Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Winter Fertilizer Stewardship

With fresh snow on the ground and frozen soils throughout the state, we want to emphasize the importance of good stewardship practices.  Winter is still in full swing, and spreading fertilizer on frozen or snow-covered ground is a practice that should be discouraged.  For any nutrients that still need to be applied, please visit with your grower customers and promote getting these applications made in the spring.  The application of nutrients on frozen, snow covered soils can and has resulted in documented nutrient runoff events caused by rapid snow-melt or rain events that occur before the soil has thawed.  
IFCA is very proud of the commitment made by our members to support the IFCA 4R Code of Practice.  Sticking to these practices will help our industry retain the respect it has earned regarding agricultural nutrient issues in Illinois and help us avoid regulation and litigation.  It is the right thing to do!