Indiana Dicamba Training Offered
Thanks to IFCA's great working relationship with Purdue University and the Office of the State Chemist in Indiana, Purdue University has offered to teach several dicamba training classes along the Illinois/Indiana border to help Illinois applicators get their dicamba training certificates for both Indiana and Illinois, all by taking just one class. The Illinois Department of Agriculture recognizes other state-approved classroom dicamba training programs as also meeting the requirements in Illinois, therefore the class taught by Purdue will enable applicators who apply in both states to get their required training to use dicamba on soybeans in 2018. However, Indiana still does not recognize IL training, so if you plan to apply dicamba in Indiana, we encourage you to get to one of these classes, or other classes offered by Purdue in Indiana.
These classes are scheduled on February 26 in Covington, IN, March 8 in Vincennes, IN and March 13 in Allendale, IL. These classes are posted on the Illinois Dicamba Training Website. Please pre-register so that we can let Purdue know how many people will be attending. There is no charge for Illinois citizens to attend the training.
There are nearly 80 future classes on the calendar for applicators to receive dicamba training, and 58 have been completed. Illinois has over 4,000 people trained to date; we are well on our way to training an expected 10-12,000 people ahead of the 2018 soybean season. If you have questions about dicamba training or use, please contact IFCA.