Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Upcoming Dicamba Training Classes - Mt. Vernon Today

IFCA has been organizing classroom dicamba training opportunities, similar to what we did last year.  So far, there are classroom events being offered following most of the UI Private Applicator Clinics, and several of our retail members have also arranged for events to be taught by one of the registrants, and are willing to allow additional people to come in to these classes.  The Dicamba Training Website at features the currently available classes.  
If your retail location is planning on having the registrants come in to train, and you are willing to allow others to attend, please contact IFCA and we will add your event to the calendar.  
THERE IS A TRAINING CLASS TODAY, DECEMBER 18, at 3:00 pm at the Doubletree in Mt. Vernon.  There is plenty of room so please attend and spread the word if you are in that area of the state.  Dr. Bill Simmons (UI Emeritus) is teaching the class on behalf of BASF.