Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Tell Your Member of Congress to Vote "YES" to the House Farm Bill.

IFCA is asking you to send a message to your Member of Congress urging them to vote "Yes" on the House Farm Bill, which includes several critical reforms help the ag input industry. Because passage of the House Farm Bill text will require multiple rounds of votes and amendments, your voice of support is important. When IFCA members unite and speak up in a unified voice, lawmakers on Capitol Hill listen.
Background Information:
Late last week, House Agriculture Committee released base text for the Farm Bill.
Here are just a few of the IFCA public policy priorities that are included in the text, thanks to the work by members like you to address key issues.
  • Technical Service Provider (TSP) reforms
  • EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and State Lead Agencies have Exclusive Pesticide Regulatory Role
  • Agricultural Labeling Uniformity Act language to reaffirm EPA’s risk-based role regarding pesticide regulation
  • Plant Biostimulant definition
  • Listing of potash and phosphate as critical minerals
  • Ag research funding.
Our national association, The Ag Retailer Association has set up a link for you to reach out to your member of congress to show your support for the Farm Bill. TAKE ACTION TODAY!