Challenges Abound
We have many challenges facing our industry right now, starting with the USEPA's intent to require pesticide applicators to obtain a federal permit to apply pesticides. The USEPA is also making it clear that they want to move forward again with regulating particulate matter, and Congress has started laying the groundwork on climate change legislation which will have a major impact on the Midwest and industries that utilize fossil fuels. Oh yea, and don't forget the "card check" labor issue and the fight we will face to retain our hours of service exemption for agriculture. The ability to obtain permits for manufacturing facilities also continues to be a near impossible feat. Now would be a very good time to reacquaint yourself with your Congressman and with your US Senators (Senator Durbin particularly). For agriculture to influence these issues, everyone in our industry is going to have to get involved. Your national and state associations like IFCA can help lead the charge, but it truly is the voice of constituents that will influence the legislators particularly if they have to stand up against politically popular themes like climate change legislation, "clean air" and "clean water." The next time your local Congressman is in your district, make it a point to give them a call or stop by to discuss your concerns. If you do, please report back to IFCA on the meeting to keep your Association in the loop regarding the feedback you receive from your Congressman.