Convention 2018 - Exhibitor Notification
You are receiving this email because your company exhibited at the 2017 IFCA Winter Convention. The 2018 Convention dates are January 16 – 18, at the Peoria Civic Center.
IFCA is excited to announce that we are moving to an online booth sign-up. We are still in the process of setting up the webpage so please be patient as we transition from paper to an electronic system. From this point forward all communication will be done electronically. We no longer will be mailing contracts through the post office.
Please look for another email the week of October 23rd with instructions on how to sign up for your booth. If you have any questions with this process please feel free to call our office.
If you are receiving this email and you are no longer the point of contact for tradeshows email Leslie Forrest ( with the correct contact information.