SPCC Compliance Deadline November 10, 2010
If a facility stores 1,320 US gallons or more of oil, oil products such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil or animal fat in aboveground containers, the deadline to implement a Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is November 10, 2010. The SPCC regulation requires a covered facility to prepare and implement an SPCC Plan which is intended to prevent oil products from reaching navigable waters or shores of the United States. This regulation will require farm operations to also implement the SPCC plan if they meet or exceed the threshold of 1,320 US gallons of the above listed products. The Asmark Institute is developing a program that will enable many facilities to self-certify an SPCC plan for your facility. If you have any questions regarding the SPCC regulation, please contact Kevin at the IFCA office.