Dicamba & Paraquat Label Training
Dicamba Training: Last week was the end of classroom training for dicamba label training in Illinois. Anyone who still needs training is now limited to the on-line training being offered by Bayer and BASF. The links to the training websites are listed at http://www.ifca.com/illinoisdicambatraining. These on-line training programs are also a great refresher if you took the training months ago and want to review the label requirements prior to application season. Illinois has enacted an application cut-off date of June 30, 2019 along with several other requirements to ensure protection of adjacent and downwind residential areas and other sensitive areas such as trees. These new requirements are also explained on the dicamba training website.
Paraquat Training: You may have heard that USEPA is also requiring specific training for anyone who handles pesticides containing paraquat. This is true, but the new product labels for paraquat pesticides specifying the new training requirement won't be out until later this year, probably in the fall of 2019. To understand more about this training requirement click here: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/paraquat-dichloride-training-certified-applicators. Technically, you do not need to undergo the training until you begin using paraquat products with the new labels, but there is no reason you can't take the training now. It will be required once every 3 years.