Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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New Covid Mitigation Plan Impacts Testing & Training

On November 20, 2020 the State of Illinois will enact new mitigation procedures to address the increasing number of covid cases in Illinois.  The mitigations are explained in detail here.  Here are how these new mitigations are affecting training and testing programs:
Pesticide Testing/Training:   IDA will soon make on-line pesticide testing available in general standards and all categories.  The UI is also offering on-line training and you can order self-study materials from UI.  However, in-person testing is in a state of flux given the new covid mitigations.  All in-person testing scheduled at the Asmark Agricenter in Bloomington has been cancelled through the end of December.  IDA is still evaluating if they can offer in-person testing at the State Fairgrounds or any other venues.  Keep checking the IDA website here for updates on the pesticide training and testing program, and contact IFCA if you have questions.  
New Farmer NH3 Training and "Train the Trainer" Program:   For the new farmer ammonia training requirements, IDA will have a free on-line farmer training program available in January 2021.  IFCA and IDA also have a "Train the Trainer" program where qualified persons who have experience with ammonia and who are Certified Competent Attendants will be able to provide in-person training to their farmer customers.  To see what the qualifications are to be a trainer, click here.  We had scheduled "Train the Trainer" classes on Dec 7, 8, and 9.  However, we had to cancel these classes due to the new covid mitigation requirements.  IFCA has notified everyone who signed up for these classes, and we will plan to reschedule them and offer additional "train the trainer" classes in early 2021.  If you want to be added to the list of potential trainers and receive updates, or have questions about the farmer training program or any ammonia related questions please contact John Rebholz at IFCA.  The rules are posted at and farmers will have until April 1, 2022 to obtain their initial certification.