Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Nitrogen Recommendations for 2010 Crop

Dr. Fabian Fernandez of the University of Illinois Dept of Crop Sciences has provided a guidance document on nitrogen issues and recommendations for the 2010 crop as well as best management practices for the fall application of fertilizer.  Please go to to download the document and to also see the daily 4 inch soil temperatures. 

On a related note, IFCA continues to attend meetings regarding hypoxia and nutrient losses from tile drained soils.  Discussions continue on how to best mitigate nutrient losses, but the most realistic approach remains strict adherence to best management practices.  The Fertilizer Institute has developed a brochure on the 4Rs of nutrient stewardship:  Right Source, Right Time, Right Rate, Right Place.  It is also available on the IFCA homepage and we encourage you to share it with your customers.