Clearing Up Questions on Dicamba Training
As of this week, over 1,100 Illinois applicators have received the required dicamba training and there are many more classes scheduled throughout the state. In fielding calls about dicamba training, here are answers to some of the most common questions.
1. Reciprocity. At this point, there is no reciprocity on training between the states. If you plan to apply dicamba in more than one state, you should plan to attend dicamba training in the state(s) where you will apply the product. If the reciprocity situation changes, we will let you know. But for now, there is no reciprocity on training.
2. Who Needs Training? All applicators and operators must be trained. For example, a commercial applicator who has five operators reporting to them, but who does not run a sprayer themselves, still has to have the training, as do all of the operators who actually apply the product under the commercial applicator's supervision. In short, if you are recommending, supervising or applying dicamba to soybeans, you must have the training. This goes for private applicators (farmers) as well. The private applicator with the license must be trained, and so does anyone who is in the sprayer applying dicamba under that private applicator's instructions and supervision. There are no exemptions from training for family members who are applying the product for the private applicator.
3. Can Anyone Come to Training? Yes. Anyone who wants to understand the stewardship aspects of this technology should attend. This includes farmers who plant Xtend soybeans even if they are not private applicators. There is no charge for the training but we ask that you pre-register so that we can manage the size of the classes.
The Illinois Dicamba Training website is We continue to add training classes to the schedule so check it regularly for a class near you. IFCA members can also attend training on each day of the IFCA Convention, January 16-18. Go to to see the schedule of events; you can register on-line via the IFCA convention website.