Selling Dicamba after July 15
With the July 15 application cut-off date approaching, retailers may be curious about whether the "stop applying" provision on the labels for Extendimax, Engenia, FeXapan and Tavium also applies to sales of these products after July 15.
IFCA consulted with the IL Dept of Ag on this question. There is no "stop sale" order on these products after July 15. However, if you are asked to sell these products to an applicator after July 15, you should remind them of the label restriction for application to soybean, and warn them that knowingly violating the July 15 cut-off date by applying any of these products to soybean will rise to the level of a monetary penalty from IDA at a minimum; it is also possible that the applicator could have their license suspended for knowingly violating the cut-off date in addition to a monetary penalty. The IDA has the discretion to suspend licenses based on the severity of the circumstances of each case.
Retailers must record the date and the applicator's name and license number on the sale of any restricted use pesticides. If anyone who asks you to sell them these dicamba products after July 15 you can also remind them that this record of sale will exist for a minimum of 2 years. The use of any other non-RUP dicamba products on soybean is also a serious and "knowing" violation of the Pesticide Act because only the 4 products mentioned above can legally be used on soybean. Applicators who falsify any information on the record of application, such as the date, are also committing a knowing violation of the Pesticide Act.
It is also important to remember that the July 15 cut-off supersedes the label provision that allows for application up to 45 days after planting. Only beans that were planted in May would have reached the 45 day cut-off before the July 15 cut-off kicked in. Beans planted in May must abide by the 45 day cut-off requirement. All other DT soybeans must comply with the July 15 cut-off date, no exceptions. If you have any questions on dicamba stewardship, please contact IFCA. Dicamba labels and resources are available on our website, click here.