Items of Interest:
BASF Hosting Additional Dicamba-Specific Webinar Training
As in-classroom, label-required dicamba training wraps up and the new growing season approaches, you may find that yourself or one of your employees still has not gone through training. With this thought in mind, BASF has scheduled three additional dicamba-specific webinar trainings for those who have not yet attended training. The link to the webinars as well as the dates and times of the trainings are listed below:
Thursday, April 18th at 8:00am
Monday, April 22nd at 3:00pm
Monday, May 6th at 9:00am
It is important to reiterate that dicamba-specific training is an annual requirement. In addition to having passed the general standards and field crop exam, applicators must also go through dicamba-specific training every year as well. Online training is still available by visiting, but classroom or webinar training is still recommended if possible.
MRTN App Update
The maximum return to nitrogen (MRTN) rate calculator is the University of Illinois recomended rate of nitrogen for the entire state, separated into three geographic regions (north, central and south). It provides a method to caluclate the return to N application and to find the maximum return to N at selected prices of N and corn directly from recent research data. The research data that feeds the MRTN comes directly from nitrogen response curves generated from nitrogen rate trials throughout the state of Illinois every year.
Recently, the MRTN app for both ios as well as android were updated. One of the updates was the addition of all of the 2018 nitrogen rate results being entered into the MRTN program. This means that the most recent yield response data will have an impact on the "Profitable N Rate Range" generated through the use of the caluclator. Both apps can be found simply by searching "MRTN" in the app store, and selecting "MRTN Rate Caluclator". If you are using android, you can download the most recent update by visiting:
You can also view all of the 2018 N rate trial results by visiting: Here, you can see all N response rates by hovering your cursor over each individual trial displayed on a map of the state. You can also view response rates by year, dating back to 2014.
The nitrogen rate trials that generate the data to feed the MRTN rate calculator are funded by NREC, the Nutrient Research and Education Council.