Illinois Continues to Lead in 4R NMS; Sign Up Today to Take the Exam
At last week's 4R Summit in Minneapolis, IFCA was proud to be in the audience when Illinois was featured as the state with the most 4R Nutrient Management Specialists (4R NMS): 62 in all. The entire USA has 269 Certified Crop Advisers with the 4R NMS designation; the state closest to Illinois is Iowa with 32 4R NMS. We are more than double any other state which truly signifies that we take the 4Rs seriously. On behalf of IFCA, we want you to know that environmental groups, IEPA and water suppliers all view the CCA program extremely favorably and believe that CCAs are making a difference when it comes to helping farmers better manage nutrients. The fact that CCAs are seeking an additional certification in the 4Rs and that Illinois has far more 4R NMS than any other state helps us continue to lead on nutrient issues and not go down the track of litigation, legislation or onerous regulations. CCAs are achieving the 4R NMS voluntarily, and that also demonstrates to others that voluntary actions can work and make a difference.
Registration for the August 4, 2107 CCA Exams must be completed by Friday June 23, 2017. The three CCA Specialty Exams – 4R Nutrient Management Specialist, Sustainability and Resistance Management Specialist will also be given in the afternoon at the same time as the Tri-State Exam. The International CCA Exam is held in the morning. You must pass both the International exam and the Tri-State exam to be certified in Illinois. Exam registration information and some study materials, including the performance objectives that you should use to study for the exams, can be found at: You must already be a CCA to take any of the specialty exams. If you have any additional questions, contact CCA Coordinator Lisa Martin at (815) 674-6644.