Fuel Taxes Take Effect July 1
On July 1, the fuel taxes outlined in the state budget go into effect. The gasoline tax will increase by 19 cents and diesel by 24 cents. On a related note, IFCA is working with the Governor's office to expedite his signature on HB 2669 which removes the registration and license requirements for fertilizer trailers and self-propelled implements of husbandry. While not many floaters or sprayers are registered, some desiring to be laden with load on the highway are, and the license plate then requires you to burn clear, taxable diesel fuel in these vehicles. Once the bill is signed you will no longer need the plate and can burn tax-free dyed fuel in all sprayers and floaters. BUT you must never exceed 36,000 on the highway whether loaded or unloaded. We will keep you posted on the status of this legislation, but continue to maintain your plates until the bill is signed. For questions call KJ or Jean.