Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Dicamba Label Update

As focus remains on the fall fertilizer season, IFCA continues to receive inquiries regarding the 2022 dicamba label.  As many of you know, USEPA still has not indicated what changes they might make to the label.  IFCA expects that a decision should be released any day now.    
IFCA reached out to our contacts at USEPA and requested that they release the label as soon as possible, allowing ag retailers time to prepare and visit with their growers as they make important seed decisions for the upcoming planting season.  IFCA  also requested USEPA allow states to continue utilizing the 24(c) process under FIFRA.  Last year, reacting to policy changes made by USEPA that not longer allowed for the use of section 24(c), the Illinois Department of Agriculture utilized the 24(a) process to adapt additional requirements to the dicamba label.  In this process, IDOA had to file emergency administrative rules.  IDOA can only implement emergency rules for one year.  After one year, they must file permanent rules to move forward. IDOA is once again looking at this process if USEPA does allow for the use of the 24(c) process. 
IFCA has been in constant contact with IDOA regarding the label in 2022.   IDOA has not come out with a label, as they wait for the USEPA label to be released.  IDOA expressed that they feel the 2021 dicamba label worked well.  With everything IDOA has relayed to IFCA in the past few weeks, IFCA is confident IDOA will not make any major changes to the 2022 label.  To view the 2021 label, please click here.
As always, IFCA will ensure any annoucnements made by either USEPA or IDOA are relayed immediately to our members.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to KJ Johnson at KJ@IFCA.COM