Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Ammonia Compliance Issues

Thursday, October 5 is the LAST opportunity for you to attend a IFCA/IDA class and receive a competent attendant ammonia training certificate.  The class is being offered the Asmark Agricenter in Bloomington.  You can register at or call our office.  Any person working in the industry who makes or breaks ammonia connections or works on ammonia equipment must be certified by attending an IDA approved ammonia training course.  
As you prepare for the fall ammonia season, now is a good time to inspect all of your ammonia hoses for any nicks, cuts, soft spots, abrasions or slippage near the coupler and outer hose cover.  IDA will also inpect your ammonia hoses during a compliance visit, so if you have any questions or issues pertaining to these inspections please give IFCA a call.  
Now is also a good time to review the emergency response procedures in case of an ammonia release.  Any release over 18 gallons (or 100 lbs) must be reported immediately to IEMA, the National Response Center (NREC), your local LEPC.  Whoever is in possession of the ammonia at the time of the release is the person who must make the call, and that can often be the farmer, so please advise your customers of the proper reporting procedures.  We have a reporting guide on the IFCA website (click here) or we can send you emergency response wallet cards.  Please call John if you need assistance on reporting an ammonia release, we are here to help.