Pesticide Drift Updates
IFCA continues to engage with the Illinois State Senate Ag Subcommittee that was created to address concerns with pesticide drift. At the subcommittee meeting on October 28th, Senator Dave Koehler expressed his desire to draft legislation requiring pre-notification for aerial applications. IFCA, the IL Ag Aviation Association and IL Farm Bureau continue to voice our concerns with this approach and will meet again with the Senator and the subcommittee members on the issue. On a related note, USEPA published two notices on Nov 4, 2009 asking for public comment on changes to pesticide labels to address drift and also to take comments on a petition by two farmworker organizations asking for a study on the effects of chemical drift on children and asking for application setbacks arounds schools, daycares, etc. Public comments on these dockets are due January 4, 2010 and IFCA will be expressing our concerns and suggestions to USEPA.