Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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IFCA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on COVID-19 Ag Issues

IFCA has summarized the most frequently asked questions about the regulatory relief being provided by the state and federal government to help agriculture, an essential industry, manage through the COVID-19 pandemic.  
The IFCA FAQ is two pages and contains links to more detailed information.  We know it's a challenge to wade through all of the guidance documents so we hit the high points of regulatory relief in areas of pesticides, transportation and labor.  We will update this FAQ regularly so please keep checking  Information on how to contact IFCA staff for assistance is provided at the bottom of the FAQ.  
In the bill Congress is voting on today to provide funding to help our nation through this pandemic, there will be $9.5 billion in discretionary dollars provided to USDA to help assist agriculture, and help for employers and employees who encounter difficulties as a result of business shutdowns, child or health care needs, etc.  More information will be forthcoming on this assistance.   
In one conversation we had with a government agency official, they stress that common sense should be the guiding principle to get us through this challenge.  The government is providing regulatory relief in many areas, but we are all still civilly responsible for the decisions and actions we take in transportation, application, etc.  Please keep the safety of employees and the public in mind at all times.  Be safe, encourage everyone to be sensible and contact IFCA if we can assist you in any way.