Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Please Urge Senator Durbin and Senator Duckworth to Pass 2024 Farm Bill

The House Agriculture Committee delivered on their promise to get a bipartisan Farm Bill out of committee in 2024. Now we need the Senate to move as well.
IFCA asks that you please alert Senator Durbin and Senator Duckworth to take action to pass a 2024 Farm Bill. 
Specifically, IFCA would like to recognize the work done to address key issues on behalf of you, our members. Here are just a few of the IFCA priorities that are included in the House bill which passed out of committee, and we hope the Senate will likewise include these important policy priorities:
  • Technical Service Provider (TSP) reforms
  • Language ensuring that EPA OPP and State Lead Agencies have the exclusive role in regulating pesticides
  • Agricultural Labeling Uniformity Act language to reaffirm EPA’s risk-based role regarding pesticide regulation
  • Eliminates NPDES pesticide general permit requirements
  • Codifying a plant biostimulant definition
  • Listing of potash and phosphate as critical minerals
By sending a message to Senator Durbin and Senator Duckworth, you are having your voice heard as a constituent and that is very important!