USEPA Releases Dicamba Summary and FAQ
December 21st, 2021, the USEPA provided a summary of dicamba-related incident, obtained from pesticide registrants, States, the general public, and non-governmental organizations, from the 2021 growing season. Below in some of the language from the summary:
EPA is committed to helping states address issues related to incidents in their jurisdictions. If a state wishes to further restrict or narrow the over-the-top uses of dicamba, the Agency will work with them to support their goals. Additionally, due to the extent and severity of reported incidents from the 2021 growing season, EPA is unlikely to approve section 24(c) requests under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to register additional uses of federally registered over-the-top dicamba products to meet special local needs.
Registrants can propose voluntary measures to amend their labels or cancel specific products or uses.
If EPA determines, following consideration of such a proposal, that such measures would address unreasonable adverse effects associated with the product or use, the Agency commits to conducting a public comment period prior to the adoption of any proposed decision designed to address the extent and severity of these incidents. In the absence of a voluntary request to cancel the product(s), it is unlikely that this process could occur and be fully implemented before the 2022 growing season. For more information see: Voluntary Cancellation of a Pesticide Product or Use.
If EPA determines that it is necessary to initiate cancellation of a registration for a pesticide, the following process is used: Pesticide Cancellation Under EPA's Own Initiative.
The summary concludes that no additional federal changes are to be expected prior to the 2022 growing season. This means that any additional restrictions for dicamba use on soybeans will fall on the state level.
Last Friday, December 17th, IDOA provided a press release detailing proposed administrative rules that were published in the Secretary of State’s Illinois Register. The proposed restrictions for dicamba use on soybeans are the same restrictions that were required in 2021.
Click here to visit the updated USEPA FAQ page for dicamba OTT of soybeans.
For more information on IDOA’s recent decision on dicamba, or for general dicamba information, please visit our IFCA Dicamba page:
If you have any questions, please call the IFCA office at 309-827-2774 or email KJ Johnson at