Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Agricultural Life After 2020

Guilty pleasure time — one of my favorite television shows from a few years back was called “Life After People.” For those unfamiliar, this program looked at what would happen if humanity suddenly disappeared, chronicling how things would be for the planet once we as a species were not around.
Not that it’s quite the same but given how much of an aberration 2020 is turning out to be, I thought it might be interesting to speculate on the fates for some items for those in agriculture once this year has faded into the history books.
Dicamba D-Day
Since their widespread introduction back in 2017, dicamba-tolerant crops have become very popular with grower-customers. In fact, during the 2020 growing season, USDA figures show that more than 60 million acres was planted with dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton.
However, there were a few problems. During the past three years, there have been thousands of growers across the country that complained of damage to their fields due to off-target drift from dicamba application. This led to a series of lawsuits, and questions about the future of dicamba-tolerant crops in general. In fact, just last month, I speculated that “D-Day for dicamba” might be coming at the end of 2020, when EPA was due to re-register it for use in 2021.
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