Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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California Diesel Emission Standards Legislation May Impact Certain Regions of Illinois

SB2563, sponsored by Sen. Melinda Bush, started as a relatively conservative bill to make diesel emission testing throughout parts of Illinois more convenient by allowing portable onsite testing equipment.  It has been amended to inject current California Clean Air Standards for diesel engines into Illinois regulations.

This legislation would require all model year 2007 and later vehicles registered in the federal clean air non-attainment areas of Illinois to pass 5% opacity testing standards.  This includes Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, Will, McHenry, portions of Grundy & Kendall, St. Clair, Madison, and Monroe Counties.  IFCA believes if this legislation would pass this session, it would not be long before all heavy trucks in Illinois would have to meet this standard.  This testing is mandatory for all vehicles over 16,000 lbs. and 2 model years old or older.

IFCA is strongly opposed to the language as it dramatically changes diesel emission standards for heavy trucks.  SB2563 is being held in committee while more negotiations occur.  IFCA will let our members know if this moves out of committee.
Below are a few highlights regarding SB2563:
  • The current Illinois regulatory emissions requirements were not discussed or presented to government agencies or other affected parties that operate diesel-powered vehicles.
  • Most of the diesel-powered vehicles with a model year from 2007 to 2011 will require replacement or retrofitting of emissions equipment, which can cost over $15,000 per unit, not including labor.
  • Any vehicle equipped with a Caterpillar diesel engine will not meet the standard, thus requiring engine replacement.
  • “Glider kits” (trucks that are rebuilt with new bodies) will be prohibited under this legislation as the requirement is based on vehicle model year; California law is based on the model year of the engine.
  • Trucking operations based in the above counties face an economic disadvantage compared to the rest of the state.
If you or your companies have any questions regarding SB2563, please do not hesitate to reach out to KJ Johnson at KJ@IFCA.COM