Legislative Updates 3
To keep track of the legislation IFCA is working on this year, go to www.ifca.com, click on legislation, then "legislative updates." There are two bills seeking to regulate the use of fertilizer on turf and fee increases for Tier 2 reports. The IL Dept of Ag is also seeking some fee increases to help keep the Bureau of Environmental Programs afloat. There is a proposed fee of $100 for an agrichemical facility permit to be paid at time of application or renewal, an increase in pesticide product registration fees and a slight increase in scale inspection fees. The IDA is seeking to become less dependent on general revenue funds to pay for the industry inspection programs. IFCA is neutral on the fee increases, we support our Dept of Agriculture and its mission and will work with the legislature and administration to guard against any attempts to take these monies from the Pesticide Control Fund at IDA. On the subject of spray drift and potential legislation, IFCA is working with our industry allies and concerned legislators on an effort to enhance industry communication and avoid the introduction of pre-notification legislation. On the legislative section of our website you can click on a link to see the current bills we are working on. Contact jeanp@ifca.com if you have questions about legislative issues.