Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

New Apple App for Nitrogen Rate Calculator

Since 2013, the IFCA Nutrient Stewardship team of Dan Schaefer and Jason Solberg have implemented several hundred nitrogen rate trials throughout the state.  The results of the trials are analyzed by Dr. Nafziger at UI and he then updates the Nitrogen Rate Calculator for Illinois, to provide the Maximum Return to Nitrogen (MRTN) recommendation for nitrogen rates for corn.  
Thanks to support from NREC and the work of Dennis Bowman at UI Extension, there is a newly updated app for all Apple Devices that makes it easy to use the Nitrogen Rate Calculator--you no longer have to use a desktop computer.  Go to the Apple App Store and search for "MRTN Rate Calculator" and you can download the app for free.  For instructions on how to use the app, go to and view our homepage or click here to be directed straight to the instructions. 
Using the Right Rate is instrumental in protecting water quality.  Nitrate levels in Lakes Springfield, Decatur, Bloomington and Vermilion were all very low this year, and we believe much of that can be attributed to good nitrogen management and of course, terrific yields.  Keep up the good work and use the MRTN!