Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

State Listed Sensitive Areas & Stewardship

To help pesticide applicators with their obligation to identify sensitive areas when planning to apply dicamba, the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources developed a website that identifies all the designated state sensitive areas for things like nature preserves, protected land and water resources and areas where threatened and endangered species may exist.  All of these would be considered "sensitive areas" on the dicamba label, along with many other possible receptors.  According to the labels. everything but another dicamba tolerant crop, a paved road or the footprint of a building is a sensitive area.  Click here to be directed to the IFCA homepage where the "In the News" area contains our Dicamba Stewardship feature, including a link to the DNR website of state designated sensitive areas and a link to Driftwatch which identifies specialty crops.   
Many ag retailers are setting stewardship cutoff dates for dicamba application based on their expertise and local considerations; IFCA supports our members who take additional precautions to steward the judicious use of this herbicide technology.  In 2017, the majority of dicamba related complaints occurred when dicamba was applied the week of June 19 or later.  Please review Dr. Aaron Hager's UI Bulletin on Dicamba Success which is part of the IFCA Stewardship feature at