Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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EPA Solicits Comments on Treated Seeds

EPA has issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to solicit public comments and suggestions about seeds that have been coated in pesticides, otherwise known as treated seeds.
Specifically, EPA is seeking comment on whether it should adopt a rule requiring treated seeds to be regulated under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Currently, treated seeds are not subject to FIFRA registration requirements like other pesticide products. However, recent litigation filed by environmental groups and action taken by state legislatures have raised the question of whether treated seeds should be subject to additional regulation.
Further, EPA is exploring the option of requiring labeling instructions on pesticide-treated paint products to address potential risks of concern for professional painters exposed to the pesticide in the treated paint without the use of personal protection equipment (PPE).

IFCA will be putting comments together for EPA on this Notice of Proposed Ruling on treated seeds. IFCA will also pass along further information to our members on how their voice can be heard on this important issue.