Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Dicamba Classes Complete; On-Line Training Now an Option

The final dicamba classroom event was March 28 in Rockford.  At its conclusion, IFCA estimates that nearly 11,000 people attended the classroom training that we organized throughout the state.  The IL Dept of Ag issued a press release regarding the training, complimenting the high turnout and directing people to additional resources to receive training ahead of the application season, see the press release here.  
For people who missed the training, change their minds about applying dicamba, get hired just prior to season as an applicator, or who want a refresher of what was covered in the classroom training, you can utilize the Monsanto, BASF, or Corteva training on-line training modules to meet the Illinois training requirement.  All will provide a certificate of training at the completion of the module, and you choose from any of the three.  Go to IFCA's Illinois Dicamba Training website to link to the on-line modules.   If you attended a class and did not receive a certificate afterwards, the website has a link at the bottom to be directed to phone numbers to call depending on whether it was a BASF or Monsanto class.  
The IL Dept of Ag will recognize training that was taken in another state, so long as that State Dept of Ag approved the training.  So, if you took an approved class in IN, MO, IA, WI etc. you can use that training to meet the Illinois requirement.  Unfortunately, none of the other states appear to be granting similar reciprocity, so if an Illinois applicator plans to apply dicamba to soybeans in 2018 in another state, you MUST have taken that state's approved dicamba training.  
The Illinois Dicamba Training website will remain up throughout the season, and it features Dicamba Success guidance from Dr. Aaron Hager, recordkeeping forms, guides to keeping weather records, a guide on inversions, and other helpful resources. 
Reminder:  Illinois pesticide dealers DO NOT have to ask for proof of training prior to selling the RUP dicamba products to a customer.  You need only record it as a RUP sale, like all other RUP sales.  It is the responsibility of the applicator to obtain and maintain a record of their training.  
If you have any questions about dicamba use in 2018, please call IFCA.