NREC Cover Crop Guidance
The IL Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy lists the planting of cover crops as a significant way to reduce nutrient losses in tile drained fields. NREC has been investing in cover crop research for the past five years, and the research has identified the steps that farmers can take to have a successful experience with cover crops. Plant them ahead of soybeans! If you have customers that are wanting to try a cover crop but are hesitant to do so after hearing horror stories of emergence problems, not being able to kill the cover crop, voles, etc., this new NREC guide addresses those issues and more. With corn harvest underway, there is still time to consider a cereal rye cover crop ahead of next year's soybeans--NREC research performed at an on-farm, field scale level has shown over multiple years that a cereal rye cover crop ahead of soybeans has no detrimental impact on the soybeans, and the cover crop does scavenge nitrogen and lower the levels of N in the field tiles. Click here for the NREC Cover Crop Guide.