Ken Bierman of&... |
What Does Election Mean for Illinois Agriculture?The recent elections promise some change in Washington. At our state capitol, however, little has changed. With a $14 billion dollar deficit and a pension deficit nearing $90 billion the fiscal situation in Illinois is bleak for sure. At our Ag-SOLVE breakfast on January 19th, Tom Johnson with the IL Taxpayers Federation will tell us what to expect in terms of changes in state taxes and revenue enhancement efforts. Our neighboring states are welcoming new Governors and legislative chambers that have shifted to become more conservative and business-friendly, and will likely roll out new policies to attract businesses ... |
What To Do In An EmergencyIf you are involved in any kind of incident that involves the release of a reportable quantity of a hazardous material, you must follow the proper notification procedures to avoid costly penalties. If a release exceeds the reportable quantity, for example more than 18 gallons of anhydrous ammonia, you must notify the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, your Local Emergency Planning Committee and the National Response Center within 15 minutes of determining that an RQ has been released. Go to and click on "Regulations" and "Emergency Release Info" to download documents containing the procedures to follow, the ... |
Wind Energy & Crop ProductionDid you know that by 2025, 25% of the electricity produced in Illinois must come from renewable sources? There are significant incentives for wind energy, thus we've seen a multitude of companies come into Illinois and propose wind farms. IFCA and the Illinois Ag Aviation Association are meeting with wind energy companies and farmers to communicate the concerns we have regarding the availability and cost of aerial application around wind towers. We encourage you to also get involved if a wind project is being discussed in your area. The legal counsel at Illinois Farm ... |
Wind Towers Raise QuestionsIFCA has been quite involved in the issues that have arisen as more wind towers are being constructed in corn and soybean fields in Illinois. We have been helping raise awareness among landowners of the impact on future aerial application in these areas and now the issue of pesticide application notification has come up. Some wind companies have requested that our members pre-notify them of pesticide applications whether aerial or from ground rigs. We have consulted with the regulatory agencies and have learned that since the wind tower workers are not "agricultural workers" as defined by ... |
Winds Farms & Agrichemical ApplicationsIFCA has been asked to help facilitate productive dialogue between the wind energy companies who seek to site and erect wind farms throughout Illinois. To date we believe there has been a lack of clear communication between everyone on how these farms impact the ability to secure aerial application and in some cases the wind farm contracts have also contained provisions that could impact any production agriculture activity in the vicinity of the towers. IFCA is meeting with a wind energy company to help improve communications in the hopes that valid issues with aerial application are ... |
Work Comp Refund PossibleThe State of Illinois has settled a class action lawsuit filed by business groups alleging that the state had been overcharging employers for worker's comp rates. The lawsuit alleged that the surcharge had been deliberately set to raise an amount in excess of the money needed to pay for the operations of the Worker's Compensation Commission and was used to generate revenue for the state's general revenue fund. (This should be shocking news but sadly isn't). If you are an employer and paid worker's comp insurance between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2009 this may ... |