Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

IFCA Dicamba Survey Results

Thank you IFCA retail members for responding to the IFCA dicamba survey; your input is extremely valuable as IFCA engages with registrants, ag groups and state and federal agencies on the future of this herbicide use.  August is a critical month for these discussions and your feedback as professional applicators is essential.  A report of the survey results is available on our website at or click here to access the report.  
We saw an article today written by Dr. Larry Steckel at the University of Tennessee; it reflects upon the role of the commercial applicator and the challenges surrounding this issue.  Click here to read his assessment.  
We will keep you posted as we continue to work on this issue.  IDA is likely exceed 300 official dicamba misuse complaints this week, surpassing the 246 official complaints last year.