Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Results11 articles found.

2021 Spring Nitrogen Webinar Slides

If you happened to miss the 2021 Spring Nitrogen Webinar, click the pdf below to view Dr. Nafziger's slides covering what we learned regarding nitrogen management in 2020.

Agrichemical Containment Regulations

Click the document below for the Part 255 Illinois Department of Agriculture containment regulations for the bulk storage and handling of fertilizers and pesticides for commercial, non-commercial and on-farm facilities.  

Ammonia Storage On the Farm

Bulk Fertilizer & Stewardship Issues

We have received many calls in the past week at the office from our members expressing concern about bulk fertilizers being dumped in the fields.  While Illinois' on-farm containment regulations allow over 50,000 lbs of bulk dry fertilizer or 5,000 gallons or more of liquid to be stored for up to 45 days by farmers, certainly from a stewardship standpoint it is not recommended.  Even when under the 45 days, the product can only be stored at the farm (or in the field of application) by the farmer who owns it and not as a transfer point.  IFCA is working ...

IL Nutrient Strategy Joint Press Release

Illinois Agronomy Handbook

Click the heading for view the Illinois Agronomy Handbook On-Line.

Land Application Program Rules (Part 258)

Nutrient Research & Education Council

Click the heading for news on NREC activity.  

On-Farm Agrichemical Containment Information

Below is a brochure that describes the parameters for containment of bulk fertilizers and pesticides stored on the farm.  A sample of an on-farm containment permit is also posted.  

The Illinois Fertilizer Act

The Illinois Fertilizer Act

Click on the heading above for the Illinois Fertilizer Act.