IFCA Alert: Details on Dicamba Re-Registration
Oct 27, 2020
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New Dicamba Labels
On October 27, USEPA announced it has issued new registrations for XtendiMax and Engenia, two dicamba products whose labels were cancelled last July 31, 2020.  The Agency also extended the registration for Tavium; therefore, all these labels now expire in 2025.  No news on the registration for FeXapan yet, but registration for this product would be possible since the XtendiMax registration has been approved.  Corteva will likely provide more information on the status of FeXapan.      
The main, new points in the product registrations and labels are outlined below, and also explained in the USEPA press release.  
  • Requiring an approved pH-buffering agent (also called a Volatility Reduction Agent or VRA) be tank mixed with OTT dicamba products prior to all applications to control volatility.
  • Requiring a downwind buffer of 240 feet to protect sensitive areas, and 310 feet in areas where listed species are located. (IFCA Note:  To clarify, Illinois has 29 endangered species counties, see this map.  In these counties the downwind buffer to protect sensitive areas will be 310 feet and 57 feet on all other sides of the field.  All labels will still have a "do not spray" if sensitive crops are downwind.)
  • Prohibiting OTT application of dicamba on soybeans after June 30 and cotton after July 30.  (IFCA Note: The cutoff date in Illinois in 2020 was June 20, later extended to June 25).  
  • Simplifying the label and use directions so that growers can more easily determine when and how to properly apply dicamba.
In the press release, USEPA indicated they will remain supportive of states that wish to pursue additional label changes utilizing Section 24(c).  In 2020, the Illinois Dept of Ag enacted six additional 24(c) label requirements for the dicamba products, including a cutoff date, an 85 degree temperature restriction, protection of DNR Nature Preserve Commission sites, clarifications to protect residential and sensitive areas and a requirement to check FieldWatch and document all sensitive crops. 
IFCA will remain in communication with the IL Dept of Ag regarding any possible additional label changes that may be considered by IDA.  It is important to remember that there are many stakeholders in Illinois pesticide stewardship issues including non-DT growers, specialty crop growers and homeowners.  In 2020, dicamba related complaints reported to IDA dropped significantly (149) compared to over 700 complaints filed in 2019.  If IDA desires to seek additional protections IFCA will work closely with them and urge an expedited decision in order to provide clarity to the industry ahead of the 2021 crop year.  
As the labels are released we will also know more about training requirements and other details.  But in the meantime, please feel free to contact IFCA at (309) 827-2774 with questions or concerns.  
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