Accessing DNR Nature Preserve Site Locations
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Nature Preserve Commission Sites are considered "sensitive areas" for the purpose of dicamba application to soybean. Therefore it is vital that applicators identify if any of these DNR sites are located near soybean fields where Engenia, Xtendimax, FeXapan or Tavium may be applied. IFCA worked with DNR to gain access to files of these sites that you can download into your spray application software. You can find that information here.
There are 9 DNR areas in the State. Click on your area and you can see a listing of all the names of the DNR Nature Preserve sites by County within that area. If you then click on the name of the site, you can view detailed information about each Nature Preserve site including the size, exact location and a topo map showing the location of the nature preserve.
The dicamba labels are also available on the IFCA dicamba website. The Illinois emergency rule made a June 20 cut-off date for application, no application at or above 85-degrees and a forecast a high temperature at the nearest location that is above 85-degrees for the application date, define residential areas that are adjacent, neighboring and down-wind as a "DO NOT SPRAY" label requirement and provide guidance on protecting other sensitive areas.