Refutes Call for Deadline to Complete Atrazine Review
EPA told a federal appeals court that a request by environmentalist groups to set a June 30 deadline for the agency to complete its review of the herbicide atrazine is “not reasonable under the circumstances.” EPA also anticipates “substantial public comment” on the updated mitigation proposal due and says it will need at least six to nine months to review comments and conduct any necessary revisions.
“Thus, EPA anticipates it will take until about December 2025 to complete the response to comments,” the agency says, adding that it must also wait for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to complete its final biological opinion for atrazine, which is not expected until at least March 2026.
“EPA expects to take final action on the updated mitigation proposal within six months of the final biological opinions being issued, or no later than September 30, 2026,” the agency concludes. “In sum, ordering a deadline for EPA to complete remand is not warranted under the circumstances because EPA has made significant progress and has a plan for reaching a final decision on the partial remand in a manner that is consistent with its obligations under the ESA.”