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Results101 articles found. |
USEPA Dicamba Cancellation Order - Details ForthcomingLate on June 8, USEPA issued a cancellation order for the use of Xtendimax, Engenia and FeXapan. This will allow for use of existing stocks of these products until July 31, 2020. The ag industry argued intensely for some reasonable path forward, given that farmers legally planted Xtend traits and retailers legally purchased product for application to soybean in Illinois. Cancellation orders provide a limited avenue for product on hand to be utilized. In this case, USEPA is allowing product currently on hand at the farmer and commercial applicator level to be utilized in accordance with the label. &... |
2017: Drift Control’s Most Important Year, So FarThis upcoming growing season promises to be slightly different than any that have come before it. In 2017, USDA estimates say that almost as much soybean acres will be planted as corn — 89.5 million acres vs. 90 million acres. And chances are that at least some of these added soybeans acres will feature seeds/plants that have been engineered to be resistant to the herbicide dicamba — the latest in the agricultural industry’s ongoing effort to combat the more than 200 weeds in grower fields that have developed resistance to other popular herbicides such as PPO varieties and glyphosate. As ... |
5 Things To Watch in 2018 Farm Bill and Agricultural LegislationWhen Mary Kay Thatcher talks to farmers, they initially look at the map at states where President Trump won last November (rural areas). “They think, boom, we have anything we want,” says the senior director for congressional relations for the American Farm Bureau. Not exactly. Difficulties in Congress remain. She notes virtually anything other than reconciliation bills still require 60 votes in the U.S. Senate. With 52 Republicans in the Senate, 8 Democratic votes are still required to pass anything. Click Here to read more. |
Ag Secretary Says GMO Labeling Is ‘All About Marketing’Newly confirmed agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue said labeling food as organic and free of genetically modified organisms (GMO) is mainly about marketing during a press conference at the Department of Agriculture Thursday. “I knew it was all about marketing when I went to the grocery store and there was non-GMO, organic shampoo,” Perdue said. “This is really a lot to do with marketing and some of the people who are in this area have claimed that.” Perdue had been asked about how he will write regulations based on laws passed during President Barack Obama&... |
Ammonia Release, Safety RemindersWith the 2019 spring season just beginning, seven ammonia releases have already occured in the state of Illinois. The latest incident took place yesterday in Beach Park, IL. Beach Park is roughly 50 miles north of Chicago, just near the Wisconsin border. A grower was transporting two side-by-side ammonia nurse tanks behind an ammonia tool-bar with his tractor at 4:30 in the morning when the incident occurred. It was reported that 37 people were transported to the hospital, with up to 7 people listed as being in critical condition. If the grower is in possession of anhydrous ammonia and ... |
Ammonia Safety This SpringIFCA staff John Rebholz and Jason Solberg worked alongside the IL Dept of Ag inspectors this winter to teach 18 competent attendant ammonia safety courses; they finished their final class today. Thank you to all the IFCA members who attended these in-person events. It was great to see so many of you again, and help you achieve your 3-year ammonia safety certification. If you were not able to attend the classroom events, you can still become certified by going through the on-line safety course. However, this course will only provide you with a certificate ... |
Anhydrous Ammonia Competent Attendant Training, Train the Trainer Sessions & Online Grower TrainingWe are cautiously optimistic that in-person competent attendant training will take place sometime in early March. There will most likely be restrictions on attendance, so once mitigation restrictions are relaxed, we will open up registration on the IFCA website. The competent attendant online training is an alternative to the in-person training and will be open for registration starting January 18th. Please keep in mind this on-line competent attendant training will only be good until July 15th, 2021. Cost for the training is $15, you can click here to access the training. For those of you that have ... |
Appropriate Sized Nurse Tank Withdrawal ValvesBy December 31, 2020 nurse tank withdrawal valves shall be protected by an excess flow valve matched to the designed flow rate. Flow capacity of the excess flow valves shall not exceed 45 GPM for 1¼” connections & 60 GPM for 1½” connections. Each valve shall be removed from service & inspected at an interval not to exceed 5 years. In Illinois alone, we have over 28,000 nurse tanks, so replacing these valves to the appropriate sized GPM will take time. If you haven't already done so, please put this on your to do list. The valve manufacturers ... |
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CDL Hotline to Schedule Skills/Road TestBeginning on April 29, 2020 the Illinois Secretary of State has established a CDL hotline to call in order to schedule a CDL Skills/Road test at any of the three offices now open to accommodate CDL needs: West Chicago, Springfield and Marion. The number to call is 217.785.3013. There were nearly 600 CDL road test appointments that had to be cancelled due to the Stay at Home order, so the Sec of State will work to reschedule those drivers first, but then begin scheduling others to test. You do not need an appointment to take the CDL ... |
ChemChina’s purchase of Syngenta gets shareholder approvalSyngenta shareholders have accepted ChemChina’s $43 billion offer to buy the company, tendering more than enough shares to allow the transaction to go forward. Syngenta announced early today that “based on preliminary numbers, around 80.7 percent of shares have been tendered,” well above the 67 percent threshold needed. “It’s a historic day for Syngenta and truly a great day for our shareholders, for our employees, our customers and for ChemChina, so we’re very, very pleased to have this behind us,” Syngenta CEO Erik Fyrwald said in an interview with CNBC. &... |
Clarification on NTIP nurse tank markingsYesterday there might have been some confusion on markings on nurse tanks that are enrolled into the NTIP program. The DOT-SP 13554 is no longer required as a marking on the side of the nurse tanks. However certain markings listing the inspection date, along with the types of inspections performed are required. This is required for nurse tanks that have a missing or illegible data plate. Click here for examples of current markings that are acceptable and markings that would be considered a violation. Please contact John Rebholz if you have any questions. &... |
Conditions Signal Start of Fall Ammonia Season - UI GuidanceDr. Emerson Nafziger, Professor Emeritus University of Illinois, released a Bulletin late in the afternoon on October 26, outlining the process of fall anhydrous ammonia application and considerations to follow for the beginning of this fall's nitrogen application season. To see the Bulletin click on this link or download a PDF of the Bulletin here. In the Bulletin, Dr. Nafziger explains soil temperature trends in October, the importance of soils being below 50 degrees and trending colder, the role of nitrification inhibitors, and rate recommendations for ... |
Covid in the Workplace Webinar Sept 2There are a lot of circumstances and questions that arise about how to deal with employees who may test positive, may become ill, how and when they can return to work and the impact on fellow employees they may have been in contact with. Ag employees are essential workers and the CDC provides exceptions to the standard quarantine procedures for the general public. To help provide answers to common questions and address circumstances in agriculture workplaces, our friends at the Grain & Feed Association of Illinois organized a webinar and invited IFCA members to participate in this free ... |
COVID Resources |
Details on Illinois Dicamba Cancellation OrderThe Illinois Department of Agriculture issued a "Frequently Asked Questions" document today explaining the details on the use of Xtendimax, Engenia and FeXapan under the USEPA cancellation order. The use of Tavium is also addressed, although it is not part of the cancellation order. IFCA believes this FAQ addresses all the questions that we had about how this affects ag retail members, distributors and growers. Issues regarding grower pre-pay, transfer of product between custom application facilities, the prohibition of any product from wholesale distribution unless it was already owned by the ... |
Dicamba Application: Damage Report from MO and Pressure to ApplyThis week IFCA received calls from several concerned ag retailers regarding the intense pressure they are under to custom apply dicamba to soybeans. The frustrations expressed surround the expectations that custom applicators should apply even if label conditions cannot be met, or business will be taken elsewhere. This is not a unique quandary when it comes to stewardship: those who want to do the right thing are sometimes pressured to do otherwise or lose the business. In other cases, some growers who did not intend to use dicamba but who have now changed their minds ... |
Dicamba June 20 Cutoff & 85 Degree Temperature ReminderThe Illinois Department of Agriculture re-affirmed to IFCA today that the June 20 cut-off date for the application of dicamba remains in place. The Special Local Needs labels for over the top dicamba application to soybean also has a 85 degree temperature restriction, and you must use the website to obtain your dicamba weather forecast. To see the Illinois Special Local Needs labels for Xtendimax, Engenia, FeXapan and Tavium, click here. For clarification, the 85 degree temperature restriction means that if the website has a forecasted high of 86 or more for the zip code of ... |
Dicamba Label Training Starts this WeekIFCA is helping to coordinate some classroom opportunities for the required dicamba-auxin specific training. Certified applicators who apply dicamba to soybean in 2019 MUST attend the training or complete the on-line training when it becomes available. We have coordinated some classroom training opportunities following the private applicator clinics. The first training class is being taught by BASF at 3:00 pm this Thursday, Nov 29 in Springfield at the Wyndham City Centre. Please help spread the word to your customers who may not feel comfortable with on-line training. Anyone can register to attend this training, free of ... |
Dicamba Label Update; Dicamba SettlementsIllinois, Indiana and Arkansas remain the only 3 major soybean growing states who have not yet adopted the new federal labels for Xtendimax, Engenia and Tavium. IFCA supports the adoption of the federal labels. We have had several phone calls with the IL Dept of Ag over the last six weeks urging the Department to approve the labels in Illinois. The Department continues to look for options to add a state cut-off date of June 20 and a temperature restriction of 85 degrees, similar to the requirements on the 2020 labels in Illinois. Unfortunately, there is no clear ... |
Dicamba LabelsIFCA has been working with the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the registrants, UI and the farm organizations on proactive measures to ensure successful dicamba application in 2019, and to reduce the number of misuse complaints. That is vital to the future use of this product in Illinois. IDA Director John Sullivan, who addressed the dicamba issue at the IFCA convention last month, shared his thoughts on the matter this week in this interview with Farmweek: As our members know, IFCA took a position in August 2018 supporting a ... |
Dicamba Labels and Endangered Species CountiesWith new registrations being issued for the use of dicamba over soybean this past October, one of the main points we emphasize for anyone applying these products in 2021 is ensuring compliance with the listed requirements of the federal labels. One of the requirements in the labels to pay close attention to deals with downwind buffers. There are two downwind buffers listed in the new labels. One is a 240 ft downwind buffer to protect sensitive areas. The second is a 310 ft downwind buffer in counties that are deemed as having endangered species (in addition to a 310 ... |
Dicamba Training in Illinois - Visit New WebsiteThe new labels for Engenia, Xtendimax and FeXapan require that applicators be certified in order to purchase these products, and receive specific dicamba training in order to apply these products in 2018. IFCA developed and launched an Illinois Dicamba Training website that provides resources to help facilitate this training for our members, and for private applicators. The website is It features an explanation of the new requirements, a Frequently Asked Questions page, a Resource page with labels, a recordkeeping form and other helpful guidance documents, a calendar of available training venues and ... |
Dicamba Use Right Now: Truth, Rumors, Your RiskIFCA wants our members to know that we are very concerned and disagree with what occurred with the US federal court ruling that vacated the Xtendimax, Engenia and FeXapan labels on June 3. We do not support the ruling and the disruption it has caused. But your Association's mission is to provide factual information to our members based on what we know, so that you can make informed business decisions. This is what we know. Right now in most of Illinois it is too hot (or windy) to spray any dicamba on soybean (i.e. ... |
Doug Owens Retiring from IDOADoug Owens, the Bureau Chief of Environmental Programs at IDOA, is retiring on December 31, 2020. Doug has been with the Department for decades, working in the containment, livestock and pesticide programs. He did a terrific job as Bureau Chief--always calm, always factual, always easy to visit with and he always gave you an answer. Doug, thank you for your decades of service to agriculture, and we wish you a long, healthy and happy retirement! |
Dry Soils & Soil TestingIowa State University published a Bulletin this week cautioning about soil test results taken during extremely dry conditions, as has been the case in much of Iowa and parts of Illinois. They advise waiting until moisture returns to sample, or to rely on previous years' soil tests taken in more normal conditions as a guideline, to ensure applied nutrient rates applied are not skewed when relying on test results taken in very dry conditions. |
Enlist Herbicides: Hazmat Transportation GuidanceCorteva Agriscience has developed a DOT compliance guide that explains the regulations that govern the transportation of Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides. These herbicides are DOT regulated as an "Environmentally Hazardous Substance" and in certain quantities there are marking, placarding, shipping paper and load securement requirements. The DOT guidance document is here. When transporting Enlist containers on your ag retail vehicles, or when offering the containers to farmers, many of the requirements outlined in the guidance document will apply. IFCA thanks Corteva for their outreach and education to ... |
EPA Mulls Dow, FMC Requests to Redo Endangered Species StudiesAn EPA official appeared to welcome the opportunity to re-evaluate three contentious scientific assessments on pesticides that harm rare species, saying the agency wanted more time to finish the evaluations before fully considering outside recommendations. Anita Pease, the agency’s acting associate director for the Office of Pesticide Programs’ Biological and Economic Analysis Division, said May 3 that the agency is considering revising the biological evaluations on chlorpyrifos, malathion and dianazon. Reports found that nearly all threatened or endangered species would be affected by two of the three insecticides. Manufacturers of the pesticides—Dow Agrosciences LLC, ... |
Face Coverings for Essential Workers Effective May 1Yesterday Governor Pritzker announced new guidelines for the Illinois “Stay in Place” order, effective May 1, 2020. One of the guidelines requires employers to provide face coverings to employees if the employees cannot maintain safe social distancing requirements. It also requires all Illinoisans over the age of 2 to wear face coverings in public places if you cannot maintain social distancing. This past Tuesday, IFCA submitted a list to FEMA of all ag retail and distributor members and their number of employees, to obtain face coverings from a FEMA sponsored program with the Hanes Company in order ... |
Fall Nitrogen - BMPs and Water QualityWith temperatures falling to the 30's at night for much of central and northern Illinois, thoughts begin to turn to the yearly question "When Can I Start to Apply Ammonia?" The following best management practices reflect what we've learned in 8 years of NREC funded research, performed on actual farmer fields over tile drainage. These BMPs are also part of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (INLRS) recommendations and the University of Illinois recommendations. The BMPs are as follows: 1. Use the Right Nitrogen Rate and do not apply the full rate in the ... |
Fall Nitrogen GuidelinesWhen stepping outside today, the first reaction is "brrr!" As temperatures have plummeted from 80 degrees last week to highs of 50 degrees this week in much of Illinois, the next thing to think about is the 4Rs of fall fertilizer application--specifically fall ammonia applications. Each morning, IFCA will post a map of the State Water Survey's WARM site, which has indicators of the maximum daily soil temperature in bare soil at the 4-inch depth. With regard to applying anhydrous ammonia in the fall, we continue to urge patience until soil temperatures fall ... |
Families First Coronavirus Response Act for Small BusinessesThe Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) goes into effect tomorrow, April 1, 2020. Employers with less than 500 employees are covered by this Act. It provides guidelines and financial assistance for employers who need to allow employees to be absent from work to care for children home from school, to care for sick family members, who are ill themselves, etc. due to the impacts of COVID-19. Please go to where we have posted several guidance documents and FAQs that explain the FFCRA provisions. There is also a FFCRA Notice that you must post ... |
Farmers Battle to Keep 'Super Weed' Out of their Corn and BeansIowa farmers know Palmer amaranth, the aggressive "super weed" that can quickly overtake their valuable corn and soybean fields, is lurking in thousands of conservation acres. In the weeks and months ahead, growers across the state will fight to keep the money-robbing pigweed from marching into millions of Iowa's crop acres. Last year, farmers discovered that Palmer amaranth seed had been inadvertently mixed into pollinator and other conservation reserve program plantings. Now, 49 of Iowa's 99 counties have reported seeing the weed, although officials believe it's more pervasive and has invaded more counties. ... |
Field Crop ClinicsThere are 10 training opportunities for licensed operators to take the Field Crop exam and be upgraded to the definition of "certified commercial applicator" in order to apply dicamba to soybean in 2019. The new labels require the product to be applied only by certified applicators. IFCA continues to work alongside Ag Retailers Association to see if any discretion can be given to states like Illinois where licensed operators have taken and passed the General Standards exam and have been allowed to apply other restricted use pesticides for decades as licensed commercial operators. We are still hopeful ... |
Final Rules on Farmer NH3 Training PublishedNew rules in Illinois require farmers or those working on their behalf to be certified in order to transport, apply or work on ammonia equipment. The rules, frequently asked questions and qualifcations for trainers are below. Contact IFCA with questions. + 2 more file |
FMCSA Rescinds Requirement for Permit for Ammonia TransportersOn August 31, 2017, the USDOT announced they are no longer requiring transporters of anhydrous ammonia in cargo tanks to obtain a Hazardous Materials Safety Permit. This requirement had applied to ammonia transporters with MC 330/331 cargo tanks (i.e. semi cargo tank trailers). This is welcome news. Ammonia transporters who have served the ag retail industry were under this additional regulatory requirement to obtain this permit and renew it every other year. Ammonia transporters still have to comply with extensive levels of hazmat regulation including driver training, recordkeeping, cargo tank testing and reinspection, tank conformance standards, etc.&... |
GOP State Senator Bill Brady Takes Lead in Brokering 'Grand Bargain'With time running out – the Illinois General Assembly is set to conclude the legislative session at the end of the month – the pressure is on to reach a budget compromise. Republican State Sen. Bill Brady, once a candidate for governor himself, is taking a the lead role in brokering a deal. "We have come a long way and we know where each other stand," Brady told NBC 5 on Sunday. Brady has been meeting with Senate President John Cullerton, and while he said "we're not there yet; we are closer to a ... |
Gov. Pritzker Rolls Out 1B Vaccine Distribution PlanAbout 3.2 million additional Illinoisans, including agriculture workers, will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as the state moves into the 1B distribution phase, Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced Wednesday. The 1B phase includes frontline essential workers and all individuals 65 and older. Among those now eligible are agriculture (ag input industry), police and public safety workers, teachers and school staff, manufacturing, grocery store workers, public transmit, postal and correctional officers. The next phase, Phase 1B, will begin once the state has "substantially completed" the first phase, phase 1A. This could take several weeks at a minimum.&... |
Happy New Year from IFCAThe IFCA office will be closed on New Years Eve and New Years Day, as we all put 2020 behind us and reflect on the challenges we faced, and for the most part, overcame! We wish our members a blessed, safe and prosperous 2021. As we prepare for a new year, never hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance on any issue you face. Happy New Year! |
Have You Joined Responsible Ag?Please consider joining the growing number of ag retail facilities nationwide who are participating in Responsible Ag to ensure that their facilities are in compliance with the many federal regulations that impact agrichemical facilities. We are very proud of the Illinois ag retailers who are part of Responsible Ag. If you are curious who in Illinois is a member of the program, click here. Right now Congress is debating a bill that would lower your tier in the CFATS (Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards) program if you belong to Responsible Ag. To read more about ... |
How to Check Status of Applicator LicensesThe Illinois Department of Agriculture is doing their best to issue pesticide applicator licenses in a timely fashion, but they have struggled with lack of human resources at IDA and are admittedly behind in getting the licenses issued this year. We have been getting calls at IFCA office from retailers and distributors who want to know what their options are for selling restricted use pesticides to either commercial or private applicators if that applicator has not yet received their license from IDA. IDA has confirmed that you can access the Pesticide Applicator Search option ... |
IDOA Releases Emergency Rule for Over-the-Top Application for Dicamba in 2021.The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) has promulgated emergency rules for the over-the-top application of dicamba in the 2021 crop season. The rules were filed with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). These rules became effective upon their filing on February 5, 2021, and are scheduled to be published in the Illinois Register on February 16, 2021. The emergency rules are effective for a period of 150 days. The rules enact additional requirements for the federally-approved labels for Engenia, Xtendimax and Tavium. The additional requirements for the 2021 application season are: Temperature Restriction: A pesticide containing dicamba shall ... |
IDOT Extends Overweight Exemption until June 28Although we told you in yesterday's email that the exemption to allow overweight loads during the pandemic had ended, IDOT has now reinstated the exemption until June 28 to continue to allow supplies critical during this period to take advantage of larger loads. This is also very important for the livestock industry. This extension allows up to 90,000 lbs on five axles or up to 12% above legal loads on fewer axles. However, be reminded that you must carry the declaration in your truck and you must also observe all bridge and local road posting restrictions. Click here ... |
IFCA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on COVID-19 Ag IssuesIFCA has summarized the most frequently asked questions about the regulatory relief being provided by the state and federal government to help agriculture, an essential industry, manage through the COVID-19 pandemic. The IFCA FAQ is two pages and contains links to more detailed information. We know it's a challenge to wade through all of the guidance documents so we hit the high points of regulatory relief in areas of pesticides, transportation and labor. We will update this FAQ regularly so please keep checking Information on how to contact IFCA staff for ... |
IFCA Offers Field Crop Training & Testing on March 11To ensure our members have one more opportunity to get their applicators properly certified to apply dicamba to soybean in 2019, we are offering a Field Crop training clinic at the Asmark Agricenter in Bloomington on March 11. Dr. Bill Simmons (Emeritus Professor UI Crop Sciences) will teach the class. The training will begin at 9:00 am, we will have lunch at noon, and the IL Dept of Ag will be on hand at 1:00 pm to offer testing in field crops, general standards, and all other pesticide categories. The cost to attend this training class is $60.&... |
IFCA Regulatory Alert: Guidance on Dicamba Use and Applicator LicensingYesterday USEPA announced that dicamba will be labeled for use on soybeans in 2019 and 2020, and indicated that all applicators needed to be "certified applicators" in order to apply the product. The Illinois Pesticide Act outlines several categories of testing and licensing: Certified Applicators (which include commercial applicators and private applicators) and licensed operators, who must also pass a competency exam to be licensed to work under the supervision of a certified commercial applicator. States are unique in how they each license applicators and/or operators. Illinois has approximately 5,000 licensed commercial operators, who ... |
IFCA Suggestions to USEPA on Dicamba Use on SoybeanThe IFCA Board and staff has been very engaged all year on the dicamba issue. We talk with the IDA every week regarding the misuse complaints and the IDA investigations, and we recently met with all the pesticide manufacturers to discuss the best path forward given the high number of complaints that farmers have filed with the IDA, the clear majority of which are dicamba symptoms on sensitive soybeans. As of today, IDA has received 319 misuse complaints attributed to dicamba symptoms and the total number of pesticide misuse complaints is now at 500---a historic high and something ... |
IL Dept of Ag Approves Dicamba Labels; IL-Specific Restrictions on the HorizonToday, the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) adopted the federal labels for Xtendimax, Engenia and Tavium for use on soybeans in Illinois. If and when USEPA approves the FeXapan label, we are confident it will also receive approval for use in Illinois. In addition to clearing the way for the use of these herbicides on soybean in 2021, the label approvals also mean that Xtendimax and Engenia remaining in inventory, but whose labels were cancelled by USEPA on July 31, 2020, can now be sold and distributed. When the FeXapan label is approved the same will be true.&... |
IL Dept of Ag Issues Statement on Cease Use, Sale and Distribution of Dicamba ProductsThe Illinois Department of Agriculture, the lead regulatory agency for pesticides in Illinois, issued a short statement late this afternoon that states that due to the 9th US Circuit Court Ruling that immediately vacates the registrations for Xtendimax, Engenia and FeXapan, that these products cannot be sold, distributed or applied in Illinois effective June 3, 2020. Only Tavium, a dicamba containing product, remains legal to be used on soybean in Illinois. But the use of Tavium must adhere to the Illinois Special Local Needs label, including a cutoff date of June 20 and a temperature restriction to not apply when ... |
IL Driver Services Offices Closed; CDL Offices Remain OpenIllinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced late on Friday that due to an increase in Covid, driver services offices statewide will be closed from November 17 through December 7, 2020. Expiration dates for driver's licenses and ID cards will be extended through June 1, 2021. However, you can renew expiring licenses and vehicle registrations on-line at and are encouraged to do so. CDLs and related endorsements are governed by federal law, therefore CDL driver service facilities in Illinois remain open. To see the full press release and ... |
Illinois Agriculture Reduces Nitrogen Losses via Voluntary ProgramsMore good news! At the Farm Progress show this week, Illinois EPA and IL Dept of Ag released a biennial report that outlines the progress made in the last two years on Illinois' nutrient loss reduction strategy (INLRS). The strategy was put in place in July 2015. For agriculture, they reported a 10% decline in nitrogen losses to Illinois lakes, rivers and streams. Most of the credit goes to efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers in corn production, and also credits the voluntary actions taken by the ag industry to promote the 4Rs, embrace conservation practices, and raise ... |
Illinois' pension failure has many fathersEver since former Illinois Republican Gov. Jim Edgar started publicly criticizing current Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, Edgar has been subjected to a steady drumbeat of criticism from the far right. The focus of most of that criticism is what's come to be known as the "Edgar ramp." The phrase describes the ramping up of state pension payments to the current point, where pension expenses are consuming about a quarter of the state's budget. There is no doubt the Edgar ramp was flawed, as all compromises are. The annual pension payment increases were too gradual ... |
In-Person Pesticide TestingIFCA worked with the IL Dept of Ag to add 12 more in-person pesticide testing opportunities in April at the Asmark Agricenter in Bloomington, IL (behind the IFCA office). Please click here to be directed to the in-person pesticide testing registration page. You must pre-register to take the pesticide test in person. As spring gets closer, IDA expects hundreds of people in the lawn care industry to seek out these in-person events. If you don't have your on-line or in-person testing done yet, don't put it off much longer! |
June 20 Dicamba Cut-Off Approaching QuicklyWith only 6 days left to make applications of Engenia, Xtendimax and Tavium, IFCA would like to pass along some friendly reminders regarding application of dicamba: Prohibiting over the top application of dicamba on soybeans after June 20. Prohibiting over the top application of dicamba on soybeans if the air temperature at the field at the time of application is over 85 degrees, or if the National Weather Service's forecasted high temperature for the nearest locations for the day of application exceeds 85 degrees. Refer to the Local National Weather Service forecasts at Requiring an approved ... |
June 30 Dicamba Cut-Off: IFCA Statement of SupportThe weather delays this spring have been a huge challenge. Our industry's commitment to stewardship is often tested when conditions make it difficult to conduct normal operations. But it is our resolve to do the right thing, even when it is difficult, that makes the IFCA organization so successful in terms of managing pesticide and nutrient policy so that we have the trust of other organizations, and the legislature, to effectively police ourselves. Today, IFCA issued a statement on dicamba stewardship and our Association's support of the June 30, 2019 cut-off date for application.&... |
Keeping Ag Input Supply Chain Employees Healthy is ImperativeIFCA has taken calls from the media, from our members and from farmers concerned about how COVID-19 measures may affect the supply chain this spring. Keeping employees in the ag input manufacturing, distribution and retail supply chain healthy, and reducing the spread of the coronovirus is the most important thing we can do to keep spring on schedule. Many manufacturers and distributors have already communicated to their retail partners their procedures to keep their employees healthy in order to protect the supply chain, including: eliminating unnecessary travel, postponing face to face meetings, working remotely when ... |
Last Day to RSVP for October 23 4R Field DayOn October 23, IFCA is hosting a 4R Field Day in Auburn, IL from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Click here to see the location and agenda. Topics of discussion include the latest NREC research results including N rate trials and a look at what the tile flows at the NREC site in Douglas County are revealing after three years of research using different 4R practices and seeing the impact on N and P levels in drainage water. The staff at Springfield City, Water Light & Power will explain the history of Lake Springfield, and how they manage water quality ... |
License Plates on Floaters - Enforcement ActionsFor decades there has been a provision in the Illinois Vehicle Code that requires that self-propelled implements of husbandry have license plates if they are going to operate on the highway laden with load. The law also states that in no case can the floaters/applicators be over 36,000 lbs whether loaded or empty, they must be operated within a 50 mile radius of their home base, and they cannot exceed 12 feet in width or travel over 30 mph. Recently, an IFCA member in Southern Illinois was cited by the Illinois State Police for having a load of lime ... |
Licensed Operators Must be Certified Applicators to Apply Dicamba to SoybeanFor the past few weeks, IFCA has been working to determine how the new dicamba labels impact the commercial application industry in Illinois. We finally have answers for you and instructions on what to do next. It is not welcome news but there is a path forward and time is short to assure compliance for retailers who wish to provide custom dicamba application to soybean. Here is what you need to know and do to apply dicamba in 2019: 1. Under federal law, only CERTIFIED APPLICATORS can apply dicamba to soybean in 2019. ... |
March 1 ReportsAs March 1 nears, be sure to submit your annual Tier 2 chemical inventory reports to IEMA and your annual Pesticide Producing Establishment reports to to USEPA prior to the March 1 deadline. If you have questions please contact IFCA. |
March 20 Spring Nitrogen WebinarOn Friday, March 20 at 9:00 am Central Time, Dr. Emerson Nafziger will have a one-hour webinar focused on spring nitrogen management for the 2020 season. We will offer 1 CEU in Nutrient Management, without you having to leave your office. The webinar will also be recorded and posted at if you can't make it but want to listen later. To register for the March 20 Webinar click here. |
March 20 Webinar on Spring N ManagementOk, here is some good news! You can stay at your office or home this Friday, March 20, and receive 1 CEU in Nutrient Management plus guidance on how to manage nitrogen in Spring 2020. NREC research continues to give us timely and tested results on corn response to nitrogen and how to best utilize this nutrient to assure agronomic results and reduce water quality concerns. The Spring Nitrogen Management webinar is scheduled for 9 am Eastern Time. To register click here: |
March 27 NH3 Competent Attendant Course CancelledBecause of state guidance to avoid large gatherings, IFCA has cancelled the March 27 anhydrous ammonia training class in Bloomington. BUT, we have talked to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, and for those needing competent attendant certification prior to the spring 2020 ammonia season, you can take the IFCA on-line competent attendant course free of charge from March 16 through April 5, 2020. The program will issue you a 90 day certificate that is recognized by the IDA. To access the on-line ammonia competent attendant training program, click here: The on-line training program ... |
March 30 4R Event Features IFCA and CEUsPlease join the fertilizer industry for a 4R event on March 30 at 8:00 am central time. This on-line event will feature Dan Schaefer, IFCA's Director of Nutrient Stewardship, as one of the speakers discussing how the 4Rs have been proven through NREC funded Illinois research to reduce both N and P losses and improve crop productivity. This is a free event, but you must pre-register in order to participate. Click here to see the announcement which includes the agenda and links to register for the event. CEUs for certified crop advisors will be ... |
March Dicamba Classroom Training Events in Illinois CancelledAs a precaution against the spread of COVID-19, the upcoming dicamba training classes in Illinois have been cancelled. This includes classes that Bayer was offering in Steelville, New Berlin, Litchfield and Carbondale. On-line training programs can be utilized to provide proof of training for the use of dicamba on soybean in 2020. We have updated the Illinois Dicamba Training Website accordingly to provide guidance on using the on-line training programs to achieve dicamba label training. The dicamba training website's home page provides links to the on-line training programs and if the registrants add webinars prior ... |
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from IFCAThe IFCA Staff and Board of Directors appreciates the on-going support from our members that has kept IFCA going strong even though we had to cancel MAGIE, the convention and our safety training programs in 2020. Please plan to join us for our 1 hour on-line annual meeting on January 20, 2021; click here to see the agenda and to register for the meeting. There is no charge to attend; the meeting will provide .5 CEUs in PD and PM and we will also give away some gift cards to those that participate. We appreciate everyone who renewed ... |
Monsanto scraps deal to sell Precision Planting to DeereMonsanto has terminated an agreement to sell its Precision Planting LLC farm equipment business to machinery maker Deere & Co (DE.N), the companies said on Monday, ending a legal fight with antitrust authorities over the deal. The U.S. Department of Justice last August filed a lawsuit to block the sale, arguing the deal could make it more expensive for farmers to use fast, precise planting technology. The planned sale was originally announced in late 2015. Financial terms were not disclosed. Monsanto, the world's largest seed company, and Deere, the biggest U.S. farm equipment manufacturer, had ... |
New CDC Guidance for Essential Employers & EmployeesOne question we get asked a lot is this: "What procedures should I follow if one of our employees may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19? Do I have to then quarantine the entire office or plant for 14 days if other employees were around this potentially exposed employee?" Today the Cyber & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued new guidance for essential workers. This guidance enables essential industries to continue to operate while still providing additional procedures and protections to employees to mitigate the spread of ... |
New Law Removes License Plate Requirement Jan 1, 2020It's our pleasure today to share good news with our members. It's news that will save you money and time. Effective January 1, 2020 you will no longer be required to register and display the FT or FS license plates on any fertilizer trailers or self-propelled spreaders/sprayers. This year IFCA initiated legislation (HB 2669) to remove the registration requirement that has been in effect for decades. KJ Johnson, IFCA’s Director of Government & Industry Relations, successfully managed the legislation through the process, securing unanimous support in both the House and Senate, and Governor Pritzker ... |
New Requirements for Dicamba Application in 2019 - Operators need Applicator DesignationOn October 31, 2018 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that registration Engenia, Xtendimax and FeXapan will be extended to December 20, 2020. The announcement indicated that EPA has reviewed substantial amounts of new information and concluded that the continued registration of the dicamba products meets FIFRA’s registration standards. The Agency has also determined that extending these registrations with the new safety measures will not affect endangered species. The Press Release may be found here. The key changes include: Two-year registration (until December 20, 2020) Only certified applicators may apply dicamba over the top (those working under ... |
New Requirements for Lights on Ammonia TrailersA few years ago when Congress updated the federal transportation regulations in a bill called MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century), there was a requirement embedded in the bill that requires the manufacturers of implements of husbandry to put reflective tape and lights on all trailers for equipment manufactured after June 22, 2017. The lighting and markings must meet the American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers Standard S279.14. These new requirements apply to ammonia nurse tank trailers manufactured and sold after June 22, 2017. The additional cost per trailer can run .75 cents ... |
New Special Local Needs Labels for Dicamba - July 15 Cut-Off & GuidanceThe Illinois Department of Ag has accepted revised 24(c) Special Local Needs (SLN) labels from the four registrants of dicamba for the products Engenia, FeXapan, Xtendimax and Tavium. To download the base labels and the new SLN labels click here. This area on the IFCA website has many helpful resources on dicamba stewardship. We want to make it crystal clear how the new July 15, 2019 cut-off date for application of these products to soybean works. There are several cut-off parameters for dicamba application, July 15 being only one of them. IF ANY ONE OF THE ... |
No Classroom Fall NH3 Classes: On-Line Training for Competent AttendantsIFCA and the IL Dept of Ag were hopeful that we could have in-person classes for the fall anhydrous ammonia competent attendant training. But because of the on-going concerns over the health of essential workers in our industry, IFCA and IDA have come to the conclusion that it is just too problematic to have in-person training at this time. The last thing we want is to have someone potentially exposed to COVID as a result of attending a mandatory classroom event, and then everyone at the attendee's retail plant is potentially impacted as well. ... |
On-Line Pesticide Testing BeginsThis week, the IL Dept of Ag and the University of Illinois began offering applicators and operators the ability to sign up for on-line pesticide tests, as well as obtain on-line or self-study materials for the tests. Click here to be directed to the page with instructions for the on-line testing process. It is extremely important that you carefully follow the directions when signing up for an on-line exam. You will need a computer or laptop to take the exam, you must schedule an appointment for each exam, and the fee for each exam is $12, ... |
On-Line Pesticide Testing UpdateThe good news is that a lot of people are checking out the on-line pesticide testing program! Several hundred have successfully passed their exams. The bad news is that the site is experiencing a few glitches due to demand, and some people are getting kicked out of the program and having to log back in multiple times to complete the exam(s). The Illinois Dept of Ag is aware of the problem and is taking immediate steps to address this issue. They hope by the middle of next week the issue will be resolved.&... |
On-Line Pesticide Training, Testing and Limited In-Person TestingThe Illinois Department of Agriculture has been working all summer to modify the pesticide training and testing program to offer on-line opportunities for applicators and operators throughout the State of Illinois. If you were not able to take your operator or applicator exams last spring due to covid cancellations, and your license was extended until December 31, 2020 you must take the exams in order to be remain certified; those whose normal 3-year licenses expire on Dec 31 are also required to re-test. Furthermore, some operators were able to work only under the supervision of an applicator due to covid ... |
Options for Spring Ammonia Safety TrainingIFCA had to cancel the remaining anhydrous ammonia competent attendant class scheduled for March 27 in Bloomington. However, you can go on-line to take the IFCA/IDA temporary training program, and upon completion you will receive a 90-day training certificate. IFCA has waived the on-line training fee until April 5, 2020. For those who take the temporary training, watch for the fall ammonia training classes to be announced in the coming months, and be sure to sign up for one of those classes to receive your 3-year competent attendant training certification. To access the IFCA on-line ammonia training course ... |
Other Considerations at This TimeThe State of Illinois has been making some very helpful decisions to facilitate on-going commerce in Illinois. The state agencies that rely upon the most have contacted IFCA directly to keep us informed of provisions they are making to help with certain regulatory requirements that cannot be normally processed during this national emergency. Here is a summary: 1. The IL Dept of Ag will extend expiring pesticide licenses for one year at no fee. For applicators and handlers still needing the required training for dicamba and paraquat, please use the available on-line resources. Go to ... |
Other COVID-19 ConsiderationsIn the days and weeks to come, we will all know more about the extent of COVID-19 in Illinois, the USA and other countries. We can likely expect many more disruptions to our workplaces and our normal lives. In addition to delays in pesticide licensing and training programs, other regulatory requirements such as drug and alcohol testing for employees, permit applications for your business, impacts to the supply chain, etc. may be affected. We in agriculture, working closely with our regulatory agencies, feel confident that reasonable measures will be exercised by our state and federal governments to ... |
Pesticide Applicator Testing, NH3 Certificates, Updated FAQThe Illinois Department of Agriculture is working to develop an on-line testing option for persons seeking to become newly certified pesticide applicators, but who missed the opportunity to test in General Standards and Field Crops or other categories before testing was cancelled. As soon as we learn that this option is available we will let you know (we expect it to be available shortly). Those who attended the IDA/IFCA anhydrous ammonia competent attendant classes this spring also may still be waiting for your certificates from IDA. With IDA being closed for the time being, you ... |
Pesticide Training & Testing Moves On-LineThe University of Illinois Pesticide Safety & Education Program has announced that all training for the pesticide license categories will be offered on-line only this year. Click here to see the release and the details for accessing the training. The Dept of Ag will also offer on-line testing for the general standards and pesticide category tests. More details will be forthcoming from IDA on the procedures for signing up for the on-line testing. IDA does plan to offer limited in-person training in accordance with CDC guidelines but is hopeful that most needing to take ... |
Pesticide Training, Testing Suspended for MarchThe Illinois Dept of Ag and the University of Illinois have cancelled the commercial and private applicator training and testing clinics scheduled in March. You also cannot take the pesticide tests at the IDA office in Springfield or Dekalb at this time. We are all hopeful that with proper care and precaution to curtail the spread of COVID-19, that classes and testing can resume in April. We can also assure you that IDA realizes the uncertainty this causes for our industry and will do all they can in concert with the USEPA to exercise options ... |
Post Dicamba June 20 Cutoff & 85 Degree Temperature ReminderWith post application of dicamba over the top on soybeans right around the corner, IFCA would like to remind everyone of the Illinois Department of Agriculture restrictions for Xtendimax, Engenia, and Tavium. Prohibiting over the top application of dicamba on soybeans after June 20. Prohibiting over the top application on dicamba soybeans if the air temperature at the field at the time of application is over 85 degrees, or if the National Weather Service's forecasted high temperature for the nearest locations for the day of application exceeds 85 degrees. Refer to the Local National Weather Service forecasts at ... |
Register for October 19 Nitrogen WebinarOn Friday, October 19 at 8:30 am Central Time, Dr. Emerson Nafziger will have a one hour webinar focused on nitrogen management for the 2019 season. The title of the webinar is "Managing Nitrogen After Another Great Year" and he will share results of the 2018 nitrogen rate trials performed throughout the state. IFCA's Dan Schaefer, Jason Solberg and John Pike worked with Dr. Nafziger to implement nearly 50 trials in 2018. The results are interesting and in many ways different from last year, so tune in. We will offer 1 CEU in Nutrient Management. The webinar will also ... |
Regulatory AlertNH3 Competent Attendant On-Line Training Anyone needing to renew their Competent Attendant Certificate to handle anhydrous ammonia or work on ammonia equipment can access this online training by clicking here. This training will also fulfill the certification requirement for any new hires. Click here for the flyer on the on-line program; there will be no classroom events offered this fall. Key points to remember when accessing the on-line competent attendant training: ►Each individual that needs training must register separately and take the training separately on their work computer or laptop. ►You can print your ... |
Regulatory Alert: FMCSA to Announce Delay in Driver Training Rule, IFCA Office Closed on FridayFMSCA to Announce Delay in Driver Training Rule The following article may be of interest. FMCSA will soon announce a two-year delay of the entire ELDT rule. Because this is a timely matter, with the rule becoming effective on Feb. 7, IFCA wanted to share this information as soon as possible. Please note that we have not yet seen the official Federal Register notice, but all information indicates it is coming soon. IFCA office will be closed Friday, November 29th. At this time of Thanksgiving celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to our members with warm appreciation. ... |
Remaining Field Crop Training ClinicsOf the 8 remaining training opportunities for licensed operators to take the Field Crop exam and be upgraded to the definition of "certified commercial applicator" in order to apply dicamba to soybean in 2019, 4 are already filled to capacity. Seats are filling up quickly for the training, so we highly recommend sending any of your operators who are planning on taking the field crop exam to one of the remaining training days still available. The list of the remaining field crop training classes along with the number of people currently registered as well as the capacity of the room ... |
Remove FT & FS License PlatesPlease be sure to remove the FT and FS license plates from your fertilizer trailers (FT plate) and your fertilizer spreaders (FS plate) prior to going out on the highway this spring. These implements of husbandry no longer need to be registered with the Secretary of State, and therefore the license plates are no longer valid. If you are on a public roadway with plates still on these vehicles, with the orange 2019 sticker on them, that just sends a signal to law enforcement that the plate is expired. We can't expect all local or even ... |
Remove License Plates on Fertilizer Wagons & FloatersIt's our pleasure today to share good news with our members. It's news that will save you money and time. As of January 1, 2020, please remove the FT or FS license plates on any fertilizer trailers or self-propelled spreaders/sprayers. IFCA initiated legislation (HB 2669) to remove the registration requirement that has been in effect for decades. Normally, all the renewals would have been sent out last December requiring a $13 fee for each trailer; the fee for loaded sprayers and spreaders was $250. IFCA highly recommends that everyone removes these ... |
Scrutiny on Pesticide Application IncreasesAs of yesterday, the IL Dept of Ag has received 6 formal pesticide misuse complaints. These are complaints which IDA will investigate. Although this number is relatively low, the number of phone calls to IDA has increased substantially within the last few days. In most cases callers are just relaying concerns or asking questions even in instances where the applicator is following label directions. As the busy spray season continues, please be aware that scrutiny of pesticide applications is at a high level. Regarding pesticide use, please review again the stewardship recommendations posted on our website ... |
Sexual Harassment Training in Illinois Compliance Deadline Dec 31All employers in Illinois are required to have their employees complete sexual harassment training by the end of the day on December 31, 2020 and then annually each year. It is easy to accomplish this, you can utilize the State of Illinois Department of Human Rights free powerpoint program. To read about the new requirement and to download a powerpoint or pdf version of the training slides, click here. The program contains a certificate at the end for each employee to complete, print and keep on file at the office. There is no charge to ... |
Spring 2019 Anhydrous Ammonia Safety SchoolsListed below are the upcoming spring anhydrous ammonia safety schools. You can go to to register for the classes. The NH3 safety schools are offered through the combined efforts of IFCA and the Illinois Department of Agriculture. This training will meet the requirements of the certified competent attendant which requires training at least every three years. January 29-IFCA Convention-Peoria (Registration only through the IFCA Convention tab) February 26-The Pavilion-Marion February 28-Effingham Event Center-Effingham March 01-Unique Suites – Charleston March 04-Asmark Agricenter-Bloomington March 05-Civic Center-Mendota March 06-Knox Agricenter-Galesburg March 07-Holiday Inn-Quincy March 08-Poes Catering &... |
Steps to Keep Dicamba in the Integrated Weed Management ToolboxWe feature this subject as a REGULATORY ALERT not because it is a new regulation, but on the premise that if dicamba on soybean is not carefully managed in 2018 to reduce off target movement, there is a high probability that USEPA will cancel these labels. Furthermore, there is a strong possibility that in subsequent years, the potential misuse of other dicamba products on soybean could threaten the use of dicamba in all crops. Aside from USEPA actions, the Illinois legislature could also act to restrict this and other pesticide uses if off target movement and symptoms of off ... |
THIS WEEK IN DCThe Senate has a cloture vote Monday evening to advance Scott Gottlieb’s nomination to run FDA. Senators will move later in the week to confirm USTR pick Robert Lighthizer, an international trade lawyer who served at USTR during the Reagan administration. Food and agriculture industry groups have been pressuring the Senate to get both nominees in place. In a recent letter to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, a coalition of food and beverage trade groups said Gottlieb would bring “a high level of knowledge and experience” to FDA. Click Here ... |
Three New Guidance Documents on Changes in Licensing & TestingThe Illinois Department of Agriculture just issued a "Frequently Asked Questions" document explaining how the pesticide dealer, applicator and operator licenses will be managed during this time. The IDA FAQ can be viewed here: The Illinois Secretary of State also has a FAQ to answer many questions about licenses, vehicle registrations, etc. Their FAQ is available here: USDOT just issued guidance on how to comply with drug & alcohol testing for DOT regulated employers. ... |
Three Sec of State Offices to Open for CDL Business OnlyThe Illinois Secretary of State has announced they will open three offices next week to accommodate persons needing CDL services. See the announcement here. The offices will only be open for that purpose, and the three offices opening for this will be: 1. Secretary of State Office in Springfield (2701 South Dirksen Parkway) 2. Secretary of State Office in Marion (1905 Rendleman Street) 3. Secretary of State Office in West Chicago (1280 Powis Road) The ONLY services they will be offering are the CDL skills and written tests. You can take any of the CDL and endorsement exams ... |
Transportation Regs Resource GuideA big thank you to the American Trucking Association who has published a great resource guide for navigating through the COVID-19 impacts on the trucking industry. This guide also provides links to each State, and the state guidance on trucking rules within the state. |
Update on Pesticide LicensesWith all pesticide training and testing clinics cancelled and all testing suspended for the time being, the IL Dept of Ag is taking the necessary steps to assure that we have licensed pesticide applicators and operators for the spring 2020 season. Here is what we know: 1. If you are currently a licensed applicator/operator and recently took your exams before the testing was suspended, it may take a while for you to get your renewal letter from IDA. IDA has limited staffing until further notice. But rest assured you will be considered as licensed for ... |
Vaccine Rollout for 1B Essential Workers - Steps to FollowIFCA has been in contact with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) regarding the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine to ag essential workers. Ag essential workers are in Phase 1B of the state's plan. IEMA informed IFCA that Phase 1B for essential workers will begin on January 25th. Based on our conversations with IEMA, IFCA recommends you take these steps: 1. Companies should start putting a list together of all employees that wish to receive the vaccine. Companies should prioritize their lists by risk level; 65+ or individuals that have ... |
Warning Letters & Violations on Pesticide MisuseThe IL Dept of Ag reports that of the 521 pesticide misuse complaints that were filed in 2018 (329 of them dicamba related), they have issued 108 warning letters and 8 monetary penalties so far--nearly all of these have gone to commercial applicators. IDA is about 1/3 of the way through their workload on the complaints. Most of the monetary penalties are the result of points carrying over on the applicator's license due to a warning letter(s) being received last year. As points accumulate over a 3 year period, the likelihood of warning letters reaching a monetary penalty increases. &... |
Worker Protection Standard (WPS)On November 2015 USEPA revised the worker protection standards to implement more protection for agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. Most of the revised WPS standards became effective on January 2018. The WPS requires commercial pesticide handler employers to provide specific information and protections to workers, handlers when WPS-labeled pesticide products are used on agricultural establishments in the production of agricultural plants. Additional resources on Worker Protection Standards can be found on IFCA’s website under Regulations. Feel free to contact IFCA with any questions. Who is Included in WPS: ● &... |