Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Illinois Legislature Passes Milestone Biometric Privacy Amendment

SB2979 has passed Illinois’ House of Representatives, clearing the way for it to be signed into law. The bill is designed to significantly reduce certain liabilities under the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act, aiming to alleviate what many business owners have regarded as an unnecessarily wide-ranging and burdensome piece of legislation.
Essentially, the bill would remove BIPA’s per-scan fee. Currently, a company that violates BIPA’s protections is subject to damages for each instance of the collection of an individual’s biometric data. This means that if a company is found to have failed to obtain written consent from an employee for the use of a fingerprint-scanning time clock, for example, the company could face a $1,000 fine for each and every time the employee clocked in or out.
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