Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Uniform Speed Limit Has a Chance

For years the trucking industry has tried to enact uniform speed limit laws in Illinois so that commercial trucks and cars can both travel 65 mph on interstate highways.  This year there are two bills,  HB 3956 and SB 1467 that are both up for a vote on the House Floor and Senate Floor, possibly as early as the week of March 16.  Please contact your state Representative and Senator and urge them to vote YES on these bills.  Also ask you Senator to vote YES on SB 1434, which repeals the commercial distribution fee on trucks.  To view these bills or to look up your legislator by your zip code, go to and click on "Legislation."  A phone call to your legislator makes a huge difference...please make it!  They really do appreciate hearing from you as they consider how to vote on an issue.  Thanks.