Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

IFCA Featured on DTN Webinar on Fertilizer Issues

On Monday, February 23 at 2:00 pm Central, IFCA's Jean Payne will be part of a panel on a DTN webinar with Ken Johnson, a fertilizer columnist, to discuss the fertilizer situation for Spring 2009.  IFCA's comments will focus on the concerns that our industry has with regard to the current situation retailers face, the potential for spring logistical bottlenecks and the long-term changes that may occur in farmer/dealer relationships with regard to farmers making input commitments in the future.  This webinar is free.  Go to to see the description of the Feb 23 event and to click on a link to register.  You can also submit questions to the panelists during the webinar.  This is a great chance for your association to share with listeners the viewpoint of the retailer, so listen in!