Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Dicamba Update - Survey Report

IFCA thanks our ag retail members who completed the IFCA Dicamba Management Survey that we made available to our retail members this past month.  We had great response and we've compiled a report illustrating the feedback we received. CLICK HERE to access the report.  Many retailers provided written comments as well as answering the survey questions, which were also very helpful.  We will be sharing this report with the manufacturers of the new dicamba products and with other key stakeholders as we work to determine practical ways to improve this situation.  We also want to thank everyone who called our office to share their experiences and offer suggestions for improvement.  
As of last week, the IL Dept of Ag has 239 dicamba related misuse reports.  The number of complaints officially filed with IDA vastly superceedes any other year on record, going back to the inception of the misuse reporting system.  In an average year, IDA fields 110-130 misuse reports, and that includes pesticide use in both lawn care and agriculture.  This year the total pesticide misuse reports exceed 350, with the majority related to suspected dicamba misuse.  The leadership at IFCA is dedicated to working with all stakeholders in the industry and with policy and regulatory bodies to find a workable framework for going forward, and we again thank our members for your honest feedback and suggestions.  We will keep you posted; in the meantime if you have questions please contact Jean, KJ or John in our office.