Court Case Could Lead to Permits for Pesticide Application
A federal court has issued a ruling that could lead to a requirement that persons applying pesticides would need to get a NPDES discharge permit from USEPA. It is quite complicated but the essence of the court's ruling is this: if pesticides are applied to land or air and if "excess" pesticides could be in any way be deposited into U.S. waters, or if pesticides or chemical waste residues remain following the application and could enter any water, then the applicator would need an EPA permit to "discharge" these pesticides. This would apply not only to agriculture, but to mosquito control, vegetation management by government or utilities and chemical de-icing operations by municipalities.
IFCA is submitting a letter to USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson expressing our concerns about the impact on crop production and also communicating with our congressional delegation. Crop Life America is very active in pursuing an appeal and requesting hearings on this matter. We will keep you posted.