Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Foursomes Available for IFCA Golf Outings

Every year IFCA hosts two golf outings to help support the IFCA Scholarship fund. Given everything that has taken place in 2020, we are more than excited to host these events and visit personally with our members, all while enjoying a nice round of golf.
This year we will be hosting both golf outings at two new locations. This Thursday, July 30, we will be at the Pontiac Elk’s Lodge. The following Thursday, August 6, we will travel down to the Edgewood Golf Club in Auburn, IL. Both outings will start with lunch at 11:00 followed by a shotgun start at 12:00. We still have a few spots left if you’re interested and want to help a great cause.
Please call the office, 309-827-2774, or email Leslie Forrest,, if you are interested in participating. For more information, please click HERE to view the registration form for more details.